The Nazis didn't invent anti-semitism

It was around long before Hitler came to power, wasn't it Britain. Also I'm not sure how America was ever morally superior in this regard, since they rejected Jews from entering the country, and continued to enslave blacks, for many years after the 2nd world war.

So, when they say "Nazi sympathiser" what is actually being said? "Follower of the British, Roman, Assyrian, Ottoman, Arabian view."

Attached: 1914.jpg (524x357, 27K)

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>continued to enslave blacks, for many years after the 2nd world war.

what? they did.

Segregation is not slavery

are you retarded or what? Everyone know this, well you live in a colony so your education isn't that great.

It isn't your fault! man, you live in a shitty island among retarded cunts.
just buy a book and read!

> Nazi

National SOCIALIST German LABOR Party

Judaism > Communism > Socialism > Labor parties

Jews were culling their own flock from degenerates.

Attached: (1160x629, 177K)

>Everyone know this

no they dont. america and britain have clearly forgotten it.

when it comes to treating a race of people like second class citizens, Britain and America have the most experience.

they demonised hitler for following their lead.

take that to the press.

lol retard


and they did this after pretending to be the saviours of the jews.

fucking dirty liars.