Brexit CANCELED!!!!!!

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I signed it 30 times. Stay in the EU, you fucks. It's what you deserve.

Subverting outcomes of official democratic processes should be met with the guillotine

>it's undemocratic to respect the will of the people

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> t. Martin Shultz
The will of the people was expressed Herr Cuck.

It’s 4 million now. I can proudly say, 3 million of them are my Russian army of fake troll email accounts. Yes, see this liberal media, you heard it first from the hacker known as Jow Forums, it’s all MANIPULATED!

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It's being expressed again, you stupid vagina.

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>I told you about democracies bro I told

Imagine if they had put in this much effort with the actual referendum.

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We need to make the number of signatures higher than the actual UK population

How do we get this done?

>Jow Forums trying to interfere with democratic processes again


>hold votes until you get the desired result

>How do we get this done?

Step 1: pull out of your girlfriend and shear her.

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Welcome back, Britbros.

>holding votes is undemocratic

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What was the price of prophet muhammed (pbuh) for one night?

"If fifty men rode out of the Nefud, they would be fifty men other men might join."

It’s cold crowd dedication.

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the bbc really has brain damaged those people hasn't it

>the eu is a democracy
ha i laffed

fuck remainshits

BBC is just a symptom. Bongs are the cause

The only somewhat real democracy in the world is Switzerland.

I'm going with this
I''ve been learning a lot of history lately and they definitely deserve to get recked

>The only somewhat real democracy in the world is Switzerland.


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fuck remainshits
>implying we aren't already wrecked

If Brexit does happen, what is the likelyhood of muslims getting deported in mass? Britain would
no longer be bound by EU law and muslims would not have the same rights they do now. Britain
could literally shoa those filthy bastards.

>just keep reholding the vote until you get the result that you want
>all outcomes that aren't the correct one are invalid

t. third world dictatorship that pretends to be a democracy

Why is everyone so adamant on keeping Britain in the EU? Especially the Germans.

>If Brexit does happen, what is the likelyhood of muslims getting deported in mass?

I signed 57 times and everyone on my subreddit signed about a hundred times each too.
Get rekt gammons!

not yet..I'm gonna stick around to see the royals hanging outside their own castle while mohammad fucks your women in the queens golden bed

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most of them are faggots that's why

>implying that will happen if we stay in the eu

Revoke Article 50, you twats.

Révoquer l'article 50, vous twats.

Zieht Artikel 50 zurück, ihr Deppen.

Oтмeнeтe члeн 50, виe двaмaтa.

Opozovite članak 50, vi twats.

Odvolat článek 50, ty twats.

Ophæv artikel 50, du twats.

Herroep artikel 50, jullie twats.

Tühistage artikkel 50, mis sul on.

Peruuttakaa artikla 50, pallinaamat

Ανάkληση του άρθρου 50, εσείς kλέβει.

Az 50.

Cúlghairm ar Airteagal 50, is twats tú.

Revoca l'articolo 50, voi due.

Atcelt 50. pantu, jūs twats.

Atšaukite 50 straipsnį, jūs susieti.

Tirrevoka l-Artikolu 50, int.

Odwołaj artykuł 50, ty się kręcisz.

Revogar o artigo 50, você twats.

Revocați articolul 50, faceți clicuri.

Odvolať článok 50, ty twats.

Prekliči člen 50, ti piščanci.

Revoca el artículo 50, idiota.

Återkalla artikel 50, du twats.


Muslim problem has nothing to do with the European union. they come from England former colonies and commonwealth countries.
There is nothing in EU laws that states you cannot expell a non EU citizen. Brexiters have been duped by a problem who has nothing to do with the European union.

English confirmed Romance Language

Have your Mum print the link out on business cards and keep them in her bedroom.

Yass based. Britain is staying in the EU forever

Leave means leave
Better no deal than a bad deal
Red sky at night shepherd's pie.

You are staying with us until the end of time frien. :)

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Just imagine the level of cognitive dissonance.

>1M sigs in a day
its bots
I see you ivan

I don't think sharia allows it

The uk is an economic powerhouse they want their money.
Europeons are socialist commie thieving dole bludging faggots.

>4 million Pakis signing a private internet petition


meanwhile May tries to vote 3 times on her deal

No one wants that shitty deal we just want to fucking leave and big business jews can pick up the bill.


>Hosting 40k American troops in your lands
>Hosking 2M muslim immigrants and refugees
German Sovereignty

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Oh yes I forgot about that, thanks for expending billions on our defense each year so we don't have to

Top kek

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>its democratic to use every single mainstream media outlet/voice to fear monger the public for 2 years, by forcefully postponing and postponing Brexit until they somehow convince the public to actually reverse the decision

>Odwołaj artykuł 50, ty się kręcisz
im spinning, alright

>we should respect this petition
>we shouldn't respect the actual democratic referendum

These people aren't to bright

>omg white genocide!!! everywhere!!!! we're doomed!!!
>omg why does the other side fear monger so much


i remember that

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>the other side
There are no sides shill. I dont give a shit about Brexit. What I do care about is democracy remaining intact. The PMs have been filibustering for 2 years, hoping to reverse Brexit.

