hey Jow Forums Im 24 and I cant find a job, I have gone from entry level job to entry level job for my whole life never developing any skills. I never have been fired but I quit on a whim to "find something better/explore other options" like a moron. Up until now I have been able to find work but for the past few months I have been unemployed, the longer I go unemployed the worse my resume looks and the less likely I am to get employed. I apply to about 50 entry level positions (ie: janitor, landscaping, food preparation) a week every week and get no calls back and when I do get interviews they never pan out.
>what should I do? reduce spending, draw up a reasonable budget
>what industries are growing? prostitution
>what industries have a low barrier to entry? conveyancing
>how can I better sell myself? add more value to yourself
>Is this common? there are an average of 20+ unemployed for every available position. just be happy it's not 200+ like in my country
Ryder James
When I was really struggling I went to a temp agency. If you speak English, have a car, and tools; you get sent to all of the best jobs. I went for a few days until I got sent to a job site that the crew was happy with my work and hired me on full time. I would work literally any trade. You do it for a few years and have the potential to start your own company or llc.
Benjamin Wright
Fill in the gap in your resume with some bullshit about an online business you ran. Lie and say that it had been going well, but then one day Google changed the fucking algorithm and you lost most of your traffic so you need to go back to a normal job. Makes it seem like you're an entrepreneur and not just a worthless neet.
Austin Sullivan
Why not just lie about the gap and says you are still working?
Henry Miller
Join a Security company. Best NEET job there is. I work at a refinery. Drive a Truck around the facility listening to audiobooks. Work in a security shack watching anime and netflix. Sometimes I don't need my own entertainment because I get to watch niggers being niggers.Plus I'm gaining skills that could be useful for -cop -firefighter -cyber security -homeland security
And if I smell a gas leak which happens just about ever other week I get an extra $100
Luke Garcia
Ok, First thing is first. You are an American. Meaning, you are protected by various laws that allow you to lie your fucking ass off for a job. Special hint: No one is actually qualified to do what they do. We all lied and beefed up our resumes, and just run to the corner and youtube how to do our jobs, until we actually learn it. This is what everyone does. So, first, lie about your previous wage. >So I see you worked at McDonalds for 3 years, can you tell me a bit more? >I was advancing into management, when I felt that the benefits package didn't meet my salary that I was offered. I am seeking another position, preferably in a higher position then just entry. LIE. Thats it. Tell them you made 17$ an hour when you really only made 12$. Upsell YOURSELF. They will not pitch you ANY number below 15$, and even that is pathetic. (honestly, 24ish you should be making close to 20 by now. 28 you should be making 40+, I'm 29 and just hit 35, little behind, but next interview should put me right there). You will always be looking for a change in work scene, thats just life. Staying at one faggot place for 20 years just isn't an option in todays job market. Doesn't happen. On average, if you stay with a single job for 5 years, you'll increase your annual earnings by about 12%. If you move from one position to the next, you'll advance roughly 30% in the same timeframe.
Now, no one wants a faggot whose worked 2 weeks at a dozen places. But learn to upsell yourself, and lie. Do not accept a wage you don't WANT to accept. 15$ an hour is a fucking joke. Don't be afraid to walk away when you say "I made 19$ an hour" and they hit you back with 15. Thank them, and end the interview. There are dozens of other places. This is a buyers market.
Secondly, if you took time off, simply state you were a 1099 consultant who worked freelance online.
Charles Ortiz
26 here and never worked a day in my life but am stacked with 3 different degrees. I wont even use any of them as I have social anxiety and will prob just end up as a cleaner or security work not having to communicate much with people.
Henry Brown
Vote yang and go NEET or kys
Ryder Taylor
I've been OTR for 7 years, while living rent-free with grandparents. You can imagine my savings. Full automation of OTR semi trucks won't happen, for maybe 3 decades (legal/risk/security/pillaging/hacking/blockade/emergency/terrain/immediate maintenance issues will take enormous time to mitigate). Even when it's finally passed, there will still be a human behind the wheel (unless we're extinct, technologically set backed or evolved into post biological nanobot mist). Please tell me you can drive stick.
