As a black man in America, why should i give my tax dollars to meth/heroine addicted whites in flyover nowhere...

As a black man in America, why should i give my tax dollars to meth/heroine addicted whites in flyover nowhere? Whites did nothing for decades as my black brothas and sistas died from crack in the 70's/80's. Whites do nothing to stop gun violence in white schools, yet alone the black on black gun and gang violence that has terrorized blacks to this day.

So now that whites are suffering because of greedy wealthy whites and Jews, I'm supposed to give a shit? Nah, fuck that. I worked hard for me money. Middle America whites need to themselves up by their bootstraps and stop asking the government for a handout.

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true. fuck white people and fuck niggers.

Silly nigger.

>Black man
>Tax dollars


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as a member of a separate nation, you shouldn't care. what you should be doing is advocating for black nationalism and the formation of a separate black ethnostate in north america so you can live free of alien peoples and assuring that your tax dollars would only go to your own race and people.


>As a black man
Awww, it thinks it's people!

Not quite. I don't mind giving my tax dollars to whites who aren't worthless. Flyover whites are objectively worthless, the same as jobless blacks.

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You shouldn’t.

Stop lying about paying taxes.

Also, fuck junkies of any color.

Someone's punching the woman

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Negroes in white nations have passively absorbed more resources and benefits than their negro brethere not in Africa could muster up in 100000 years.

The negro in America has this fallacy that they are equal to the European. You are not. You are the only race that is CLEARLY inferior to all others except the Australian aborigine, not that that helps your case.

Just go back to Africa, we're tired of dealing with you as a social Pariah .

Per capita, most welfare goes to nigs already, paid for with white tax money. Let's just say were making it slightly more even.

don't worry, there aren't any black tax revenues left after paying out their benefits.

You're safe paying taxes on billions and a white person never seeing a penny.

So the decades of welfare, food stamps, ending slavery, providing taxes for a police force to at least attempt to curtail the crack and gang violence epidemic, all that doesn't count? Ungrateful, like almost all niggers.

That being said, you don't owe them shit, it's more that it's a social good to fix these human fuck ups because if you don't their addiction and desperation spirals out of control quickly (see: crack, heroin in Denmark or wherever it was, etc.), and I say fix the root problem, not the drugs out even the people themselves, but the desperate situation so many come from. This goes for blacks and crack, and whites and opiates/meth.

Also, the fuck is with the territorial arrogance? More libshit retardation, "flyover", yeah, cut off those states, see how long you desperately arrogant niggers that've never not lived in a big city survive. Fucking unwarranted self importance of you smog sucking bugmen is mind boggling.

Wellllll..... /thread.

>Passively absorbed
>confidently forgets 200 years of forced labor and human rights violations

We'll leave if you pay for centuries of free labor, stolen resources from Africa, pain& suffering, and the destruction of African's political and economic landscape.

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Why pay taxes on healthcare for people who neglected their health??

They did this to themselves.

You shouldn't, and probably don't, but in the unlikely event that you do, in any meaningful way, it should go to poor girls like this, who need someone to step in and show responsibility. Apparently.
That is now your mission...

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>political and economic landscape
Top kek niggers in Africa have been living in mud huts and braining each other over the head long before whites ever showed up and will always continue to do so.

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Do you even know why the negro was chosen as a slave?

This defeats your stupid political cartoon, any extension of it, your brainwashing from college, Redit, and the news, and your stupid comment

Also, I stand by everything I've said. Even with 200 years of slavery it's less than they've passively absorbed, which is what I originally meant. Negro-brained for sure

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>as a black man in America

Why are you even trying to pretend like you pay taxes?

>We'll leave
No, you won't. We all know you won't, because last time that was tried you faggots wound up eating each other.

>Destruction of Africa's political/economic landscape
Can't destroy what didn't exist in the first place

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It's been tried already.
Turns out all it does is spread and grow the problem. Like feeding city pigeons, whose only contribution to society is to shit on stuff we made.

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>Less than they've absorbed


No pain and suffering equals what negroes inflict on each other on a daily basis

Bringing them over here and putting them on a farm is probably the most peaceful and humane way any of them lived in the past 100,000 years

Those 200 years of slavery didn't affect you, they affected your ancestors. In those 200 years you advanced 100,000 years if your ancestors had been let to their own devices. You would probably be dead by now of some random disease without ever learning how to talk or write on the white man's internet with the white man's english. So how about YOU pay reparations for having cheated the system and abused the white man's kindness?

