Why is putin so afraid of them?


Why is putin so afraid of them?

Attached: t-A-T-u-tatu-23149208-800-600_0.jpg (300x225, 15K)

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They are a signing duo who pretend to be lesbians, to push LGBT acceptance. The definition of gay propaganda.

Well any true tatu fan would know they were never gay and they were played at the sochi olympics.

Nice try, friendo.

did they fug?

they've been irrelevant(and disbanded) for at least a decade...

damn i loved them though...

you making stuff up
They weren't pushing anything, don't mix sex sells principle with lgbt propaganda




no. they werent even actually together

I unironically love “All The Things You Said” but those two faggots are geniuses

mood = apathetic

fucking idiot

tatu is meant to be listened to in russian

>leaf calling someone an idiot

Rooski version is superior desu.

well u successfully subverted the west, good job commie cuck

i havent had a coffee in over 8 hrs, so baby's got a temper.

Non conforming as can be

Forgive me putin sama


Link? Mein nigger

they have powerful pussies which could crush his small frame



the music is no good but the girls are hot so that's scary
have this to cleanse your ears

Attached: c169f93c1baf2ad880fe44529620b02d.jpg (494x640, 57K)


lena was always superior.

I'm confused.

Says that Putin is afraid of Tatu.

Then he contradicts himself by saying Tatu was played during Sochi olympics, Putin's pet project.

who cares if they are pretending. its all about the imagery and the agenda. just look at hollyjew and what they have accomplished.

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Aren't they both married to men and with children now?

my fucking sides


aw man, i fucking loved t.A.T.u. back in the day. Spergs would always smirk when they told me "they're not even really lesbians" like I would even give a fuck.

anyway gas the kikes

Stop making this thread you stupid cunt - this is twice today now

Race war now bro, race war now

>Why is putin so afraid of them?
They are a symbol of a countries degeneration

Pic related

Attached: yulia1.jpg (600x718, 65K)

This thread again, can't you kikes come up with anything original?

Why are you so afraid of them?

Attached: tatu.jpg (389x600, 58K)

>be a Cossack
>see tatu
>get ready for the final boss
>polish your whip, wipe your sweat
>put in a new mouth piece
>say your orthodox prayer and do a cross with your tongue

Attached: article-2563041-1BA3515400000578-545_634x475.jpg (634x475, 54K)

There is nothing wrong with attractive lesbians. Even if they pretend to be.

This is a triumph.

normally I'd report this, but i have many fond memories of these tramps

their CD was also really cheap when it first came out which helped a lot. the russian versions of their hits were better even if I couldn't understand them

Because of leaves.

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