Carson Bailey
thats a good idea desu, outsource my job search
Kevin Cox
Same here except I have no degrees
Today I had my mother set up an interview with an easy job where I just sit around and hook up printers, it was high paying, it was guaranteed. And I couldn't show up to the interview. I couldn't even call them back. My anxiety was so bad.
I'm gonna die alone and poor. I've accepted it
Adam Campbell
because they can call my previous employment and check
KEK might try to make up a story like this
Aiden Gray
How do you think those businesses have the income to expand and hire new employees? They make a stupid amount of money you fool! You too can acquire the wealth and power necessary to wrestle control of the American government from forces that do not represent our interests.
Well, where are you from can you move? You could say you were doing odd jobs during this or were about to go to school and the company would not adhear to school hours or something
Camden Allen
>"You have no moneh?" >"Start your BuSInEsS"
Chase Scott
Sucking dick never gets old OP.
Anthony Williams
interesting stats but you sound like some type of self help guru (above average high functioning) im far to autistic to spin a web of lies like that but ill try
Bentley Gomez
>No one is actually qualified to do what they do. And people wonder why our country is in the sad state it is
Dylan Gutierrez
Check out FBO’s if you have an airport nearby
Camden Jenkins
I was going to try to do this, trucking places will pay you to train and give you good money but you have to work for them for ~6 months afterwards and if you quit then you owe them the $10k for classes. its too much of a risk for me because im a faggot loser who wants to be able to quit if i dont like it. driving stick is the only skill I have lol
Jaxson Green
Maybe you're not gay, but $20 is $20 op.
Gabriel Hughes
Go be a guard or security at an addiction center/hotel/mental health place/prison/commitment center etc etc. It's great pay and you do jack shit and if you can get on night shift you basically get paid upwards of $20 an hour to monitor various undesirables while they sleep and then give them breakfast in the morning. Or if you can get on as overnight security at some construction site or pump site or industrial site or something, it's pretty cushy and easy.
If you're good with language, consider looking to becoming a crypto linguist with the military, though. If I was in my early 20s again that's what I'd do. You get paid to learn a second language at super speed until you're native-level proficient then you go and translate chatter and comms and shit gathered from whichever country speaks your language. The entrance test is hard as shit and so it guarantees that only autists make it.
Parker Mitchell
>because they can call my previous employment and check
They usually don't, and if they do the worst that'll happen is that they won't offer you the job—same as now.
If you have too many disparate jobs listed, for relatively short periods of time worked, that's a turn-off to employers. You've giving it away that you won't commit for very long. Keep your resume relatively short—last few jobs worked, say, or the most promising/relevant ones. You might want to have several different resumes so you can switch it up depending on what you're applying for. Keep your resume(s) to a single page.
Everyone lies on resumes. Don't hamstring yourself. Just do it.
Lucas Thomas
youre smoking rocks nigger
Julian Flores
Alexander Lee
If you know anything about using tools and working, try to learn more. Say that you worked as a helper, for a company that went under. You’d only worked there for 6months, so you aren’t great. Pick a trade and keep doing this looking at skilled labor. t. worked for me 2 yrs 65k 2nd year started at minimum wage. Never break Character
Jaxon Gutierrez
Do heavy machinery work in rural areas. Pays fucking massively. Alternatively, come to Germany and earn 4k a month euro working construction.
Nathaniel Morgan
clean your room
Michael Hughes
Alternatively: start building up your own construction/renovation business or night club business
Cooper Gray
Vote Yang.
Eli Rivera
good point worst case scenario im back at square 1
Kayden King
learn 2 code
Jayden Carter
The only way to succeed in the current economy is through cronyism or nepotism. As difficult as it may be, you have to make friends and get an inside track. Anyone who tells you otherwise is lying to you. It’s not right, it’s not the way it should be, but it’s how it is.