>900 billion
Obviously you don't fully grasp the extent to which imperialism has ravaged the continent. WW2 only lasted a few years. The rape of Africa continues to this day.

>Implying the past doesn't affect the present
>Implying i should pay reparations for FREE labor that my ancestors were forced to provide

Nigga, bye. Kys.

>built all sorts of infrastructure, taughts all sorts of knowledge, healed all sorts of disease
Whites are OWED reparations by the blacks.

Your desire that it never does betrays your disgusting self hatred projected onto everyone else. Unfortunately for you, your projection will prove to be no more than a shadow against the manifestation of reality. Yet you call others delusional? You thought Trump could not win, you thought nobody would ever want Brexit, you thought Mueller was going to put Trump in prison, you think there are more than two genders, you think you deserve to be given special rights, you think you are special, you think you are smart, you think you know the minds of others, you think you are a good person, you think you will not end up changing to our way of thinking because the truth will seep into your pores and finally get to your hormone addled brain and wake you up, you think that global warming is real and that everyone who doesn't agree with you is literally think..well, do you see where I am going with your "thoughts" you dumb NPC?

Niggers are pathetic

My mother's side of the family were "indentured servants", I'm 100% white. Fuck your guilt tripping bullshit, we owe you nothing, even if they weren't effectively enslaved, or if that wasn't true about one side of my family, still don't owe you.

Go back to Africa. Be among your beautiful and pure people. Fight for their rights. Imperialism has been rough on Africa, can't sugar coat that, though the adjusted nearly 1 trillion in food aid supplied by mostly whites at least should be looked at as a good faith gesture.

>muh reparations
I'm okay with that if you'll all leave. It'll sting like a motherfucker for now and I'll lose a few black friends, but in the long run it's better for us all

Why don't you leave America then?


I wonder how many societies would LOVE to be "ravaged" by the Europeans' education, industry, laws and protection, agriculture, transportation, medicine, etc etc

Without colonization you'd either be cheetah lunch if you're lucky, or getting flayed and eaten by your brothers to cure their aids with your magical corpse

>the destruction of African's political and economic landscape

Subsahara africa (where negroes in America came from) never had a written language, domesticated animals, agriculture or even the wheel. That definitely entails your negro ancestors never had a government. And since you're obvious not very smart, I'll say it point blank: this means you never had politics.

Just because you see the successful white man (who invented and discovered each and every material possession you find valuable) doing civilized things doesn't mean your ugly, unintelligent race did it too.

Get real, shit skin and leave our nations. We're tired of dealing with you as a social pariah

And as for those white people who ODed in their car, you leave it to us. We will take care of our own people. No negroes are necessary

>free labor
They got the privilege of having their ancestors born 100,000 years into the future. That's like if some alien took me to some planet 100,000 years more advanced than this one and then my descendants 200 years from now are whining on how they had it better back then on a planet that actually had diseases and poverty and wars. Be happy you didn't die in an african ditch at 5 years old of tuberculosis without knowing shit of what just happened to you because that would be the extent of your existence if not for the white men showing up to save you. Pay reparations.

Hey, hey, asians invented like 10% of that and made all of it smaller/iterated on white designs. Be fair now.

Sorry bro, you've been lied to:
That being said, yes, slavery was unfair. We ended it. Yes, the Jim Crow should have never been codified into law (if it happens naturally, so be it). As for "years of systemic brainwashing" That has been firmly on the other side of the see-saw since the 60's

Google Congo, Leopold II and Belgium.

What do you mean we did nothing? we put it in to your community

Then we made sure you paid for it


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You completely flipped your argument when you were owned. Your only consistency is “white bad”

whites are trash
>ancestors bring blacks to america, enslave them for centuries
>modern society: we hate blacks, they must go
>muh precious ancestors
your shitty ancestors brought you the problems in the first place. They are like the ultimate boomer

10%? No. I think the number was 2% and I've uncovered massive doubt as to the credibility of the claims I'm aware of

>gun violence in white school
There is a reason it blows up in the media when it does happen. Also this is Jow Forums majority of us believe drug addicts should be euthanized.

Keep on crying slave master's bastard.

