Should we?

should we?

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All private citizens should have the right to own a gun
fuck mudslime scum

Yes, in the US all Muslims should be armed , along with the rest of the population

Fuck yeah, more armed people is always good. Plus they are all already armed anyways.

>all white people armed
>all mudlims armed
>all niggers armed
>all chinks armed
it's MAD for crime, nobody will commit crime if everybody can kill each other

Why not just send them back to the middle east so they only have to worry about other non-whites shooting/bombing/stabbing them in their mosques?

A polite society is an armed society

the only people who would still commit crime would be niggers and that's only because niggers be niggers

maybe natural selection would breed enough intelligence into a nigger if all the retards die in self defense situations

Alright, Reddit, it's time for you to lurk moar before posting. This is obviously a flawed idea because they will simply use their weapons to attack whites. You DO care about the welfare of whites, don't you?

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Yes. The most aggressive ones will kill themselves off and we will have peace on earth.


Are you a journalist trying to bait a thread for a news story? faggot

The Muslims are already armed.

No, muslims are savages everyone knows that.

Tarrant was an ISIS operative hoping to increase support for ISIS among kebabs in the West

he would have attacked the NZ politicians that made the decision to allow them in to begin with if he truly cared.

I fucking wish you retarded leftist rats would arm every violent group of brown subhumans to the teeth. Everything would collapse much faster.

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A mosque is a private institution not public like a school. If they are citizens and follow the law, they already have that right.

No, I'm unironically suggesting that only whites should be armed in their nations. Maybe a few good non-white citizens can apply for honorary aryan satus, thus granting them second amendment rights.

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>Arming all Muslims
>Arming everyone in schools including students
Or maybe just guarantee the right to self defense to all instead of being a faggot in a bicycle helmet.

no, only whites should be armed. The rest of the population should be defenseless, race traitor. Especially the chinks, I hoep they go first in the race war. Their scummy ancestors ruined the environment where I live in and then fled to greener pasteurs.

If nothing else, I hope the chinks in Western country get the most brutal treatment on the DOTR. I am working overtime to spread anti chink propaganda to as many white people as possible. I'm even learning Russian, French, Italian, Danish, and Spanish just to communicate with Eurofags and make them hate the chinks.

I cannot describe with mere words how much I hate them.

Of course not you idiot. Fuck muslims

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Dude muzzies use bombs unless it's a gun free zone , guns don't protect you from bombs
Also, this is a gun culture, we like a good shoot out every now and then, better then CoD

2 fallacies with this argument
1. the actual position is to arm some teachers, not all
2. arming all muslims would be like arming all schoolchildren. the actual equivalent statement would be to arm mosque staff members

I like how they always pull out this straw man lol. If you ask majority of cuck civ nats they'll say everyone should be able to have a gun except maybe criminal and illegals.

Beat me to it. Decentralize the means of violence, and power.
It is inherit right of all people to self determination, and the means for such

They shouldn't be in white countries.

This is just common sense honestly

If you don't own a gun there are ways of acquiring one.

Americans are armed for self defense. Every person has a right to protect himself from the tyrranny of terroristic threats, regardless of the origin of the threat.

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fucking retarded commie piece of shit projecting his hatred for certain parts of the population on us

No, muslims are terrorists, teachers are psychological terrorists. Neither should be armed, arming schoolchildren is far smarter. White schoolkids were armed just a few decades ago and brought their guns to school.

Besides, white kids aren't the ones doing the shootings, jews and mixed raced ones are. And Dylan Roof only shot a bunch of niggers, and Tarrant was either Mossad or even if he wasn't just shot a bunch of muzzies. Not humans. Who cares?

>muslims are children

If you were born in a gun culture, you opinion would matter
You weren't and your opinion doesn't matter , they take guns away from one group, they are going to take them away from every group

It is a well-known fact that 2nd Amendment supporters only want whites to own guns. The fastest way to get a white man to support gun control is to show him a picture of PoC legally owning them.

The very first gun control measure in the US was used on black slaves so they couldn't own firearms. Black Panthers marching with guns made Ronald Reagan, the conservative hero of American whites, pass strict gun control in California. Even the NRA supported it.

You arm enough minorities, you will have every single gun rights advocate call for gun control. You'll have Billy Bob the redneck call for a repeal of the 2nd amendment. I guarantee it.

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>All whites
>including white trash

White nationalists are actually becoming more irritating than jews.

Asian sarcasm needs work

Yes. Arm all private citizens.

Yeah thats why you deport all the muslims, bish bash bosh problem solvered

Okay. This doesn't mean we should give them guns, too.
>Also, this is a gun culture, we like a good shoot out every now and then
Nigger are you serious? That's your justification for letting muslims have guns? How about we just never let them have guns in the first place. They don't deserve the same rights we have. At least not in our nations.

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They already can dipshit. That meme is false, republicans never said arm all teachers, but rather give them the option.

akbars massacred 3000 people while armed with only boxcutters and airplanes


>including white trash
I would unironically prefer all whites, including white trash to be armed, instead of letting everyone, including muslims, be armed. Daily reminder that white America has a homicide rate comparable to Belgium.

