
can any american pls translate this?
i dont understand what it means and it annoys me.

Attached: RFykcvc.jpg (944x960, 94K)

Other urls found in this thread:

>My friend gave his baby momma $500 dollars a month out of pocket for their daughter.
>Her (The baby momma) mom and her friend told the baby momma to put his friend on Child Support Payments to get more money.
>The Judge came back with a ruling of only $238 a month.
>Now she (the baby momma) is on Facebook calling him a deadbeat because that's all he is required to give her now.
>"Have that same energy"
I'm not sure what the last line means, possibly:
>"How are you going to spend that same energy going to court when you were getting $500 you greedy bitch. :)"

In short, kid dad gave mother 500bucks monthly on his own free will, grandmother told her daughter to go to court for alimentary tract to whisk more money from him.
Judge ordered 238/monthly.
Guy now pays 238 not the previous 500.

My boy = My friend
Baby mama = his child's mother

He was paying his bitch 500$/month but like the greedy and lazy hookers most women are nowadays wanted more. Convinced by her friends the bitch went to the court and the judge said he needs to pay 238$/month, far lower than what he was paying voluntarily.

This is what happens when you give women rights. They band together as communists and try to extract money from men by using other men i.e. government

A man overpaid child support and then began to pay the correct amount, causing stress to his estranged partner who rears the child.

guy was paying 500 dollars a month to his kid mother. Other people convinced her to sue for more money and she lost the case and he owes her less money now.


The father was being generous by giving $500 a month to take care of daughters needs. The mother and friend were greedy and thought they could use the government to force more money out of the father. The government determined that the father actually could only afford half of what he was paying. The father who is angered by the mothers greed now only pays the half amount out of spite.

It's a nigger, us white folks don't understand the OOK OOK language.

>This is what passes as comedy in the black community.

I don't even pay rent lmao dumb nigger I'll retire way before him see this is why negros will never make it in life they fucking spend any money they make

i wonder if blacks even themselves understand what the other blacks are saying, or just default to the standard "dats mah boi", "dats rite" "smack lips" replies even though they dont understand what is being said.

This man's friend was paying the mother of his child, which we presume that he isn't with anymore, $500 a month without a court order. The woman got greedy due to the advice of her mother and friends and took him to court to try and get more. The judge said he only has to pay less than half that, and now she is upset calling him a deadbeat.

A nigger is proud that his fren now pays less for the niglet. Nigress tried to jew father but got jewed. Fuck niggers. Fuck jews.

so Baby Mama = wife?

My African-American male friend was voluntarily paying the mother of his daughter $500 a month. Her mother and friends insisted she could have more money for child support if she took him court. She took him to court and the judge decided that he should only be paying $238 a month. The single mother is now claiming my African-American male friend is shirking his responsibilities as a father because he now only pays what the judge has ordered him to pay.

bix nood cof bin mo po :D

Attached: I_Speak_Jive.jpg (500x312, 27K)

No. Biological mother of the child.

I too wonder this.

isnt this exactly what a wife is?
or are they not married?

I'd say #justniggerthings but growing up in a small town in the midwest, where fucking retards knock up some ho in highschool, white hicks are the niggers around here and they all have this problem.

>I'm not sure what the last line means
“Have that same energy” means be as petty as the guy in this made up scenario and be willing to dab on your baby momma even at the expense of your own mutual child. Being petty and adversarial towards your child’s birth parent you are no longer with is the hieght of comedy in the Afro American community.

baby mama means not married.
the child was born out of wedlock.

Ah, we have an actually intelligent person here, who is able to paraphrase a story and not just parrot what they read.

He's fucking with you, god most muricans are fucking retarded

Surely you aren't this naive? Baby momma implies unwed and with a child.

Shiiiet, this niqqa was payin this hoe 5 hunna dollars , cuz that beatch had his baby , know what im sayin? Get this, the hoe's momma and her possey told her to get more bennies and go on Churld Support, but tha judge said das too much, and now my homie pays 238 $.Now the hoe gets cray cray , not in the good way, and calls ma boi a deadbeat .Shiiet, alls good in the hood ,babi.

fucking lost it at Churld Support

You forgot a few entries!
“Muh dik”, “Gibs me dat”, “Wyte peepoh raycys”, “WE WHZ KANGZ”.

Congratulations my friend! We have archived their entire language!!! Think we will win a noble prize for this great discovery? WhT do you plan to do with the money?

I dare you say baby momma one more time

My boy = my fren
Baby momma = my illegitimate child’s mother
$500.00 = money from sale of stolen goods at pawn shop.

I also google'd this to see if it was a pasta and like 7 """rappers""" and their lyrics popped up. I'm fucking dieing

To add to what people have already said, in America women get free lawyers who leverage rigged laws to exploit resources from men. And this will guaranteed happen without contest, even if it is contested. Everyone in USA knows this happens but no one talks aloud about it, so women encourage women to leverage unfair laws in order to basically live for free since they can take large amounts of money from men. More than what is needed to take care of the kid, and many women dont even take proper care of the kid anyways

Also, cucked men (judges) who think they're going to have Sex With a woman because they ordered another man to hand over resources to them help this along

Keeeeeeek! She fucked herself!

I'm good at what I do and I'm glad you noticed :)

Fucking kek

blacks almost never marry. what's described in the tweet is the common black experience.

>male ape impresses female ape with dat hood sheeit
>ooga booga muh dick ensues
>monkey babby is formed
>female ape says sheeeeit needa git dat moneh
>male ape says sheeeeeit ah cain't affod dat
>judge orders him to pay
>he never does
>shaneequah bitches on social media about it

There are literally tens of thousands of similar stories. But remember, it's all whitey's fault somehow.

Attached: 1522733149212.png (719x664, 90K)

how can you as a father not stay together with the mother so your child has the proper family experience?
how can you as a man not feel utterly responsible for your offspring?

Has anybody tried to use a translator on OP’s urban story? I think it’s racist that there is no Negrish translator out there.
>From language: English
>To language: Negrish (new hip ebonics)

You’re an idiot. Nothing is out of spite.

Oh my fucking sides!

It's some nigger playing with a computer. Don't expect it to make any sense.

have that same energy is the guy who posted declaring that he feels a connection to the emotions of the man in the story.

>baby momma
this nigger logic never fails to amaze me
its not wife or partner, no, it's mother of my baby. as if the mother is interchangeable and irrelevant

this happened with my cousin. literally fuck women theyre whores

these are not humans, kraut. these are niggers. if you try to project human empathy and decency onto their behavior, you're gonna have a bad time

No. He is asking wtf
>Have that same energy
Means. I have no idea myself.

It doesn't mean anything so I didn't translate it.

>They band together as communists
Lrn2communism fgt pls Comrade

You need to find this woman.

Add it to the long list of MYSTERIES OFBTHE BLACK MAN'S PSYCHOLOGY I guess.


Shut up fag, lurk more

This man tells a story of how his friend was giving his ex-wife $500/m out of his pocket, no strings attached, to support his daughter.
His ex-wife got greedy and filed a lawsuit against her ex-husband for child support.
Judge ruled that the ex-husband should only pay $238/m.
Ex-wife is now mad that she is getting less money than the man was initially giving her, and talks shit about him (what a bad person he is).

Sorry, English isn't my first language

They speak like a this and then have the gaul to repeatedly ask
>You know what I'm sayinnnnn?
No. No one knows wtf you are saying.

I'll translate:

"Always go above and beyond the bare minimum and if people complain, then reduce your efforts with them to the badge minimum. Lol"

You're welcome! But don't forget you're mortal!