Your ancestors sold your ancestors, as a commodity. Workers who could work in tropical sunlight, picking cotton or sugarcane or whatever.
That was only after about 700 years of a slavery trade & industry run by the various caliphates that ran central to northern Africa. The millions they brought home to their own nations were castrated, 1 in 8 survived this, so there are little or no blacks in those countries. Any babies resulting in muslims banging their servant girls were "eliminated".
Are you knocking on their doors asking for money for past generations hardship?
Should the territories ravaged by vikings get reparations too, 1200 years later?

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Has this been objectively quantified and studied? If you can cite it, I'd love to see the data (or uncited, honestly, but I'm gonna be way more skeptical about that).

And I'm not in it for the asians, I'm 100% white (cue the "today i will remind them" guy memes, ARGENTINA IS WHIIIIITE) and I'm pulling for my people, but I kinda wanted an ally, if not an equal, a different group that could at least understand our drive to improve life. Maybe we're truly alone in the universe after all.

Niggers will always be in debt to this country and its European inhabitants. Know why? Because, despite a couple hundred years of slavery, Whites brought niggers into our actual civilized society. Without white people you, who currently inhabit America and Europe would still be killing and cannibalizing each other over petty tribal disputes. Look at Africa even today. Surrounded to the East and especially North and West by actual modern human societies. And yet with Africas vast quantities of natural resources and perfect societies to emulate, niggers still live a primitive tribal lifestyle that think burying the property of someone curses them. Europeans, Asians, and even Sand Niggers were able to develop modern societies from nothing. With no one to emulate, and in many cases lacking important resources (agricultural land in Northern Europe, or fresh water in the Middle East for example) Niggers in Africa have literally been given the strongest start of any race of people and yet, even today, squander that historical benefit.

Think of your ancestors slavery as payment to European peoples for the privilege of having their descendants live in a non barbaric environment.

You're welcome, by the way.

They don't harass them because they don't give a fuck, they're immune to guilt.

Pick my cotton, nigger.

You shouldn't. We are against welfare here. You would know that if you spent 5 minutes here you retarded nigger.

Taxes are for poor people only.

I need to start a website talking about this stuff.

I was going to write a book but there was way too much information and as I was writing sentence by sentence I could HEAR people screaming at the future book with their objections. At that point I realized that my book would be more suited for a website for at so I can make links that jump around. This way the reader can silence the,selves by clicking on a link for whichever of the dozen possible objections is theirs.

That being said, I know what you're saying but I think that notion is vaporized by the fact that Asians strive as you know it today is driven by their historical perspective of Europeans as the preeminent race; in other words Asians believed Europeans were a superior race.

The aforementioned notion is still strong with them. Have you been to Japan? I have. I interpret their behavior and dedication to their work as them thinking they have to perform at their highest performance or they stand no chance to beat Europeans . And their behavior now could translate to epigenetics when they have babies. Making them super duper smart.

If they're breeding properly we could be in for a winner!!!!!
Which is why the west has to stop fucking aroundki

us spents billions in welfare, us citizens are lazy mutt shit that deserves to die.

You shouldn't. Why are you paying taxes as a minority? Just scream racism if they try to take your money and they back off instantly.

Why are niggers not shot on sight?

this doesn't make sense
>Whites do nothing to stop gun violence in white schools
> yet alone the black on black gun and gang violence that has terrorized blacks to this day.
>I worked hard for me money
>Middle America whites need to themselves up by their bootstraps and stop asking the government for a handout.
man you are black!!!!

the whole thing you wrote is just moronic

normally i would agree with this sentiment but this nation is for white people not "Ooga booga give me reparations or I will burn my own community down" When will you negroes get the memo, we don't want you around. GO BACK TO AFRICA swinging on trees and letting cows piss on you like R. Kelly.


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Isnt it ironic you dont have an issue with your race taking gibbs for the last 80 years (burdening others) but when whites can benefit from it, now you want out.

Oh my black brothers and sisters got addicted to crack- wheres whitey to bail them out and fix their problems??

Oh blacks are killing other blacks at incredible rates, why doesnt whitey fix this for us!!??

Oh children are starving in africa, why doesnt whitey fix this too??!!!

If you dont want to support others with your money, I dont blame you, neither do I. but dont try and talk shit about race and act like I owe you fucking shit.

Take responsibility for your own shit culture.

Animal abuse laws are in place.

