Why are blue eyes a desirable feature?
Why are blue eyes a desirable feature?
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Because pupil size is a useful datapoint.
Not gonna lie
Top is cuter
Cuter in France maybe.
Need a hazel, light brown and green variant to really make a choice.
because pupils get bigger when people are more emotional and not being able to tell if black people are emotional has been a problem for all of recorded history.
Zooey a cute!
Also, I believe it is because when I see brown I immediately think of feces, dead leaves, etc. When I see blue eyes, I think of pretty blue birds, a beautiful blue sky, clear blue water, etc. I simply naturally associate blue eyes with beautiful things.
Also, brown eyes are the most commom of eye color, while blue eyes are very rare (from a global perspective.)
dark blue eyes are prettier
they're black
assume they're going to emotional
you don't need to look into their eyes
green/hazel eyes are better
And yet, they interbreed with us.
blue eyes are so much easier to talk to because their feelings are on their eyes and you're not having to look at brows and body language and autismal garbage like when you deal with wunnadem lobster-vision folks.
another abhorrent post from canada
Because the accompanying features are the most graceful and feminine. They don't think it be like it is, but it do.
so that's why blue eyed men look feeble and sick
It shows you have a genetic immunity to cold
Woman with blue eyes give me nightmares the clearer the worst for me, is all in the eye of the beholder
>has to cherry pick to prove something
ok retard
You Cunts have been running low on good bantz lately.
Bout time you came around with a Gem, m8.
It was the only cherry on my computer.
Blue eyes are superior to brown.
I'm not allowed to make my own threads what do you fucking expect
Blue eyed people are cold heartless psychos
Can dark eyes and northern euro type pale skin even exist together? When you have high melanin your skin goes dark first, its why you can get half black people with blue eyes as the eyes normally go last, but I'm not sure top pic is even possible.
There is a reason brown eye is a synonym for your poophole.
It makes like a rainbow effect when you cum in them
>mfw I have blue eyes
>mfw girls and milfs compliment them daily
Fuckin' google eyes and all.
You are statistically correct. Blue eyed people are slightly more likely to become nepotists. HOWEVER these studies were done in Finland and the same results might indicate a lack of trust in immigrants, not specifically brown eyes.
Unless you can point me to an alternative study? Preferably one uninfluenced by "social" science.
I don't care since they got me laid
Grey eyes > all
Cray suicide eyes my my outtie turn in to an innie.
Blue eyes give great night vision but are shit in the sun
She looks better with brown eyes though
>When you have high melanin your skin goes dark first
The melanin gene can be moved to any part of the genome and any organ can be melanised.
a nigger needs literally a hundred copies of it to be so black, some of them not even in external organs (melanin in lungs or brain, for example)
I met her once, and she smelled like BO and booze
ah, you win this time.
but "aoi" is just a shade of blue if I wanna argue
Because blue eyes are most common to rh- blood types. Rh- does not descend from monkeys like common homoerectus.
I don't know but one has the ability to hypnotize me and the other looks like a Mexican.
Sauce? I've heard brown eyes are better for the sun and dark
Im gonna eat you thats why
No, it wasn't hot, it was actually quite cold
This is Human Perfection,
and you all know it.
oh boy here we fucking go
>Although some Rh-related restriction fragments were conserved across species lines in primates, the Rh locus was more polymorphic in chimpanzees and gorillas than in humans.
translation: great apes have more Rh-variability than humans.
Human perfection is white paint on the face?
Top looks totally fucking lifeless
Now post her with brown eyes and see how she looks uglier. The light eyes help her a lot
she's a kike
...Are you even reading my posts?
Aoi is moonspeak for Blue.
>Dark eyes
No soul
>Colored eyes
Abbo detected.
More than half of languages don't differentiate
W-who's this?
isn't it... isn't it obvious?
Rarity, probably
You definitely see the emotions with light colored eyes. Even the soul of the person some say
Did they make a live action movie about KOTOR 2?
Do want.
Cool fag talk.
>while blue eyes are very rare (from a global perspective.)
From genetic perspective too, as it is a recessive trait.
both look weird
probably has something to do with the expression on her face tho
if they're a nice blue sure
it's better than what I have, muted blue going into muted green inside, looks grey at times its fucking ugly
id rather brown
narcissism is a recessive trait and it spread to 90% of the population.
Correct user.
>Blue eyed people are cold heartless psychos
Blue eyed (((people))) are cold heartless psychos
you're welcome
Dark hair light eyes are the best. Especially if its black hair and blue eyes.
Really gains interest in my shekels....
I’m RH negative and have not common emerald colored eyes. Not one day goes by that a stranger stops to ask if they’re real.
I gave a blue haired bitch black eyes once
cool rebuttal, nigger
Lighter the colors are, more sensitive you’ll be from the sun
Ah, the make stupid faces while screaming people. God they're awful.
Because its rarer and distinctive and creates contrast which is hot. It's just one feature though. I'd take a hottie with brown eyes over a beached landwhale with blue ones any day.
> Mfw
> Irish
> Basuqe
> 5'9
> Swarthy
> Big brown eyes
> Dark Brown Hair
> Reddish/Brownish beard
> Look like pic related when i let my hair and beard grow long
> 25 yrs old
s-should i end it now lads?
Coolboarders was a pretty fun game on PSX, imo.
The snowboarding side game in FF VII was underrated also
Are we all posting our own eyes to this honeypot thread yet?
>blue eyes blonde hair master race
>narcissism is a recessive trait
link to data, please
More human then you mutt
I am blue-eyed, and I think the top is better looking. Either way, liberals are faggots and she is easier to trick based on eye color. Sad!.
I wish I was the one to make her smell that way.
humans are social creatures and pupils tell alot, they expand, contract, and tells you where that person is looking, it's important for empathy, which whites have evolved.. every other animal on earth do not have this, including other human races. this is because they do not have the same level of empathy as whites
What are you all afraid of?
Hey rabbi.
Understand the holohoax psyop and what jews have done to the West post-WW2.
Read through this thread, it's all there...
Use this info to redpill others. Redpilling normies is the ONLY battle that matters now. Redpill them and the rest will work itself out.
Ah, sorry. I know, but I’m a female, and it’s after 2 in the morning. Can’t sleep sorry anons
You sure you weren't? Maybe it was you she was getting drunk with the night before
This was in Alaska
so that's why my eyes get teary when I go out in the sun
Blood type is where its at
She puts baby foreskins on her face