>Be Turkic man
>Descended from the empire that took over Constantinople (A.K.A 3rd Roman Empire)
>The same empire that had clay from the Mediteranian sea to nearly the Baltic Sea
>Be successfully progressing for over 620 years
>Be made fun of by a country only 243 years old with no history besides riots and enslaving dindus
And they think they are superior but once a Turkish man realises where he came from and what he built like Rome. American's are the real insects waiting to be crushed.
Be Turkic man
Other urls found in this thread:
>1 in 4 Kebabs marry their cousin
> be 5th worlder turk
> think he's relevant
Eh? I would make the comparison of America being the Byzantine Empire and the Mexicans ,and other garbage flooding in, representing the Seljuk Turks who literally turned Anatolia into a Savage , inhospitable land. The Ottoman empire also enslaved Blacks and Europeans.
You guys used to be cool, what happend? All those yellow vest riots are making your country look like Syria 2.0
Excepted those Janissary's become mighty warriors that had the chance to level up into powerful positions like Grand Vizier. Compared to the horrifying inhuman American Slavery of the Africans
>All European slaves were Janissary's
Nope. You took slaves for hard labour, and sex slaves. There are Slavic folk songs about young women chosing suicide over being a concubine of the Sultan.
You people are sub human.
Bitch, get the fuck out of my United Nations.
But it is true that most of you are mixed, not white. Based on DNA tests, most Turks are a mixture of Middle East, Caucasus, European (aka White), and Central Asian. Although the Central Asia is not much (0.1-10%).
I heard this place called Nanking has nice Japanese history. I mean how far did Japan fall? You guys are kissing USA's feet even though they nuked you twice. However you may also be a English Teacher larping so who knows.
>are a mixture of Middle East,
So western Asian? Middle East is not a race
And are those tests done by real Turks? Or Kurd scum pretending to be Turk?
>Turks belong to Mongolia, where they came from
>Turks smashed one of the greatest civilization the world has ever seen, Christian Byzantine Empire, and turned it into yet another third world Islamic hell hole
>Even 1 000 years after Hagia Sophia, a converted Christian Cathedral, the Turks tried to build a larger Mosque, the blue Mosque, and they failed. Could only build smaller and uglier. Could not match what Christian Byzantines did 1 000 years before them.
>Turks gave nothing to mankind, except for human suffering, degeneracy, death and decay.
Pic, Ottoman Miniature. Sawaqub al-Manaquib
What is wrong with gay sex? The Roman's did it, the Ancient Greek's did it. If it wasn't for Christianity ruining everything having sex with a man is the manliest thing you can do.
I do like how he doesn't even know his own history.
Turks are dark and hairy as Arabs and their girls are more ugly than Arabs, as they have their flat ass/no curves Asian genes from Mongolia where they came from. Turks gave Europe ugliness and raw stupidity, for the first time ever, so Europeans cut out Asia minor (Turkey) from Europe. These people (Turks) and their ugly religion from hell clearly don't belong in Europe. Time for Turks to go back to Mongolia where they came from.
Look for yourself:
>If it wasn't for Christianity ruining everything having sex with a man is the manliest thing you can do.
I know. Even today Turkish men go together in the basar, hand in hand, as a couple and proud gay lovers. The Turkish Hammam culture involves hard and bloody gang bang, before they all go home to beat their Islamic wives, that they hate.
pick one.
As all brown skinned people, Turks love to have sex with farm animals. This was made worse as it is permissible in Islam. Pic.
there are many fallacies, but turks are NOT white, and your roach culture is primitive and nothing like european one, so please, go to your friends in the middle east, you are not invited to the cool kids club
Ottoman man having sex with his beloved donkey.
Muslims today having sex with the most beautiful donkey in the whole village.
Rape of farm animals is permitted in Islam.
Old Islamic manual from Ottoman Empire on how to wash your stinky penis after having had sex with your farm animal.