You must be galactically stupid.

Every person has a right to defend himself, his family, and his property. Why do you think that only applies to white people?

They can defend themselves in their own countries. I hear Pakistan is extremely lax on guns.

>here let me moralfag about how EVERYONE deserves these rights
>even those people who literally conspire for white replacement and Islamic domination in their mosques
>those people who have a tendency to chimp out and will not hesitate to remove (or enslave) whitey if given the opportunity
Lolbertarians are a joke

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You aren't getting their guns asshole, the constitution applies to them also
Freedom of religion and the right to bare arms is such pesky rules

Went in to start my pistol permit application today. My county sheriff will see me in June. Of course it cost over a hundred dollars and I have to bring paperwork I’ve never heard of (that’s notarized) to get the right to submit my paperwork to my state capital so they can check if my sheriff made the right call. I’ll be notarized when they get around to it. All in all should take the better end of a year to be a licensed gun owner.

That's not true, I want niggers, spics muzzies all to be armed to the teeth
I know this thread is going to end up in some fucking news story, it's too baited

Why would whites want to take away guns from their own group?

You are a "if they assimilate its fine" type of cuck. Nobody with a long nose, curly hair, or hands that rub should be allowed to assimilate. Nobody with a turban or knees that bend towards mecca twice a day should be allowed to assimilate. Actually scratch taht.


FUCK their personal beliefs and culture. Their shitty genes should be the ONLY factor taken into account.

The Indo Europeans allowed the plebian filth of Rome to assimilate, and today Italy is a festering shithole, with only the Celtic and Germanic northern parts that have a semblance of humanity. Many Italians have haplogroups J2, T, E1b1b, and J1 from the Middle East. Now these same Middle Eastern filth who stole Rome from the original Romano-Trojans are claiming that THEIR ancestors actually built Rome.

In a few decades, niggers in Rhodesia are gonna claim that THEIR ancestors built Rhodesia. In a few years, the chinks are gonna claim that THEIR ancestors were the Tarim mummies, and if whites try to protest, shitalians, greekroaches, chinkroaches, niggerroaches, and hinduroaches are gonna say "lol we wuz" or "look at these dark skinned frescoes of some minor Roman nobility".

You are not white. You are a shitskin who wants his fellow shitskins to have human rights. No white man in his right mind should want any shitskin to have any rights now, in 2019, after 2 decades of Internet allowed any non cuck to browse FBI crime stats or the real history of the world.

That's a good thang, ya stupid neegard!

>I want niggers, spics muzzies all to be armed to the teeth
Why? You think they will play by your rules and respect the NAP brah? You think they're on your side? lol

you wish it was sarcasm ching chong. I can't wait until internment camps for chinese-americans open up.

>It is a well-known fact

Do you even know what a fact is? How is it so well known, did you fuck it and therefore know it? Is your fact a whore? Are you a pimp?

this. Fuck chiks, niggers and shitskins and their "human rights".

>be stupid democrat
Haha! They say arm the teachers after a school shooting so now I can trap them and say we should arm Muslims after the NZ shooting. Surely they won't go for that, those racists! I've got them now!
>Be literally any fucking Republican who supports the 2A.
Yeah, sure...arm them. They have the right to protect themselves and their church. Good for them. I will even help teach them.
>be stupid democrat
...durrrr...racist. Gun control now!

Thankfully you are South Korean, and your opinion doesn't matter even a little bit

I don't assume nothing, but if a drag out fight were to happen, all sides are going to be armed regardless of the laws

>the romans should've armed the barbarians..they would've been made safer

I never said everyone deserves these rights. I said everyone has these rights. They are inherently born. No government gave them to you.

IO mean seriously, you want to take the guns out of the hands of private citizens to protect you from a threat that really hasn't manifested itself

Nationality doesn't matter, only race does. You are not American, because you are non-white. The founding fathers wrote in the Constitution that only free WHITE PERSONS OF GOOD CHARACTER were Americans. You aren't American, you are an invader, and soon the real Americans (whites) are gonna kill you and your family like the cockroaches they are.

Bredon Tarrant (or whatever the fuck his name is) proved that whites aren't fucking around anymore. He killed children and disabled women, and that should make you terrified, I hope it does. Your children, your mother, your grandmother even, will be killed like the cockroaches they are by the next Tarrant, and I hope it happens.

You and the ch*nese are gonna get what is coming to you. I can't wait. You make the world so miserable by existing. Look at any non white country and look at how miserable the architecture, art, etc is. If you had any conscience, you would hate your own kind for how subhuman they are.

In Texas you go to an instructor, he teaches and tests you. You get your permit.

>you want to take the guns out of the hands of private citizens to protect you from a threat that really hasn't manifested itself
>a threat that really hasn't manifested itself
> really hasn't manifested
You realize there are no Arab Libertarians, right? Maybe there are a few based non-whites here and there, but by and large the movement is white. You think they sit there and ponder about what rights they should give whites in their nations? You are a naïve dumbass.

