Family worth £15 million

>Family worth £15 million
>4 houses in 3 different countries
>Vacations 3x a year in 5* hotels in Switzerland, the Maldives and Thailand.
>Michelin starred restaurant meals weekly.
>$40,000 per annum school fees
>Work our asses off to live the above lifestyle

>Meanwhile pay 20% Corporate tax on our company's income (theoretically, ours is British Virgin Islands incorporated)
>Pay 40% income tax
>25% capital gains tax on transactions
>Road tax
>Tax on our houses (Council Tax)

Seriously, how is this in any way fair?

We're getting taxed on literally EVERYTHING despite working so damn hard and providing employment for 90-100 people.

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Other urls found in this thread:

Stop being a poorfag.



fucking nu-rich how wasteful

>plate full of bread

Seen this pasta before
Go suck a dick

Experiences>Shiny toys

I've seen more things in the last 5 years than you probably ever will.

Angkor Wat, The ruins of Knossos, the Grand Canyon...I can go on and on.

>theoretically, ours is British Virgin Islands incorporated

There is literally no way your family is not taking advantage of unscrupulous tax loopholes not available to the average pleb taxpayer.

Yep, im still seething.

Clearly have problems with personal finances and you are overspending.
Get a Dave Ramsey book.

I bet his girlfriend doesn't have a feminine benis tho

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take the yang pill fren.

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I'm no expert but the domicile laws make it hard for individuals to avoid income tax if you actually live in the country. It's much easier for companies to be subject to those intricate and complicated tax structures, than a person.

what a cringy post

You're just not smart enough.
Look at how the pros dodge taxes and you'll see how pathetic you are in comparison.

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just like the rich people eat it!

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Some people are better off than you, you have no right to others inheritance.

T.poorfag for life.

Do you even own a high end car op? How many solid gold watches do you have?
Do you even own rare art and ivory? Bitch you dont have shit

If you've ever left your state you'd understand where im coming from.

So you agree with me?

>2 inch cock

Middle class business men do the same thing.



It isn't tard. Every country has laws against double taxation. So what you do is you buy a house overseas. Start a company. And you open a bank account and move your money to said country.
But the op is a larping faggot

experiences aren't always half a world away. oh my goodness. I have no time for that history faggot shit

It isn't fair, but it's not really fair for anyone else either.

How do we fix it? Make it VERY easy for citizens to start businesses, no building or offices or mail box, etc. required for some stupid license.

And REMOVE TAX subsidies for large corporations and farmers.

The government shouldn't be picking winners anyways...

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You can easily move away from UK and live somewhere else like others.

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>this LARP thread again
I see you dumb cunt moved from biz to pol

Wow, you went to tourist traps. I bet the middle-aged part-time yoga instructors you rubbed shoulders with were real impressed with your watch collection.
How about you spend a year in the wilderness, make your own shelter, kill your own food, and actually do something to improve yourself instead of slapping another coat of varnish on your crumbling self image?

Republicans give tax breaks to their rich buddies at the expense of the dwindling middle class and growing poor. Democrats introduce new taxes and raise current taxes that don't even make a dent on rich people's wallets but cripple.the dwindling middle class and the poor. It doesn't matter who you vote for anymore. If you aren't already wealthy, you probably will never be. And if you're already poor, you likely will be forever. The black pill is unfortunate.

I'm a NEET and even I've seen Angkor Wat, Great Wall, Great Barrier Reef etc. It only costs like 400 quid to fly to the other side of the world

Pubes nobody believes you. Quit making threads pretending to be rich. We all know you are broke and live in Paisley.

Monaco sounds like fun and close enough to Ibiza and Mykonos too. What's it like there?

If you didn't have your head so far up your own ass you would realize that the reason you're rich isn't because you "work hard". It's because of centuries of infrastructure and scientific advancements made by OTHER PEOPLE. You have literally millions of other people to thank for your wealth. How does your family's company bring in enough revenue to pay a hundred employees? Do you sell products to people? Maybe if those people had to be subsistence farmers instead of having roads they talk take to work, none of them would be able to buy your shitty products? This is kindergarten level economics, so it's clear that you're no the brains behind your family's operation.

It isn't. I own a Wendy's and taxes are killing me. Niggers keep destroying the bathrooms and littering in the parking lot. Plus the city says I don't hire from the black community. I'm the only white person everyone else is Mexican or Asian. Niggers don't want a job. Don't get me started on the chimpouts.

Just not worth it anymore.

>I've seen more things
you can see all those things on the internet, dumbass.

What the fuck? Did someone copy my threads on here lmao. I never go on biz. Yes, I'm still seething at the ridiculous tax rates in first world developed nations like the UK and US.

Be happy you are privliged and successful, I need to progress economically as well as everyone here.