David Torres
>Today I had my mother set up an interview with an easy job where I just sit around and hook up printers, it was high paying, it was guaranteed. And I couldn't show up to the interview. I couldn't even call them back. My anxiety was so bad STOP SMOKING WEED YOU FUCKING FAGGOT
Hudson Rodriguez
You should really check out any construction jobs available. There's absolutely no way you'll experience dead end job there, unless you are a complete autist and they pay well.
Wyatt Scott
I haven't smoked in 2 years my dude. Weed multiplies my anxiety
Parker Hughes
Really, what kind of company was it for?
Lucas Sanders
unironically learn to code
Ryan James
Can I stay with you hanz I keep my pee jugs very neat and orderly
Jonathan Price
Unironically this. Your mom will give you pocket money. Don't spent it all at once.
same user. on one hand i like reading that people are in the same spot as me but i also fucking hate it. so many moodswings. really only answer is to kill myself but i dont know when that will be.
Ayden Thomas
invest in your own human capital. this means: stop browsing this board, stop binge watching anime, stop playing games and start reading books (useful books, not some politico-philosophical bs) and develop useful skills that will make you worth more than the average useless turd. en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Human_capital
Angel Richardson
ahahah you fuckin nigger
24 year old NEET, I'm about to join Zog's army. That's better than being a wagie, I'll learn to be a fucking man and to be right there when WW3 will happen
Jaxon Wright
I apply to a bunch of construction places and get no calls back
Tyler Diaz
>what industries have a low barrier to entry? lol 2nd post because this one is so fucking backwards: if the barrier is low every fucking useless turd is going to flock to that industry. making the competition harder. just look for a industry with a higher barrier, get the skills required and enjoy your new better paying job. or go into something that no one wants to do. like cleaning sewer pipes or shit like that. well paid and they look for people with an IQ above room temperature.
Christopher Lopez
>If i read books people will hire me
Luis Thompson
Nah nah nah, you just show up on construction site and ask if there are any jobs available for you. Yes, you will need to overcome your anxiety but it will give like +30% success in getting a job.
user, this made me sad to read. I don't intend to sound mean, but what the fuck are you doing lad? Your anxiety flared up? Aww. Well tough shit. How bad do you think your mother's anxiety is, knowing that when her life cycle is complete, her son can't even talk to a stranger without choking up and hiding under the covers? Everyone 'has' anxiety. It's a feeling, like anger or shame or happiness. Don't let one feeling dominate your life. Fuck me, I'm not even saying your feelings aren't real or anything like that, but I just can't understand how you can so easily defeat yourself. Without even trying, either. Just think of how much of a logical paradox that is for a minute. Get it together lad.
how will i get those skills or experience without a job? jobs nobody wants to do makes sense tho
Eli Peterson
while you're generally right (I run my own business) OP doesn't sound like someone who could run a business successfuly. he looks for easy cop outs like low barrier to entry (which means he would open some fad business that's going to go bankrupt after a few months) and he seems to lack the drive to constantly improve himself and learn new stuff without some authority telling him what to do. this guy needs to get his shit together and preferably get some experience
Alexander Gray
idk ill give it a try but im assuming that this strategy only worked in the past or in 3rd world countries like Russia
Daniel Cook
kys boomer
Blake Smith
You have to go in there, user. You need to but the fuck up. You will make the difference in your life and you are in control.
Talk to the stupid bitch in the front and tell her you’re looking for work.
It doesn’t matter if you don’t get hired right away, just use it as practice. Learn from it.
Pull your fucking pants up and go take what’s yours.
Adrian Walker
good luck
Caleb Ward
You are literally me and none of this is resales. I’ve been in a coma for 25 years and I don’t know where this will reach
Jayden Barnes
I started my business with roughly 3000 euros when I had not much else. I gave up my photography hobby, sold my gear and from that money paid rent and worked on my first product. Nowadays if you have a computer and access to internet you don't need a lot of money to get up and running. Ofc I had invested in my human capital because I started programming when I was 12 so that's that. I guess genz and younger millennials are fucked because online gaming ate up all their drive. When I was young there was no access to internet and no fucking online gaming. So to not totally bore out I started programming. Today? I would probably be some fucked out gamer who tried to become a twitch e-celeb kek.