Holy shit Norgay is so triggered righט now
Be careful about what you eat in Muslim countries. Most likely the poor animal was banged by all the men in the village for days/months/years, before being sold off to the nearest village. Pic.
fuck off back to mongolia
>be turkroach
>complain on Jow Forums while your leader speaks to you via skype during military coupes
lmao fucking turkroach shitters
Also show flag, I bet its UK
Turkey was a staunch supporter of ISIS. No wonder, as they not only bonded over Islam, genocidal cruelty, but also their beloved donkey rape (permitted in Islam).
If you watch the first video, ignore the Nigerian DNA. That test adds Nigerian to everyone's results (all videos of my heritage does it). Turks are mixed, but not with niggers.
wh*tes and their even muttier mullato brethren are trash
Such culture. The Canadians of their time.
No. Turks are originally Mongolian and their DNA is still strongly present. Google Mongolian spot and Turkey. Your numbers are fake.
Sarmatian King People will rise once more
Here is a pic of a typical Turk. No wonder Turks had to raid Europe for some white blood. Turks are ugly as hell.
European historians were shocked to find how prevalent and proud Turks were of having sex with their farm animals.
That man is Kurdish though
Some things never change.
Norgay is so triggered desu
No, he is Turkish. Born and bred in Turkey. Turkish national. Turkish citizen. He has the typical features of a Turkish man that you will see all over Turkey. There is a reason why Turks were raiding like crazy for Slavic women and had to held them as sex slaves. No Europeans did that ever. There is also a reason why homosexuality and donkey rape was so prevalent in the degenerate Ottoman "Empire". Pic.
Turks are hairy, smelly, small, dark and dirty. Don't belong in Europe at all. Time for Turks to go back to Mongolia where they came from.
>descended from Byzantines.
If you're ethnically turkish no you are not, and if you are not ethnically turkish you are not a turk.
Europeans hate Turks. Arabs hate Turks. Persians hate Turks. The only people that like Turks are Pakistanis due to the Turkish TV series and that Pakistanis have never had direct contact with Turks. Time to go back to your beloved Mongolia, Turk. You don't belong in Europe. Never have. Never will be.
Actually Albanains, Greeks, Bulgarians, Serbians and Macedonian's love us. We hate the Arabs for betraying us and Iran are bros with us
But the Ottomans weren't white my guy.
If you are descendent from the whites who lived there then you are exactly saying you are descended from Byzantium, and essentially Ancient rome.
If you are white then you aren't turkish my guy.
>But it is true that most of you are mixed, not white.
Absolutely true. The same thing goes for you too, however.
If there is one thing Americans and Turks share is that we both live in Frankenstein nations that are eventually going to collapse.
>not even a roach
show your flag
no roach would be so ignorant and incorrect about his own history
You can easily see that Turks are of Mongolian stock, Asians, and foreign to Europeans. They are short stocky, hairy, with round weird heads. Girls are flat chested and flat assed, with little curves as their Mongolian heritage dictate. They are smelly, mainly due to their mix with Arabs and Negroes. Pic. Turks are more mutt and ugly than any other people.
Mergen et al. revealed that the "genetic structure of the mtDNAs in the Turkish population bears similarities to Turkic Central Asian populations. Source: Mergen, Hatice; Öner, Reyhan; Öner, Cihan (2004). "Mitochondrial DNA sequence variation in the Anatolian Peninsula (Turkey)" Journal of Genetics. 83 (1): 39–47
Take out kurdish family clans that practice incest from the east and the statistic will look different.
>t. pic related
Get fucked cunt
cringe thread no. 29857816
reminder to slide these
Albanians hate to be reminded that they have Turkish blood. They are the closest to be semi-friendly to Turks. Same with Chechens. All the rest hate Turks.
Is that Turks raping Albanian woman?
Will post some tr hotties.
American slaves can level up to powerful positions like point guard and mumble rapper
>reminder to slide these
Fake Serb.
Jew detected.
No, Christian women in Balkans. Muslim Albanians participated.
Shit now my boner is dead
Invading another race does not magically grant the invading race 100% of the invaded genetics.
As always when dealing when non-Whites, all "their" hottest people are heavily mixed with White Europeans to the point where they are nearly 100% European. That's why you hate and envy us so much. That and our great societies, art etc.