>There are no sides


Fuck off, Angela. The will of the people was already decided. It's undemocratic if the losing side is allowed to keep whining and bitching and redoing elections until they get the result they wanted. Another referendum shouldn't be allowed until however many years Britain was in the EU have passed.

elmo alder

The Brits had a general election shortly after Brexit, where they were free to elect the politicians who they wanted to deliver Brexit. The incompetent fucks elected no workable majority. That's why Brexit is failing, not because of any fearmongering from the EU.

Those PM's were elected by the same people that voted in the referendum. If the PM's are illegitimate, then so is the referendum.

> deliberating back and forth is undemocratic
It's the lifeblood of an informed democracy, retard

u wot m8? Asylum seekers and refugees travel freely through several EU countries before ending up at our doorstep. The fuck is wrong with you?

>will of the people
You know the population of England is above 55million, right?

EU countries are free to set up border control, as several have done (Denmark, Sweden, Austria, Hungary)

>a (((poll))) is more indicative than an actual vote put to the democracy
>polling or calling people until you get enough numbers to support your claims
the absolute fucking state of (you)

>the government will implement what you decide
>vote leave
>the government doesn't want to leave

Now what?

Absolute nonsense. Voter's job is to elect a government, not to push through laws. Thats the elected government's responsibility. You can make excuses all you want. The truth is that by LAW, Brexit has to happen. It doesnt matter whether its deal, no-deal etc. Its blatantly obvious that the powers dont want Brexit and just keep postponing to hope for a new census and reversal.

Shill elsewhere.

the reason to hold a second referendum isn't to get a new result, it's to check back in with the people now that they are fully aware of the amount of time, effort, and money put into the new deal.
Sticking to the original results that """they""" manufactured is much less democratic than calling for a second "performance review" vote 3 years after the fact.

Border security is racists as fuck you dumb nazi

Let's be perfectly clear. It is failing because the fat cats do not want their setup to be disturbed. They do not want other countries to leave the EU so they are making things difficult. How hard would it be to say:

>Keep the current deal, with 5% on top for the trouble

lol what script is this?

Right, there was back and forth deliberation and then a vote was held. The losing side is salty as fuck and trying to get a do-over. If there is another referendum and leave wins again, will they stop fucking around and finally do it? If there is another referendum and remain wins, will they let people who support Brexit organize a third referendum or will they declare it a settled matter closed for further voting?

I laughed hard at this and tried to make my wife also laugh at it but it just didn't happen.

They are also apparently free to set up asylum villages right on our doorstep. Cheeky cunts.

Forcing votes until you get the result you want isn't exactly democratic.

I never said it shouldn't happen, I said that the retarded British themselves voted for politicians that are unable to make it happen. If they wanted it done, fine, but then maaaaaaaaaaybe they shouldn't have voted for a majority-remain parliament? They even had the fucking GE after the referendum, if "the will of the people" was a hard Brexit, then why wasn't there a hard Brexit majority?

the state of you faggots forgetting Japan told the EU to get fucked and has no barriers to trade let ye olde c.ucked Brittania is still trying to move the goal posts. Britain must really be a lynch pin/stronghold for the Cabal if they fighting tooth and nail to not honor the will of the people who VOTED to get the fuck out. I bet they are just trying to tire the people into some cucked backdoor deal.


I can't answer that, but I would assume that if the majority flips back towards Brexit, then another referendum is entirely feasible. Only next time, you might want to agree on how to do it beforehand.

Our politicians haven't got the balls to take action because we've been nannied for 60 years and have forgotten how. Fuck the EU.

Why not?`you keep saying that, but none of what you have claimed so far in any way substantiates that yet another vote would be undemocratic.

We voted. It's done.

Aah so if they get remain result they are still going to leave because it was just a ((("performance review")))?

Kys you filthy parasite

A third vote? A fourth vote? A fifth vote? A sixth vote?

What is the official Jow Forums stance on BREXIT?

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People have the leaders they deserve. So far an island of inbred halfwits with delusions of grandeur to produce such a parliament is hardly surprising.

>(((they))) manufactured getting out of their own arrangement.
the fucking state of your mental gymnastics.

A sacrifice on the altar of freedom

Yeah yeah, keep em coming. Fuel on the fire and all that. Danish cunt.

You still haven't made any sense. There could be as many votes as it takes for the issue to be settled. If the majority has flipped, then the issue clearly isn't settled.

Great argument, Nigel