Jaxson Fisher
Theres one job thats always hiring The pay and benefits are to die for You will have the respect and admiration of many Here try on this hoodie user
Well, guess who runs the business? People of the past do and they find much more joy in employing people the old ways. And Ive been working in US for 4 years, so Ive got some first hand experience
Zachary Bennett
I have nothing I squandered every opportunity I have no resources or skill to start a business and I have no time or money to train, I need a job and only then can I learn a skill through experiential learning of that job. maybe if I was 18 again I could just "go learn stuff" for a bit but i dont have that luxury anymore and its my fault
Robert Jenkins
Cameron Anderson
We're all gonna make it brah
I went from driving a forklift and doing labour to troubleshooting instrumentation/control system in industrial setting in about 1 year, I spent 2 year looking for jobs and was just about to return to school for more education when I got my job now I make about 55-60k a year salary with 2 years experience and up to $450/day bonus depending on the work I do
The anxiety gets me too. I had a job and the thought Of being late terrified me. I stopped one day and tried to figure out why this arbitrary place has so much sway over me.
I was in your situation at 26, worked a shitty job for low pay. I took night classes to become qualified as an accountant. 5 years later I'm on £70,000 a year and working for myself. I keep books for tradesmen mainly, advising on what to declare etc. Mostly they all want to work for cash and declare nothing but it's sure way to get fucked by the HMRC (UK version of irs). It's not a glamorous job, but I work for myself and people value me for it.
Accountants are always in demand and after a few years of working at a firm on good money you can work for yourself.
Jose Bell
*in minecraft
Adrian Clark
>They usually don't This. I usually do this only when I have to fill an important position (lead developer,etc) or a position that's security sensitive. Or when the resumee looks really unusual/doctored and I still somehow think the guy could be a good hire. Usually I just throw away the over the top resumees. t.business owner
Anthony Garcia
It's becoming more common every day user. I've had the same experience, only I'm a phenomenally talented musician, and could basically play in the rhythm section for any band in the world. The problem is.... no one even gives a fuck about music anymore, and all the players who have the good gigs come from rich families who bought them thousands of dollars of gear when they were like 11 so they could become mommy and daddies prized little star. I came from an island of 20 thousand people, and was made fun of by low IQ retards who fucked all the girls I wanted while bradly upper crust the third was being groomed to live all of my dreams by mommy and daddies tea and crumpets. The world fucking blows user. I'm 3 days into quitting weed, and it's not helping things.
Ethan Harris
I never got a job from going into the place of business and asking and I have tried that plenty of times but if you insist ill try again
Jayden Powell
>about an online business you ran That would make one look like an utter moron desu
Jace Gray
nah, you will have to share a room with 8 poles who save all their income to build a house back at home
Cooper Long
3000 euro is good money to be honest. Happy for you if your business is true, good luck
Isaiah Gonzalez
Juan James
i go on indeed and apply to dozens of factory/ warehouse jobs every month I have only gotten 1 call from a warehouse in 5 months of applying
Xavier White
>how I missed the point and kept living my shitty life k
Asher Cooper
sounds comfy user
Easton Allen
What in?
Zachary Gray
good point desu
Jonathan Bennett
> No one is actually qualified to do what they do Sounds like someone work in a bullshit industry.
Gabriel Bailey
In the rural areas and smaller towns, they hand out apartments for free. Don’t believe the guy telling you about “8 poles sleep in your bed”... the Polish girl apartments only exist in expensive cities and these Polish girls do overcrowded jobs like hairdressing or banking jobs.
