White Pill Thread

All negativity all the time is antithetical to life.

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what’s a white pill

A fact.
Like a red pill but instead of 'redpilling' it makes you feel proud and directs you to the future.

>Only Whites developed a worthwhile programming language and AI breakthrough.

apparently you were to busy beating the meat to betty sue in the fifth grade to learn the lessons of context clues. fuck bud you're a real treat how is it now you don't seem to understand the simple message op is attempting to convey?
ill level with ya. if ya don't turn the boost on your autism down real fuckin immediate like, you're gonna blow your turbo up you supra of special needs.

nice id, jew

Jesus Christ is the white pill

>It is our desire that all the various nations which are subject to our Clemency and Moderation, should continue to profess that religion which was delivered to the Romans by the divine Apostle Peter, as it has been preserved by faithful tradition, and which is now professed by the Pontiff Damasus and by Peter, Bishop of Alexandria, a man of apostolic holiness. According to the apostolic teaching and the doctrine of the Gospel, let us believe in the one deity of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit, in equal majesty and in a holy Trinity. We authorize the followers of this law to assume the title of Catholic Christians; but as for the others, since, in our judgment they are foolish madmen, we decree that they shall be branded with the ignominious name of heretics, and shall not presume to give to their conventicles the name of churches. They will suffer in the first place the chastisement of the divine condemnation and in the second the punishment of our authority which in accordance with the will of Heaven we shall decide to inflict.


white women may be unsalvageable but middle eastern women need white husbands
take the arab pill user

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Bloomers are sociopaths, Doomers are good people. Do not aim to be a Bloomer. White pills are just berry-scented blue pills.

Arabs are not White and have been inbred for 40 generations.

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We're alive. So there's hope, I guess.

>White pills are just berry-scented blue pills.


Christianity is the primordial blue pill, at least to most western people.

you have big gay

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Christ is coming back soon and the planet will be cleansed with fire. :D

white people have faced much greater threats than the ones we face today, and survived (and dominated) ever single time.

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Let's take your example.
>Only Whites developed a worthwhile programming language and AI breakthrough.
This has several issues, first being attached to race. It is a passive reward to a specific ethnicity, and breeds complacency. If the person who reads it is not of that ethnicity, it is essentially a blackpill, too. This is fine...if you're a sociopath who seeks passive gratification for simply existing at the expense of others.

What's wrong with being a sociopath? :)

The AIPAC conference is this weekend and half the dems have said they’re not going.

Basically? Everything. They're useless cretins.

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>White develop programming languages
>It is a passive reward to a specific ethnicity, and breeds complacency.
No. It highlights a potential role for Whites working retail or not at all.
It is a potentiality somewhere in their genes and their practices.
This is something that is there to be proud of instead of the slavery, holocaust, native American shit.
Computer Science is our Math (which is also a super superior White Pill) still in action. Still unfolding. The West is not dying because our Math and Engineering is not dying.

>If the person who reads it is not of that ethnicity, it is essentially a blackpill, too.
Don't care about White Pills for non-Whites. They get the gibs and international aid don't they?

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Even while I'm white pilling innawoods, I leave red pills.

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So you freely admit that "white pills" are just another form of propaganda.

Berry-scented blue pills.

hearty lol

That is beautiful

'context clues' nice vocab

>So you freely admit that "white pills" are just another form of propaganda.
>Berry-scented blue pills.

Is that supposed to follow any point I made?
A blue pill is a delusion.
The fact White, Western Math, Computer Science, Software Development, and AI are incredible, ever unfolding fields bring wealth and wonder to the world is not a delusion.

you have big retardation due to arab admixture

Whites should donate sperm to your wives and you need your tubes tied.

Swish Jew 7

What you write is equally delusional, as it only creates complacency by virtue of ethnicity. There is no regard to the clout necessary for that propaganda to take fruit. It is on the same level as WW2 posters.

>it only creates complacency by virtue of ethnicity.
If I tell a White kid the story of his culture is engineering 10000x better than any other culture's he won't be complacent. If on the right side of the bell curve he will stand on shoulders, see the incredible technology of today and make a ton of money in a high demand market.

>There is no regard to the clout necessary for that propaganda to take fruit.
Are you speaking in tongues? All that's needed is a connection to the internet. Most every kid already has a gaming tower with an Nvidia GPU already.

>It is on the same level as WW2 posters.
I can be proud of the machine and my ancestor's bravery but I can't go fight the war.
I can enter Kaggle competitions, and add to my GitHub for employers to see though. Anyone can.

This turned into the spergpill thread real quick.

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