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>Black Panthers marching with guns made Ronald Reagan, the conservative hero of American whites, pass strict gun control in California
>just show dem nuggas with dey guns dey din do nuffin

That's a funny way of saying "black nationalists literally opening fire on cops and murdering innocent people". The old BPP and NBPP were literally terrorist organizations that participated in/attempted assassinations and other politically motivated murders.

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No they don't. The Ch*nese and M*ddle E*sterners are foul, disgusting, SCUM and the only right they have is the right to get tortured and watch their loved ones get tortured for all of eternity.

So exactly like now? Niggers all have guns already.

yeah. why not

Holy shit user, where the fuck do you live?

Another invalid opinion from a person outside our country , good think you can't vote here, huh

>I said everyone has these rights. They are inherently born. No government gave them to you.
Also, you do realize that the Constitution (and the philosophy you are regurgitating) was made by white men for a nation of whites? In fact, when they wrote it, only landed white men could vote. You really think they thought, "yeah, man, they keep on blowing up white people in their nations but really the constitution is for everyone!" Absolutely not and I challenge you to find me some evidence to the contrary.

Why do you hate them so much. Im from bangladesh a country only made some 50 years ago through brutal warfare. But I dont hold ill will against the pakistanis, I know the people today had nothing to do with it. Forgive your brother user. God is real. Dont get caught up in Satans games. Even white people will bow before the presence of the almighty and be humbled by the weight of their sin.

Arm them and send them to Israel

Before any WHITE MAN feels sorry for any Ch*naman or any M*ddle E*asterner "man", he should remember this.

One innocent puppy is worth more, INFINITELY more than all the chinks who have ever existed or will existed. Therefore, even ONE puppy eaten and tortured by chinks justifies your eternal hatred of them and their total eradication from this planet.

One white (male) baby is worth more than ALL the Jews, Palestinians, Syrians, Saudi Arabians, Yemenis, Omanis, Jordanis, UAEniggers, and Anatolian "Turks" who have ever lived or will live. Therefore, just ONE white male baby circumsized or stuck with a "vaccine" hypodermic needle by a foul, disgusting KIKE justifies your ETERNAL hatred of all of these creatures and their total eradication from this earth.

Don't be altruistic to people who would never return the favor.

Sounds like NYC or Massachusetts

Real Americans will agree with me and not with you (a fake American. Non whites are not American according to the first draft of the Constitution which stated only white persons of good character were Americans).

That's an inconsequential number compared to the amount of people killed in automobile accidents last year
37,000 people died last year in car wreaks, we probably should ban cars , if you really are worried about death tolls

Another fake American. You are Bangladeshi, not American.

Republicans have already been selling guns, missiles and jets to saudi arabia for decades.

>he thinks people are rational

No real american would fight and die for the constitution and the rights of every citizen. This isn't a dictatorship bro

also, the first draft doesn't count,as they can change the constitution at will, it's called a living document for a reason
SO that's not a very go reason

This is the only correct answer. All centers of worship should have armed guards.

You will go home to China or you will remain in America six feet under when whites go full rahowa (or whatever the fuck you call it) on your ass. I can't wait until they do.

Each minute I spend breathing in Ch*nese smog solidifies my hatred of them more and more. At this point I would feel sympathy for serial killers who tortured Ch*nese babies.

I don't see why you all hate each other, you are all slant eyed chinks that have funny accents and no gun rights

Curse the Japanese for not fully exterminating the Ch*nese during WWII. Curse the Germans for providing shelter to chinkroaches during the Cleansing and Janitorial Operations of Nanjing. Curse that bald headed neurotic spy Richard Nixon for rebuilding China's economy.

No non-Whites should ever be allowed to own any weapons.

>If only America's founders had more melanin in their skin, then it would make sense that every person is born with rights.

Okay lolbertarian. You are hilariously naïve.

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Shit where I'm from you just have to be 21 and not a felon or a druggie and that shiny 1911 that caught your eye is yours.

They didn't have melanin receptors in their vaginas

No, we should send the Muslims back to whence they came.

we said "arm the teachers", not "arm the children"

What? The founding fathers wrote the constitution for a nation of whites. Prove me wrong, faggot

All white, land-owning, males should be allowed gun ownership. As well as the right to vote.

The Constitution was written for white people, nigger.

Having faith in a system is naive, but at least I believe in something

Libertarianism is a white ideology (not talking about corporatism and Milton Friedmanism) and is great.

And your picture shows exactly what is wrong with you authoritarian scum. "If you don't vote for us, someone we are almost equally as shit as will take over and oppress you slightly more!"

Fuck off. The only solution for tyrants is not to side with one over the other. Let's just say there is a certain tree that needs watering from time to time.

>only land owning whites should be allowed to own guns
fuck off aristocrat, your time is coming too.

Fpbp, spbp, tpbp, and f(ourth)pbp. /thread

With the ability for future people to amend it , the original constitution isn't even valid, it has adapted over the years