If you have to live in one city for entire life, whicgh city would you choose?

If you have to live in one city for entire life, whicgh city would you choose?

I will probably choose NYC or SF

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private beachfront rentals for under 500/mo

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That's some heavy Paris syndrome you have here aniki


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Seattle, under a bridge.

Singapore beautiful women everywhere and great food!


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So whats Nashville like? The country scene still good there or has it been jewed by nucountry? Also cheap place to live? Considering getting out of this Orwellian nightmare of a country.


Monte Carlo

Tokyo. I can at least peak up high school girls skirts


It’s clear that you haven’t been to either. Big cities are where your soul goes to die.

Doha, Qatar

Can't speak for Nashville but East TN is fucking based. I hear there are a lot of car jackings in Cashville.

Twin Peaks is chill though

I'd choose some random medium-sized village in Japan.

>castle doctrine
>townes van zandt was born there
>cheapest whiskey on the planet
>cheap trailers
sounds like paradise

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Not 20 anymore, as far from US cities as possible

any major city in europe or south america.

It is desu, have a picture of my immediate area on me:)

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so whats the likelyhood of an unintellegable greencard bogan finding work?

Oh you blokes are always welcome here. There's tons of entry level hospitality / restaurant stuff to be found and also real estate if you actually want to make some money. The culture here is still mostly conservative, like most of Appalachia. If nothing else you can rest assured federal firearm regulations dont exist in TN. We were the first to nullify.

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can i stay at your house this time 2 year years from now?

Sure thing:) I will be the TN user in every thread, just ask "where is TN user" and I will appear.

what about discord?

Nashville is pretty cool, lived there for a couple years.
Good food, great live music scene downtown, not just country music.
Gorgeous area, pretty decent weather, pretty cool and based people, made a lot of friends.
You don't really want to live downtown though, Franklin and Brentwood are upscale, not cheap, Places like Smyrna, Murfreesboro, or Hendersonville are nice and also pretty affordable, while still being a reasonably short drive from downtown.

he said city not town