I just found out my great-grandfather was a freemaso. Can I join them because of that? Are they still active in every country? Are they the good guys?
Can I join the freemasons?
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sure, as long as you're not a degenerate and believe in a higher being. You'll need to have character references, you'll need to pay a membership fee and do ritutals and shit.
>posts here
>isn’t already a mason
Back to plebbit
same, OP.
normie life sucks, NEET life sucks, academic life sucks, secret society life is the new get that Jow Forumslacks crave
Im a Freemason, but in the United States. Freemasons are desperate for members as their rules are that they can’t actively recruit and instead people have to ask about being a mason. So go to your local lodge and say my grandfather was a Freemason and I’m interested in learning what it is about and potentially joining and they will bring you in pretty quick assuming you’re not a complete degen or an athiest. Also, freemasonry for the most part is just a club that practices a bunch of Old Testament larping and that is pretty much it so it’s not the most exciting thing. Most of the older guys joined it just to get away from their wives and hang out with their bros one night a week.
why would you join a cult that at the top is known to be bashing toddlers faces into the cement & eating them alive?
it's like those retards who say they only listen to rap music for the beats...
>i'm not into all the gangster lyrics, im just in it for the beats
>i'm not into all the trauma-snuff & blood rinking, i'm just in it for the math & anthropology
I hope you join them in order to subvert them.
Brenton should have shoot up a lodge instead of a mosque.
That would have made a real difference.
Use google.
you have to be invited, see if you can make contact with granddads old friends who were in the know.