Christfags of Jow Forums

1) If Leviticus is a part of the Torah, then it’s jewish law in addition to Christianity.
2) Jews regard goyim to be cattle
3) Leviticus commands that you never mixed breed of your cattle
4) therefore, Leviticus commands that you never race mix your goyim...

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>it’s jewish law
Exactly. I'm a gentile.

Jesus said the old law is obsolete; but we should learn from it is all.

What I’m saying is that the Bible commands the goyim not to race mix.

>What I’m saying is that the Bible commands the goyim not to race mix.
The old law is not law anymore tho so...

It’s depends on how hard you get into Christian fundamentalism. Amish, for example, take the Old Testament seriously. Many of the Protestant sects take your approach and disregard it completely.

>yes goy, don't take the old way more important laws serious anymore
>be a good cattle and mix with inferior races
*rubs hooves*

No, the OT commands jews and that's it, not goyim, and even then it finished on the cross. Gentiles get the new covenant.

Get fucked rabbi...

The Hebrew word for cattle is literally goyim. Don’t place your goys in a diverse herd. I’m not a fundamentalist, but I will totally use this against any race-mixing liberal church goer any Day when they say muh white nationalism is anti-Christian.

The old testament is still valid except where the new testament explicitly contradicts it.

Race-mixing is an abomination to God

race mixing is forbidden more than nearly anything else in the bible, based on my memory

the true redpill is that 'adultery' is race mixing, and not 'coveting your neighbors wife,' which was already covered by commandment 10

render (something) poorer in quality by adding another substance, typically an inferior one.

no jot or title shall pass from the law

both wrong
the old law was fulfilled with jesus death, none of the laws of the old testament are necessary anymore and except for moral commandments the old testament is void

until all is fulfilled
Christ's sacrifice for humanity fulfilled the law

you're the one that has to stand before the judgment seat of Christ, alone
and the health laws might be of concern to you, because human bodies still work the same way
the dismissive attitude about the old covenant will lead you to miss the countless prophecies that apply to, and expound upon the appearance of Antichrist in the final hours of this age
without the law, we cannot be condemned, and thus we cannot seek the forgiveness that only appears in Jesus Christ
and no, lots of prophetic stuff hasn't happened yet

so you might want to rethink the value of the old covenant

>untill all is fulfilled
no dumbass, it is not all fulfilled. Fulfilled is like the end of the universe when god hands out the prizes and btfos fags like me.

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to further elaborate
Fulfillment, the job position, is a job where you make sure a customer or agent or party recieves their just dues or purchases. Fulfillment is not done at the point of purchasing or requesting something, but instead is the action that takes place afterwards where the promised exchange actually takes place

We all belong to different denominations and could argue about how important the Old Testament is.

My understanding is that God have the earth to Adam. He and it we perfect. Satan swindled Adam to take the world and all of his children. We were then place under God’s wrath and belonged to world and satan. That’s why the world is so evil. Then Jesus died on the cross, giving us forgiveness and mercy. We are still under God’s wrath and belong to satan until you are baptized and accept Christ. Old Testament is valid, but it’s not the letter of the law, it’s the spirit of the law that matters in the New Testament.

Wow this puts a lot of scripture into perspective.

Why do you christkikes ignore the fact that christianity was created by the jews namely saul of tarsus?
Why do you ignore that it shares scriptures and beliefs with judaism?
Why do you ignore the meaning of turn the other cheek and pretend it's in defiance when it never was?
Why are you so brainwashed? >memeflag
>accuses kikianity critics of being rabbis

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The devil is literally a much better god than god if you read the bible with a double digit iq.

the pre-christ religion did not call itself Judaism

I don't know why people take these lines so literally. They were declared at a time when many Judean kings followed pagan Semitic gods, to the great ire of the prophets. "Don't mix your linen and wool" aka don't pray to Yahweh while sacrificing to Ba'al.

>The Hebrew word for cattle is literally goyim.
It isn't, goyim is the plural of goy which means nation, as in the foreign ones. Your attempt at exigesis will be laughed out by anyone who has passing familiarity with the Old Testament, especially when you fail to account for why it was acceptable for Moses to marry a woman who wasn't an Israelite.


Zipporah wasn’t black... she was Arab. I suppose that is good point, but they aren’t separate races. That’s like says Northern Italians and Austrians getting together is race-mixing.

Egyptians, midianites, Israelites... all semites.