Is it true that on royal coat of arms of the UK the unicorn in chains is a symbol of Scotland? Kek

Is it true that on royal coat of arms of the UK the unicorn in chains is a symbol of Scotland? Kek

Attached: FB_IMG_1553339875764.jpg (720x696, 70K)

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I wouldn't see how, as the symbol of Scotland is a Lion Rampant

Attached: armscot.gif (190x221, 13K)

I think the unicorn has a chain because it's a wild mythical beast that needs to be confined or something like that. Why does the lion have painted toe nails? I just noticed that for the first time.

He's a trans loon

Still weird why they would have a unicorn in chains though

not painted. bloody.

It is.

The unicorn is our national animal. The Lion Rampant was rarely used until nostalgically revived in the 17thC.

Attached: 1530888858388.jpg (720x576, 61K)

Ah, thanks for the clarification scotfren

The chains represent the control of house Stuart over Scotland.

>having your national animal in chains on your coat of arms

That must suck

If they didn’t keep the unicorn chained up it would have gone to london looking for work

Only us Blacks are REAL hence Unicorns with Chains for UK fakes.

Attached: Blacks REAL Britons.jpg (900x1119, 728K)


Because we Shall chain UK whites
and Recover our Islands.


True story and it represents just that - the grip the Anglos have on Scotland.

>Is it true that on royal coat of arms of the UK the unicorn in chains is a symbol of Scotland?
No, the Chains for Unicorns, the Fakes.

Attached: Chains for Unicorns.jpg (915x1144, 121K)


Yes for Whites as Shown in OP's pic.

The chains represent the enslavment of the Scottish by the English in 1707, once theyd ate the last baby in Darien and came to us with their begging bowl.

I have heard 2 different interpretations

1) the unicorn is representative of the Scottish crown/sovereignty, and the chain is related to the people of Scotland having control of their government

2) the chain represents England/The Kingdom's control over them rowdy Scotsman


We are Back ! and Taking over !

Attached: We are Back ! and Taking over !.jpg (518x350, 41K)

Did you know the Spanish coat of arms represents the 5 spanish kingdoms that formed the country? just like Britain's flag in a way

Attached: kingdomshalf.jpg (958x539, 254K)

Then explain why Scotland HAD to join the union?

The colored Lions from THE SOUTH chain White unicorn,
"Royal coat of arms of the United Kingdom" meaning.

Yes, THE SOUTH will Rise Again.
"Royal coat of arms" meaning.

Blacks Back

The Welsh have it on their fucking flag.

What happens if Northern Ireland leaves? Do we go back to best GB flag?

US colored LIONS cast CHAIN around UNICORN Whites.
LIONS are from THE SOUTH, you FAGGOTS colorblind?

That's what IT means, Soon we Overcome.

Answer my question faggot

Yes, but the reason for the chain is that unicorns were supposed to be highly dangerous creatures that needed to be locked up. Why the lion wasn't also therefore chained, I don't know.

Yeah, the unicorn represents Scotland. In heraldry, England is a lion, Scotland is a unicorn, Wales is a dragon, and Ireland is a harp. This is what England's coat of arms looked like before the Act of Union with Scotland in 1707

Attached: 500px-Coat_of_Arms_of_the_Protectorate_(1653–1659).png (500x500, 233K)

I also know you a section of the coat of arms to represent gibraltar. kek

Sorry Spanish bros, you did well for pushing back out the moors.

All of you Anglo-Saxons the Same.

Attached: WHITES CHAINED.jpg (768x512, 73K)

I think we should make them a new coat of arms

Attached: muhfeelingsguy.jpg (235x353, 15K)

No worries Soon we Will
Have our Islands back.

Attached: 959890178-1551699843.jpg (1195x875, 88K)

based and blackpilled

Kemet pilled

Attached: judenpathogen.png (702x552, 424K)

Lions from Anatolia

Attached: Lion_distribution.png (880x768, 51K)


Attached: laughingirish.png (1440x960, 2.52M)
see Black Women pic

Bitch asses. Kill them cats.

Attached: 232DC004-757E-42A2-9E3F-9F383B38BE21.jpg (510x399, 97K)

no, it means one of the sons of noah is enslaved.