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stop being poor, fatty

traveling is for whore women who want exotic cock


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DSP has 2 homes and begs for money. that's how

>How about you spend a year in the wilderness, make your own shelter, kill your own food

Serious question, is there companies that do those sorts of experiences?

I've always entertained the thought of living like a savage, for a month or two. Just to really experience what life must have been like for our ancestors, without the whole die from a small scratch thing.

When they mean tax the rich, they mean those who become rich, not the who are already super rich. It's a way to keep that competition down, while making the public happy. You could look at it as a big fuck you, you'll never become like us.

If you were in a good neighbourhood would investing in a fast food franchise be worth it? I'm always on the look out for fresh opportunities and running a McDonalds doesn't seem too time consuming or difficult.

>Are there companies who do those sorts of experiences
Jesus Christ, is this fucking satire? Am I being baited?

I notice this time you left out the source of your families wealth. Good idea because I knew who you are from that. Last time you said the family sold the business. Is that true? So you no longer actually employ anybody, right?

Can't speak to your tax situation, but the lifestyle you are discribing sounds aweful. A dreadful and boring waste of time and money. Work less, spend less, focus on time with family, find a wife, raise some children, learn to get satisfaction from building with your own hands. Five star restaurants and banging lady-boys in Thailand is shallow, stupid and you're just pissing your life away.

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No you fucking cretin, the point is to do it ON YOUR OWN. JUST YOU. NO CELLPHONE. NO CORPORATE NANNY. NO PLANNED PHOTO OPS.

He’s a Bong. He has no knowledge of the numerous Wilderness opportunities on can easily purchase here.

Hahaha nigga just scissor your bank card and walk into the woods.

Dude. He has a demographic issue he hasn’t mentioned that if you gave it a little thought you should have realized.

No? Why? If there isn't I should think about setting one up and name it something like 'Go Wild' or 'Neanderthal'.

We can scout the best locations and teach basic survival techniques. Maybe even release a few deer into the area and monitor how they get along.

Not even a nice neighborhood is a guarantee. You've still got undesirables traveling through and working in the area. I'm sure it's more of a pain than the profits are worth. Restaurants in general are a horrible investment. Plus it's actively degenerate to be a part or the obesity crisis.

And end up like that dude in Alaska they made a movie about? No thanks.

>no response to this

Because the majority of democratic voters are not wealthy.

I heard ___insert3rdworldshitholehere___ has pretty low tax rates.

With every word you type you are turning me into a fucking Luddite. Do you even get the point of what I'm trying to say? Do you even realise how what you are doing is completely corrupting the spirit of the notion I'm putting forward here? Unironically, are you a fucking Jew?

You know, I knew your half brother. He was a good man. What do you suppose he would think of your OP? Or did he ever tell you to your face you were an over privileged punk?

Buy/rent a lot and fill it with cargo containers presto you got yourself a storage buisness, tends to work best in areas neighbouring(close) to rich areas, my old boss came in at 10 and left at 2 only thing he did was take a nap and a few phonecalls and only had 2 forklift drivers as employees.

if they're only worth £15 million and they're blowing through cash like a nigger won the lottery the kiddies will be broke by their 40's.

This only works when the housing bubble pops and everyone downsizes.

And the award for most insufferable faggot on the most degenerate corner of the web goes to you. Leave to some inbred silver spoon bong to ruin wilderness. You should be euthanized.

>We're getting taxed on literally EVERYTHING despite working so damn hard and providing employment for 90-100 people.
thanks to those taxes you are providing for a dozen of useless bureaucrats who in turn give that money to braindead human trash from the third world for free

He did, didn’t he? Told you to your face what he thought of you.

>he thinks 15 million is a lot of money

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This is why I love Jow Forums. You get to hear about investment opportunities you'd never normally care to think about. People talk about stocks and shares but never about owning a franchise or a storage company.

The way you're putting forward is insanely dangerous and bordering on suicidal for the average person. It's much better to gain some basic survival knowledge first (a company can offer this for a fee) and be monitored say once a day at arms length. Bows an arrows can be supplied but again for a fee but the really hardcore guys can make their own.

dude an average middle class family can afford that shit

That is not how someone with only 15 million spends money, fucking hell, the houses alone would be worth that much.
Work your asses off, sure, but save up for fuck sake, unless you've got 10Mil in the bank per person, all could go to absolute fucking shit.

Monaco has no income tax.

>travelling for the sake of it
I find it to be fucking shallow.

have you visited bangkok, and have you had the finest ladybois there?

The top 20% pay over 80% of the taxes.

Yes, but not flying there first class and staying in a $1000 a night hotel room.

