Do you miss these cunts already?

Now with the normie aussies gone, we only have the hardcore autists left who went around the ISP ban.

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Other urls found in this thread:

Rest in peace, cunts.

nah just don't have a cuck ISP


Good riddance to all Australians, frankly.

we're still here bru

yeah i miss them

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I'm with the ISP other Aussies said was banned. Never experienced any problems with my home WiFi. However my mobile phone carrier blocked Jow Forums

The Australian influence on the board had been waning for a long time and when one of them shot a bunch of people in NZ they became persona non grata around here.

Never knew that australians were secretly ay lmaos. Good to know

Yeah but why do americans even care? I mean they sleep mostly during Australias most active sessions

moot's dream finally came true, he just had to hold on a little more.

You can't make this shit up

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yeah nah, fuck those cunts

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Were going to have to nuke new zealand soon arent we
Going to become a hot bed for terrorist activity soon over there

Show your flag cunt

>persona non grata
Shooting up that mosque wasn't very smart.

We are a hateful lot.

My ISP blocked it for a few days, I was about to change my DNS but they had unblocked it by then, probably so people wouldn't learn how to change their DNS. I still changed my DNS.

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Never bothered to do any of that DNS shit.

I personally believe they realized this is a containment board and they were doing more harm than good by turning us loose onto greater society.

I find it funny that leafs haven't checked in. I thought the woke, no pun intended, americans appreciate the regular leaf slaying and general bantz they have to offer

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Ban is on and off. I can normiepost from phone atm, couldn't yesterday.

You give them FAR too much credit.

Typical aussie. Hets rather drunk than to have to work for once in his life.

I'll miss the sick cunts

You say that like it's a bad thing. If something is worth doing properly it's probably okay if you just half-arse it too.

Not every isp banned it fucktard

They safed you aussie tbqh, australians cannot operate outside of Jow Forums, they jus get insulted and blocked instantly

you'd rather work than get drunk?

What the fuck did you just fucking say about me, you little bitch? I’ll have you know I graduated top of my class in the Navy Seals, and I’ve been involved in numerous secret raids on Al-Quaeda, and I have over 300 confirmed kills. I am trained in gorilla warfare and I’m the top sniper in the entire US armed forces. You are nothing to me but just another target. I will wipe you the fuck out with precision the likes of which has never been seen before on this Earth, mark my fucking words. You think you can get away with saying that shit to me over the Internet? Think again, fucker. As we speak I am contacting my secret network of spies across the USA and your IP is being traced right now so you better prepare for the storm, maggot. The storm that wipes out the pathetic little thing you call your life. You’re fucking dead, kid. I can be anywhere, anytime, and I can kill you in over seven hundred ways, and that’s just with my bare hands. Not only am I extensively trained in unarmed combat, but I have access to the entire arsenal of the United States Marine Corps and I will use it to its full extent to wipe your miserable ass off the face of the continent, you little shit. If only you could have known what unholy retribution your little “clever” comment was about to bring down upon you, maybe you would have held your fucking tongue. But you couldn’t, you didn’t, and now you’re paying the price, you goddamn idiot. I will shit fury all over you and you will drown in it. You’re fucking dead, kiddo.

Germans are weird.

Don't drink and the main reason I didn't bypass the DNS is because I was using it as an excuse to get off my Jow Forums arse and get on with life in the real world.
But nice try Kraut.

Attached: aussie2.jpg (400x400, 35K)

>get off my Jow Forums arse and get on with life in the real world
How's that going?

Ya wankers don't realise the importance of responsibility and giving your all on every possible aspect of life. Sure we germans can turn into depressed little shits, because we're overworked and underpaid, but at the end of the day we are useful to society and create useful objects for society, that work efficently, comprehensibly and flawlessly

Annexation seems like a better option. Their military is a few peasants and a rowboat.

Well not very fucking well (obviously) since my ISP decided to unblock you cunts after only a day or two.

keep choking on my cock, fag

And we live in a land of monsters where the sun gives you cancer.

So we drink.

My ISP didn't even bother to block Jow Forums.

Nobody forced you to sign up with Telstra/Optus/Vodafone for internet. A billion different NBN providers are there for a reason.

>Change DNS
>Hard core
Cunt, it takes two seconds. Been using OpenDNS since the decided to "block" torrent websites.

We create jokes, you create videos involving glass coffee tables.

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>Ya wankers don't realise the importance of responsibility

hahahahaha we live in a fucking nanny state omg what a fucking laugh

Eat a dick cunt

let me ask a question, when did you move New Zealand because its not where it used to be

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Australians are a cancer to this board and I am glad they are gone

What was the most intelligent thing that has ever slipped out of an australians woman's mouth?
Tim Roberts cock

F for our fallen soldiers

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And phoneposting faggots who cant figure out how to install an app, it was a win.

leftists lost for 8 years and our shooter party won big.
Suck shit

I'll need to speak to my solicitor before I answer any more questions about that.

Australians are retards of the highest order and need culling especially Victorians.

Yeah gotta suck seeing other australians take away from your shitposting glory. The most an austrlin can struggle, is not having his shitposts appreciated

>kraut humor
kill yourself, merkel cuck

Home wifi is fine.
Mobile is cucked and i dont want to install the app. Will probably change providers instead since i dont care for this plan anyway.

Looks like that one hit deep, huh?

Less drinking and more working and you will feel like you'll have something accomplished daily, instead of getting shit done by accident or because you needed more money for booze

This line is for questions about basket-weaving only.

working is too expensive

I appreciate you shitcunts, I really do, but imagine what australia would be like if everyone there stopped drinking and started working hard

oh i thought this was the finger painting forum, my mistake

But the question is, did normie aussies even bother to fix it, or went into shitosting in rl instead

why would you want to turn it into a awful shithole full of miserable cunts

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Fuckin' oath mate

fuck those good lookin' devils


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That's only cuz many germans here drink too despite working hard and because many are pseudo christians, aka catholics or even atheist. Many don't even believe in the tails of the bible, and just see it as nice little stories, so they don't act to a very high moral standard in every situation

Australian males: The strap fasteners on a woman's bra.

you mean a concrete hell like germany? no thanks.

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not to mention

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As opposed to other kinds of bra?

stop trying to make jokes Fritz, your brain is going to get a hernia or something.

> 4523525635633564.jpg
gawdam son how many memes you got saved?

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We are still here...VPN mother fucker

theres a joke in that

I love all of my long lost Anglo brethren in Straya! One day we will all drink a pint in peace together!!

What do women and hand grenades have in common?

— When you pull the ring off, your house goes away.

Holy fuck I haven't seen something like that since I was in mexico! Jesus

What is it?
Don't wanna watch horse porn tbqh

Most of the IP bans have ended already but I think a lot of the normies have not noticed yet.

never mind 4 and half Quadrillion memes seems about right for a aussie shitposter

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its just horse porn. nothing special outside of that really.

why Why WHY do i always click that shit?

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I had a nightmare about this once.

oh yeah i forgot

What happened?

How do I get around the ban? In laymens terms please

I clicked it too, because I haven't read the link fully nd thought it is a link to a vpn site that works on Jow Forums lol

this. telstra has blocked it on my phone plan, my home internet with vocus is fine

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I mean changing dns is leet haxxors. Am i right you autistic german scat lover. I feel like this i bait thread but germens are this autistic in real life so could be wrong

Doctor prescribed me some epic drugs to help me get over it.

I'm having a green tea then doing gardening

May God forgive me on this Sabbath

We have to carry the flag for our banned brethren. Never stop shitposting

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Fucking yeet

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Muzzies can't even satisfy their own women so we have to do it for them ahahahaha