Question for nuclear power fags

Question for nuclear power fags
1. How can you guarantee that a nuclear facility won't get damaged in a war/civil war and cause a meltdown permenantly fucking up a country

2. 'its safe now', can you guarantee that all nuclear sites across the world are safe for the next 100+ years? Sure the chance of a single nuclear power station failing (for any reason) is very very low, that chance is multiplied the more the world has and if one blows it can fuck an entire continent.

3. Are you a brainlet?

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Nothing is guaranteed
Some things are better than others
Don't be a pussy

Nuclear fallout is a myth. No one died of radiation poisoning in Fukushima, no one is being affected by radiation now

There ain’t much point in running a nuclear power station when all the distribution lines are on the ground.

1. Can't.
2. Can't.
3. No.

In risk management there are no guarantees. There is only probability. You should know this. The low risk of something really bad outweighs the risk profile many other technologies, especially for current gen nuclear.

Unlike muslims, nuclear energy provides meaningful work

We need nuclear plants so we can develop materials required to make nuclear weapons.

The energy is just a useful by-product.

How about fuck you and your kind trying to ruin europa, without a clean Europe we have nothing. I'm glad Germany banned it I just wish low iq people like you would fuck off

Yes retard, that's my point. The PROBABILITY of something going wrong in the long run somewhere in the world is very fucking high ps fuck you

Sweet I'll enjoy my 'meaningful work' baby and irradiated homeland

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1.You cant or you can stop them.
2.All nuclear plants have a life spam and need to either be reinforced or destroyed so its a non issues.