The argument is that they create jobs for you to enjoy your life

There is a hierarchy which we can't help unless you work your arse off and put your children on that pedestal

>still doesn't know how to respond to this

If you just own the McDonald's franchise you'd be fine but don't manage it yourself. Be as hands off as possible but hire younger GMs trying to build their resumes. Younger white people with restaurant management experience will want to bring in lots of profits so they can talk about how they had the best McDonald's profits in that area when they inevitably leave to manage a real restaurant.

Again I still think it's degenerate to look for profit in making your people more obese.

>I want to live dangerously like our ancestors did!
>Only if someone gives me a good bit of food, tells me how to set up my camp and WiFi hotspot, gives me some supplies, checks on me daily.
I think I'm gonna stop replying to you now. I'm gonna take my own advice and spend the next two days innawoods. Enjoy your money, possessions, photo ops, and other things dude.

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Angkor Wat, and the Grand Canyon are tourist traps crawling with people. Knossos is pretty neat though. I'm a poorfag American warehouse worker but I've been to those locations. Later this year I might take three weeks in Nepal given how cheap that country is.

Saving money in a bank isn't a good investment
The interest they give you every year is less percentage than inflation. Your money loses its real term value in a bank

Best investing money for better returns instead of holding it in a bank

Just curious. Has your family done anything for his daughters?

because you're a slave under the American/British Empire

>Angkor Wat

there are many temples that you can be only tourist around nearby

Simple. Those 90-100 people are under your monopoly and cannot compete by making an opposite company. I would tax you even more if I could and increase the currency value.

>If you just own the McDonald's franchise you'd be fine but don't manage it yourself. Be as hands off as possible but hire younger GMs trying to build their resumes.

That's what I'd be planning on doing. I won't be in the Kitchen myself, fuck no, I'd maybe visit once a month and that's it.

Instead I'd hire some motivated, smart young person to put out the fires and run the day to day business. Beast him/her for two years and then when they inevitably leave hire a new one.

Niggers like me work harder than you (though not necessarily smarter) and we can only dream about doing the things you do or live vicariously through black celebrities we watch on tv. Pay your tax so us minorities can get some of that money. We deserve it, you don't.

Literally who gives a fuck. You sound an awful lot like a commie who thinks we should just start taking things from people because you're butthurt that someone has more.

You live in a first world country where you have the opportunity to make something of yourself. At absolute worst you'll be a poor faggot who can't go on fancy holidays but you'll still get handouts from the government and will be able to live a happy lifestyle while doing zero fucking work at all.

You have an amazing life, better than 99.99999% of people in all of history, yet someone else has it slightly better and you have an autistic fit.

It keeps poor people from literally killing your entire family and seizing everything.
Think of it this way, let's say we're cavemen on an island.
We gather coconuts to live.
Most people gather just enough coconuts to get by.
Your family is sitting on about 10000 coconuts.
What do you think the other cave people would do to you?

>Grow up in rural murrica (Montana, Idaho, Upstate NY)
>Learnt how to use a gun at 5
>Hunted by 6 years old
>Innawoods from a young age
>Thinks this applies to everyone everywhere.

None quite as well preserved though. The much bigger temple is just a ring of stones.

Rich fag here. 15m aint shit. If you are flying private with 15m in the bank you are nigger and deserve to go broke.

So he's not a cockjuggling faggot then?

Rich folk need storage places, our storage was next to a villa area in a decommisioned plane hangar, we had speedboats and antiques and local couriers used our lots, was a goldmine i met celebrities and scrubbed their boats and drove their wives buisness supplies into storage, suprising how many rich wives start their own buisnesses with the help of the husband with no expectations for success, but more money for us.


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>angkor lolwut

Those are things for old people you retard, Jow Forumsacks can go take pictures of run-down ruins when they're one foot in the grave. When you're young all that matters is money and pussy.

>brag about having lots of stuff
>"wtf taxes exist?"

Can probably save some money by taking a fucking cooking class and making your own nice meals, retard- you're basically whining that you spend beyond your means despite being rich. There is no difference between you and a waitress that lives in a high-rent gentrified apartment in the city and complains she has no money.

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Figure of speech, have it invested somewhere that'll get you a solid 10%. Don't take risks with your backup.
Fuck, just buy property with it

You'll want at least 2 since they can't be there all the time and shift leads are hit or miss. It also gives you a buffer when one does go looking for work. And this is why restaurants are a horrible investment. Good labor is arguably the most important aspect of a good restaurant because everything except the quality of your ingredients will be affected by the quality of your labor. Costs really start stacking up and all the best restaurants are constantly trying to cut their labor wherever they can.

that lifestyle seems remarkably opulent for a net worth of mere 15 mil. you're the reason why the expression "shirtsleeves to shirtsleeves in three generations" exists. consider ending your life faggot

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Mate, you lost how many World Wars? Get over it.

Instead of stepping in to stop monopolies, governments have decided it's more beneficial to just tax the wealthy more, and then divey it for the votes of the less wealthy.

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