Pill me about the (((Holocaust)))

Pill me about the (((Holocaust))).

Im split, pull me to one side

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If Jews are White wasn’t The Holocaust White Genocide?


Jews are not white.

why are this guy's comics always so cringe?

I don't understand that meme about burning books being bad. A book being a book doesn't make ot precious. The idea of a book being sacred due to having words written in it is retarded. It's a stupid simplification made by stupid people in order to relieve themselves of the responsibility of reading the text, analyzing it and judging the value of ideas contained within.

anyone who was burned to death during WW2 was a holocaust victim which would include German and Japanese citizens who were at home and had either white phosphorus incendiaries or atom bombs dropped on their cities.
No one was burned to death in the labor camps though (or poisoned to death by gas)

Attached: The REAL Holocaust - Dresden.png (1120x800, 567K)

fck off polak, that isnt this threads dicussion

Political comics are always too earnest and serious to be funny. They can't chill out.

Why use Zyklon-B when you can use the G-series nerve agents you just invented?

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Remember when we gassed Mexicans with Zyklon B and they were just fine?

>Im split, pull me to one side

How are you split? Just curious.

Personally I don't really care as much as one is allegedly supposed to, having grown up in Europe, but at the same time I don't think the mass murder of jews and other groups in Europe during '39-45 is something that needed to be staged or made up after the fact.

What is the 'official' Zyklon death toll anyway?

img related was the population count for Auschwitz which was released to the American Red Cross in New York in the 90's when the USSR collapsed. The US National Archive has the same records but they've been sealed since 1948 and classified as Top Secret so no FOIA request will be honored.
You can read the full report by going to this site:
or one of these archives:

Attached: Auschwitz files - George S. MacAlister.png (736x866, 99K)

Why are North Americans always hyperfocussed on Auschwitz?

it was the camp with the highest concentration of jewish people, but not limited to just jews

>What is the 'official' Zyklon death toll anyway?
Maybe 5-6 in the factories where workers added the HCN to the cans. Over the span of decades. The cyanide in a can was so weak that added chemicals were used to make the shit smell worse.

Perhaps, but it's a far more interesting topic with far higher potential for a worthwhile discussion than your question, which has been discussed to death here. This is actually funny that you posted this pic and yet instead of trying to start an interesting discussion you decided to parrot the question that was asked here a million times before because you're unable to think up a topic other than what is usually discussed.

Greatest lie ever told fuck faced suck ass jerk off! Watch it!

All that gives is a bunch of numbers with no proof of authenticity.

>Showers with gas

Lice carry typhus. Easily 100,000 prisoners died of typhus. This is because there is no running war faucets at a camp when the whole country is bombed to shit. Where do the Jews poop? Can they wash their hands? The cut supply lines stopped shipments of food and any other supplies.

Zyklon B was used as a pesticide. In America, we sprayed our field Mexicans with the stuff daily and no one died. They probably got cancer.

Watch this British film on how to control for lice:


See, live destroys armies and civilian populations since they are lots of people comlantcted into a tight area.

Why does the military shave a recruits head, give him new clothes, and shower them upon entering basic training? Why do they forced strict hygiene and make you scrub the floor with a toothbrush? Why do they do the same in prison? The military drills extreme cleanliness into the recruits to prevent disease which could take out a whole army.

Jews arrived, stripped, shaved, gassed, given new clothes, a tattoo, and put to work.

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this, its this everytime

Irving's opinion can basically be summarized to "the holocaust happened, though exaggerated. they deserved it and more should have been killed"

I'll never get why the full on deniers embrace his positions so much.

I think the author is a girl and the style is really cute.

Ann Stingle of the American Red Cross was interviewed by reporters from the New York Times after the Russians handed the ARC their copies of the German labor camp records, the title of that peace was called "Holocaust-Search for the 'Vanished.' and it was published on March 3rd 1991, that's where the numbers come from.
You should make a FOIA request to the US National Archive for "P&O File TS, Sections I, II & III, 1948-1948 Records of the Army General Staff, RG 319" because those numbers are in the same records that the Allied commanders had after the war.

you've been proven wrong, again, every time

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Even if you believe anything that comes out of the holocaust industry 100% percent, which you shouldn't, it is still irrelevant and is used as anti-European propaganda first and foremost. It's still something that you aren't allowed to question in the academia. And it's still something that is getting tax paid monuments today.

no one was burned to death in the camps as required for a "holocaust", but people in cities were burned to death so they're the actual victims of the WW2 Holocaust, not some whiny khazar mutts that caused riots as Nazi's and had to be put away in labor camps to keep everyone else safe from their abhorrent actions

Attached: Jews fined for Nazi riots.jpg (400x284, 38K)

It’s more about deplatforming. Back then books were seen as the primary way of distributing ideas, these days social media plays the same role publishing a book fills but with more immediate and wider results.