Why should a white american billionaire care about niggers stuck in the ghetto ruining it with drugs and guns to give them any money?

They shouldn't, they are just poor little niggers that deserve to die.

Your logic, nigger.

Consider the taxes rent nigger

>As a black man in America, why should i give my tax dollars to meth/heroine addicted whites in flyover nowhere?
Now you know how the working class man feels about your crack smoking brothers in their containment neighborhoods.

i dont think you understand. heroine is distributed by the federal government. it is allowed into the country by the cia. they admitted this. the federal government allows shit through customs so it can be sold to fund cia operations

canadas government admitted to poisoning heroin that was distributed in canada.

now lets put these 2 together and think about the increase in heroin related deaths in america and the growing homeless problem. if i recall correctly the pic in your post is of 2 dead adults and their living child who had no home and were living out of their car who had ODed

your tax dollars are being spent to kill whites with narcotics who slipped through the cracks . its probably sold at reduced rates just as "pest control"

i ask the same thing every time you people ask for reparations
why? its not my fucking business or problem
and trust me, if i could, i'd end all subsidizes, all assistance and let everyone just figure it out on their own

The difference is that white people created the black underclass in America. Heroin addicts were caused by wealthy whites. Ask for reparations from those wealthy whites.

ODs from opioids have also been increasing for blacks, it’s roughly par with everyone else now.

>Whites did nothing for decades as my black brothas and sistas died from crack in the 70's/80's.

uhhh wellfare?

>why should i give my tax dollars to
Don't then. Tax revolt sends a powerful message because it hurts that masters in the only place they can feel: their wallets.

don't worry nigger gentile, you owe God like you
don't even realize. paying taxes to his children
while they are being destroyed is the least of
your worries.

Just call up the IRS and tell them you're not going to pay your taxes anymore. Worked for me.




>Paying taxes

>We'll leave if you pay for centuries of free labor, stolen resources from Africa, pain& suffering, and the destruction of African's political and economic landscape

I am a "white" man in a flyover state. I don't use drugs or alcohol though. Do you view me as worthless?

>white people created the black underclass in America
No, a group of rich people, mostly jews, created the black underclass in america. Do you not realize 95% of the white population was poor too and and underclass as well? Do you also not realize there is a much higher chance of your ancestors were slave owners, as black man with white admixture, then a white man with black admixture? Only 3% of americans owned slave at the height of it all.

>Whites did nothing for decades as my black brothas and sistas died from crack in the 70's/80's

like hell they didnt.

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>thinks any of this bullshit excuse-making justifies enslaving human beings
>thinks any reason is sufficient justification to enslave another human being
Wew, lad.

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>625,000 people
>for what
To fix their own stupid fucking mistake, that's what. It never should have happened to begin with.

And let's all remember that for decades after, blacks had "nothing but freedom." They were no longer slaves, but interacting with society on virtually any level remained largely illegal for them until the civil rights movement.

>Black man
>my tax dollars
Pick one.

>Whites did nothing for decades as my black brothas and sistas died from crack in the 70's/80's.
We didn't force them to smoke crack
>Whites do nothing to stop gun violence in white schools, yet alone the black on black gun and gang violence that has terrorized blacks to this day.
Well, fucking stop shooting each other for christ sakes.

>why should i give my tax dollars to meth/heroine addicted whites in flyover nowhere?
You have to pay taxes first.

>Implying the Whites in NYC and SF/LA are of value

Let me ask you. How much is enough? What is the dollar amount that is sufficient for "reparations"? We have given you so much already and we even setup a country in Africa to return you too. You (or your ancestors) did not return. No one alive today owned slaves. You can't milk whitey for shekels indefinitely. Our children and grandchildren may decide that you children and grandchildren need to die if you try to keep demanding gibs. Because essentially, you are arguing that all white people need to be slaves to black people. And that is simply indefensible.

Blacks aren’t even a net positive in taxes
Fuck you talking about?
Niggers are literally a drain on the country

>Blacks paying taxes...

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Fair enough. Lets abolish all taxation that doesn't go on our own people, and see who comes out worse.

based Georgia

>I worked hard for me money.
No doubt

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you should be taxes to the nation of Liberia stupid nigger.

Black taxes don't even cover black gibs. Good bait.

I see this misspelled more often than I see it spelled correctly
Misspelling heroin might be the root of our nation's opiate holocaust