Trump is being blackmailed by Zionists

>Trump seemed to be in control in the beginning stages of his term
>after a while it seems that the Zionist controlled press and pressuring Trump beyond belief
>sexual harassment accusations
>colluding with Russia
>sex tapes and shit
>everytime Trump does something with value to Israel, one accusation disappears
>Trump moves embassy to Jerusalem, sexual accusations go down low
>Trump bombs Syria even though he used to be okay with based Bashar. Sex tapes and Stormy Daniels shit go low.
>Trump recognizes Golan heights as land under Israel's sovereignty, Mueller investigation vindicates Trump.

Just an opinion, discuss fags

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thank you user, very cool!

pretty much on point, i think there is more then one group trying to leverage him, ya know different factions of elites.

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Looks like a forced game of connect the dots played with innuendo, so gonna go with doubt until you firm some of that up.

Yeah something happened to him

wordy jew come to shut it down.

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inb4 take your meds schizo

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I always wonder how great this country would have been without so much interference in the president’s work

The timeline is spot on, the facts are straight. So we shouldn’t dismiss things the way democrats do

Every Kike I know dismisses any theory about Israel even the facts like unearthed spy rings and such, so that’s spot on user

>“To every student and young person here today and watching, don’t let anyone stop you from doing what you know is right, from asking questions, from challenging the powerful, or from speaking your mind, that’s the primary reason we’re here right now,” Trump said. “Never, ever quit. Never give in, and never back down. Keep standing up for your values, for your classmates, and for your country.”
Trump said this as he signed an Executive Order protecting Free Speech on college campuses which seems pretty based and reminiscent of the Trump people voted for but it also seems in direct contrast to so of the things he has been saying/doing recently which would indicate that this Executive Order is about the extent of his power and everything beyond that is ordered and approved by his handler

No please, go ahead an play conspiracy theory, you might uncover actual evidence of a real one and we can have a habbening.
Just make sure your connect the dots graphic is clear and actually, you know, connects some dots.

Oy vey trump is a jew amirite migapedes lelelel

They are definitely using him, although I'm not sure if he understands it.

If you look at all the people arrested around him, they were all ((())) caught scamming with other ((())) in real estate and taxi companies, and other typical nefarious shit where the shekel margin is high and the work requirement low.

I was watching the "lefty" media do a typical grind on him today about 20 different things in one segment then quickly go to the next where they do a glowing report about him and Golan's new owners.

Its all a smoke show, the same group always benefits, and every other group waits in line to pay, each in turn, day after day, year after year.

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ha called it before he could say it so he has to stay wordy

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Based OP, listen most conspiracy theories are wrong, but most conspiracy theories about Israel are right, shady country, I always loved them and wanted to support them because they took western civilization into the middle east, but everything they do is shady as fcuk

i think most conspiracy theories are right but quickly get subverted with misinformation to steer it off course and kookafy it. The best way to shut it down is to agree with it while being a known crazy person.

You are smart. I like you. But the other smart people here (we are a minority) have reached where you are now a long time ago, and we have devised this new meandering from this conclusion. We are the crazy people, and we get the pleasure of decided who we agree with.

>the butthurt brit paki that got exposed as a shitskin made a thread
Show real flag. I fucking dare you

His grandkids are jews

He was never on your side

bump !

you should be feared

nope, Trump was always pro Israel and talked about it all the time.

We recruit through conspiracy theories. They are games (IQ tests). As you move up the ranks, you will have no idea if you have been "truly" recruited or not. The hierarchy and scope of membership is not as rigidly defined as we want you to think it is. This is the pattern that works best for us. It's a gift for you, user.

>It's a gift for you, user.
To elaborate on this, I hope you find us. You remind me of myself at your age. Unfortunately inviting you directly is impossible here.

How is everyone not bringing up the fact that trump went to epsteins pedo island? Dont you all know that they film elites and high ranking politicians raping kids? Presidents will always do as they're told. Nature of the beast

i have so many answers i just don't know which questions they go to

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Being a Zionist isn’t a bad thing
Many politicians in the U.S proudly sport the Zionist banner. It isn’t something to be ashamed of. I love Israel and I love my president.

This. For fucks sake his daughter and grandkids are jews. Also he is Sheldon Adelson's bitch.

>I love Israel and I love my president.
Day of Pillow when?

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ever wonder why there are so many Irish/Italian hybrids in America?

Well they killed JFK so I wouldn't put it past them,

>*furiously rubs hands together*

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