Grayson Hill
I appreciate your advice, dude. I re-read it over and over again. It's just hard to jump into society when I haven't talked to anyone face-to-face besides my mom for the last 5 years. I just don't think it's feasible. I don't know. Maybe I am really just a pussy. It's not normal to behave the way I do when it comes to social interaction.
Eli Thompson
Just LIE well shit, I did it the hard way. If I had known that years ago. Now if I can just change my skin tone from white...
Aaron Brooks
Work as a night shift security guard. I work at a major brand hotel in Western Washington and I do jack shit for $16 an hour and decent health coverage. Same schedule every week, an easy $2100 a month. I sit in my patrol vehicle and drive around twice an hour. Kick out any transients/niggers/prostitutes that I see and that only happens once or twice a day. For the rest of my eight hour shift, I binge Netflix while keeping an eye on my peripherals. Go into security, easy fucking money as long as you have some common sense dealing with people and stressful situations, and know how to read and write. Recession-resistant and a perfect job for loners/night owls/people who hate people:
Charles Diaz
i can be a fake reference for you bro. want to have been my employee? what do you do?
Jaxson Wilson
>And if I smell a gas leak which happens just about ever other week I get an extra $100
Let me guess there are never any gas leaks wink wink
Julian Morgan
ok man, I thought you really wanted helpful answers. but all you want is confirmation that yes everything sucks and you're not a loser for being a loser. so here it is: yes, everythng sucks. it's hopeless. the kikes/niggers/communists are just too powerful and their scheming holds you down. don't feel bad user. binge watch anime and play games. because that's the only way to numb your pain. why try? no one of us will ever have any success. I hope you feel better (worse) now. In case you were serious: Start doing the shit you want to learn. No idea what it is but there's books and youtube videos on every topic. Unless it's brain surgery or handling plutonium you can learn this shit at home. I mean you're unemployed anyway so you don't lack the time. That's why I told you to stop wasting your time here and with anime/games and take up a book and start doing shit. Hell, at this point even reading biographies of self made men would be better than what you're doing now.
Nathaniel Wood
Sometimes you just have to do it, sorry for the cheesy nike slogan. The best interview I did and the one I got my current job with was when I had given up hope of finding a job and gave up and half assed everything, the worst interview I ever had was when I was prepared and nervous and the people interviewing me literally made fun of me in the interview despite being fat fucks and manlets...FUCK them I started stronglifts 5x5 4 months ago and can deadlift 250 pounds today FUCK THEM
You are living in a dying economy user. Old money boomers who were handed everything will tell you "herrrr derrr look the boss in the eye, shake his hand, and say I"m the best for this job". It's over dude, if your mom and dad did't hook you up then you are fucked. Everyone here who has a job had smart parents who had money.
Isaiah Wilson
Weed only increased my anxiety when I realised jihadis were taking over the area. Now it's back to weed to cope
Jaxon Parker
Programming is one of the few ways you can actually make money out of nothing but a compiler and time investment. Practically all other industries require massive initial investments though.
Jason Davis
you need to enlist on a ship user, and go in viking, its' not rocket science
it's either that or you can come in security, like the rest of us, you know prevent hacker attacks (before we do them)
Christian Peterson
unless you mean Billy Noonan who is also not me
Mason Lewis
search for recent postings, 2 weeks or less, anything older is useless
1-3 days old is ideal
Parker Bennett
it's a pretty good scam, you have to this and that, or I will go home and penetrate your systems with exactly what I said, and then blame it on the swedes .. sorry jews
Joshua Lewis
Welcome to the West, where Whites go to become extinct.
Aiden Turner
the good news is you live in America. You could have been born in a socialist shithole like Venezuela and be fighting for your life right now even though you are perfectly healthy. We need to make Americans understand again, we are the land of opportunity and the land of the free. Freeloaders and free hand outs have no place in America. Independence and self sufficiency is running through our veins... it's in our blood to be free and work hard to sustain our freedoms. America will never even give socialism any attention for it is morally wrong and anti human. Not just anti semite, anti muslim or anti christ... iy is anti human.