Ok hassan
Einmal döner mit scharf, aber dalli
hahhah hasiktir pis gömüyolar lan. çıldırmış amk sinirden kudurmuşlar hhahahahahhah. göt yangını +100
The one on the right is a girl, 13 or 14. Turks are pedophiles.
this isn't /an/, why are you making a thread about insects.
Turkic people are not Turkish people you fucking faggot.
How do you know if she is 13? How do you know if they are Turks?
Turkish people are Turkic though
>someone made a painting of it = it must be %100 true
dont post again faggot. you clearly have low iq
I like eurpeans, why should i hate them and yes white features are more attractive.
It's an obvious propaganda circlejerk
>someone made a painting of it = it must be %100 true
>dont post again faggot. you clearly have low iq
If the painting is reflecting 100% documented facts, then what? Muslim moron. Go back to Mongolia, Murat. You are too stupid and ugly for Europe.
Can we just appericate the fact that Norgay made 23 posts on this thread which is way more than me the OP? Shows the seething butthurtness. Whats wrong did a Turkish man steal your Nordic wife?
Show one girl with Turkish, i.e. heavily Mongolian blood, and you will not be able to find a single attractive Turkish girl. Must be tragic to only being able to present fake Turkish girls as good looking Turkish girls.
>Whats wrong did a Turkish man steal your Nordic wife?
We had NO
>systematic and widespread welfare cheating
>systematic and widespread tax cheating
>hatred for Norwegian culture and heritage
before we got flooded with Turks, Arabs, Negroes, Pakistanis and other third world trash. We gave them everything and they repaid us with crime, rape and corruption.
Not really. You faggots are basically a mix of mostly Greeks, Slavs and Caucasus peoples with a moderate dose of Arab blood. The only reason you even speak Turkish is because the Turkic ruling class did so and then when they died out, you didn't bother going back to speaking Greek or Arabic or whatever.
Norway before third world (Muslim) mass immigration flooding our nation.
You have clearly never been in Turkey. It is clear for everyone that these mutts are not even close to being European. They look totally foreign and alien to us. Turks with their dark features, dark skin and ugly non-European skull shape and bodies, are closer to pic, than to us Scandinavians. Sorry, Murat.
I'm honestly wondering why you're sperging out this much. I don't even disagree with you. I'm just wondering why the Norwegian has a stronger opinion about Turkey than the fucking Greek or German in this thread, seeing as Turkey has inconvenienced them more throughout history than Norway (to put it lightly desu).
Turks, you're not allowed to use this picture. You gypsy looking mfkers.
>be nomadic barbaric wild pieces of shit
>Balkan idiots fighting as always
>get sponsored by brits to conquer the balkans
>never get past Austria
>eventually like every empire shrink
>now lick Russia's ass because the US will destroy you , cuz turkish erbap towards everyone
Now tell me how great you are
well maybe im a murat and maybe im ugly. but this doesnt change the fact that your women crave my kind. because im high in testesterone and your men are incomptetent
1. Blonde gene pool is much more easily damaged by dark people, like Turkish invaders, than other gene pools.
2. The brutal Turkish history has been totally whitewashed in Norwegian schools, partly due to pressure from Turkey and other Islamic organizations. I was lied to about Armenian Genocide and in Norway you don't learn that Turks are foreign to Occupied Byzantine and does not belong in Europe.
3. Greeks know their history, they are not being lied to partly due to slimy Turkish pressure groups.
suuure. more like this
Unless our politicians stop and reverse the insane flooding of our Scandinavian nations, we will have racism and a civil war that will make Hitler's Nazi Germany look like an inclusive and multicultural kindergarten based on mutual respect and social cohesion. Scandinavians are nice and hospital, until we are not.
Greeks look like Turks too.
Children are stupid which is why western civilisation has higher ages of consent. Just because you give them attention and they fall for it doesnt mean shit other than you're a pedophile like your faggot prophet.
So you have given up defending your ugly and dysfunctional Turkish race, Murat, and all you have left is slander and mudslinging against people that you envy, due to their beauty and (pre-third world immigration) harmonic, borderline perfect, Nordic societies?