What the cartoonist is trying to do here is tying Twitter’s deplatforming to book burning, which is a concept that normies have a programmed revulsion towards due to anti-Nazi propaganda.

Most everybody is for censoring their opposition, I am one of them. But if we are to win the culture war for white society we must package ideas like deplatforming as bad as we are the ones currently being deplatformed.

>statement no evidence
>"You've been proven wrong XD"

but thats just a copypasta, lol. Has anyone actually made said foia request?

Ive looked for that article and have never found it. Do you have a link?

It's in the thread, cutdick brain damaged slave

see vvv
Refute that pot-leaf.

based israeli

what copypasta?
I typed that all out
Anyways, the article is available on microfiche in a few central libraries but you won't find a copy online since they've all been scrubbed

Why don't you post some evidence and statistics instead of relying on others to argue with debunked up bullshit from 2010, weak shit.


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I feel like Ive seen that paragraph in 2 or 3 other holohoax threads. either way, I apologize.

maybe I will try and make a foia request for it sometime, Ive always wanted to try.

Auschwitz had a pool, so it was super comfy.

I kind of understand the anti-book-burning sentiment in the context of times long passed when there was no print, books were expensive as all fuck and took ages to write because they were written by hand by monks, and they were usually historical, philosophical or religious texts. Then, when you burnt a book you really could have destroyed the only material source of some knowlege contained between, but nowadays we can, and do, copy text infinitely and most of texts written by humanity at this point is fiction, usually bereft of worthwhile ideas, so fuck it. I mean, if it was an original ancient book, sure, that should be protected, but not fucking Harry Potter, it's just a worthless fictional book for kids.

Thats illegal Hans.
You are being reported.

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>sites one source form some bitch, no actual links or proof
>dismisses when pushed into a corner you can't back out of

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Contained within*

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no need for apologies.
please do make the request, all of mine have been denied

Where the fuck can I find her comics now? They're not on Twitter anymore

>american muttposting
What the fug

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We could go on, and on about the fine details, or how accounts may not be accurate, but in the interest of simplicity people probably did exaggerate things, and nobody was rushing to come to the defense of the Nazis, so false accounts were taken as true, but the larger picture of the Nazis rounding up anyone they did not like, or people they though might be politically dangerous to be starved, or killed in work camps was accurate. It does not have much to do with anything today, Nazi ideology has been relegated to acting as political puppets for larger movements. Isreal is proven to suck less than the Muslim nations around it, and the Zionists are less of a geo-political threat than them as far as anyone informed can figure.

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>Pro holocaust sources: 0
>Pro holocaust assumptions (the bricks in the ground prolly belonged to the gas chambers lmao): all
>Addressing the amount of resources needed to gas 6 million humans with wooden door fitted non gas-chamber rooms: 0
>Addressing the amount of time needed to burn bodies to ashes somehow including the bones that usually remain, while all they had where small stone ovens: 0
>Any math that would prove their unsourced assumptions: 0
>Sources that prove the jews killed millions of Christians with communism: Endless.

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>All memes

Color me surprised.

I miss the days of lolbertarians sometimes.. Their memes were dumb too, but less cringy.

>>Addressing the amount of resources needed to gas 6 million humans with wooden door fitted non gas-chamber rooms: 0

Heb jij wel onderwijs genoten, user?

Simple. Who cares if it happened or not?
You can pile on the piles of evidence that the holohoax is a cover up.

To really defeat the idea is simple.
Process this thought :

"why are 6 million jewish deaths more important that the 60(?) million that died in ww2?"

The answer is this : they are not more important to you and me. They are more important only to jews themselves.

I wish the holocaust had happened, but it didn't. Compare the world Juden population in 1933 to 1948.

Search for a documentary called “one third of the holocause”
Search for the video of 6 million being mentioned decades before hitler came to power

That wasn't my takeaway at all friend. Brother Nathaniel has a vid for you, he was Jewish in NYC in the fifties and he said the first he heard about it was the sixties. And the Jewish population in Europe held steady at fifteen million before, during and after the war. Easily searchable and irrefutable, friend...

Ja en spreek Engels hier and learn how to argue logically by reading the sticky.



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Because thats what our propaganda is focused on. Holocaust = Auchewitz in the mind of Burgers