Muslim stabs Christian Priest in Montreal Media covers it up

Man seen by 100 people, streamed live online. Reporters on the scene. Description "tall slim man."

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good, more videos to make mudshits more hated

This is why these things have to happen

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>"when a 26 year old white man....."

is it true or not?

probably false and if they did not say the name its certainly a mudshit

Has his identity been released yet or are you speculating?

>tall slim man
Are the Somalis getting such improved nutrition they are growing tall now?

probably someone who got diddled and wanted revenge

>"aa" being yelled
Negative light? Must be white!
Positive light? Shill minority to new height!

Would make sense in montreal.
Half of it is white quebecker, the other half jew,mediteraneans and anglos.