The left is officially deranged and not to be taken seriously.
We have a one party representative democracy now. The other party has completely de-legitimized its role in government. They are basically putting party over country which makes them traitors.
I was listening to this video in the background of whatever else I was doing and I stopped when he said "No Collusion". My ears detected an inflection his voice when he said "No Collusion" and the change in pitch was the reason why I stopped and then I rewatched the clip a few times and observed his body language as he says no collusion. He is nodding yes while saying no collusion. Watch it in .25 speed to see it clearly.
At least from what I've seen on "Lie to Me" and body language sites these are classic signs of lying. Google "head nods when talking sign of lying" for a huge list of articles that confirm that nodding your head yes while saying no or vise versa is a sign of a liar.
Ryder Bennett
That’s why the report was released on a Friday afternoon huh?
Daniel James
They want to ban all cows and airplanes. The leftist voter is so thoroughly unhinged you their overlords can propose that and they'll think 'that's fine'.
Christian Perez
Ive noticed quite a few plebbit fags have stopped by today... >check calendar >its saturday morning ah... well, have fun being losers and arguing on the internet. The wife and I are off to hike in the national forrest up the road. You nigs need to get out more
Cameron Lee
>watch out for snakes!
Adam Ortiz
if there was anything really sanding in it we would know already. do you think that if DRUMPF had done something actionable they would just sit on until the report was finished?
Camden Edwards
Not only that, bc anything that is not a crime cannot be discussed (due to privacy reasons that Rosenstein himself has practically sworn a blood oath to uphold), and there are no crimes, then it’s LITERALLY nothing. My dick is a diamond right now
Gabriel Baker
>mfw i know literally nothing about this russia/muller thing and plan to keep it that way
Why hasn’t trump tweeted about this yet? Usually he does, it’s kinda werid.
Jordan Cook
Please. Please for the love of God keep doing this. I want you miserable wretches to double down even more as you become even more delusional.
The sheer agony of a cognitive dissonance if this magnitude, the utter denial, the willingness to say, do and believe literally anything in a desperate attempt to to save face must be a kind of unimaginable pain.
I love seeing you and all the shitmongers on the news with contrived smiles, the hurt and strain in the eyes as you pull back the lips in a forced grin.
It's like every time I watch the news you're all crying while masturbating over Trump.
Give me more of your tears you fucking faggot. All of you. Your social experiment has failed, and your empire of lies is crumbling all around you.
And please, by all means, keep denying it.
Brandon Green
Based and lenny pilled
Nathan Lee
almosr its over for drumpf!111 this time were serious!!
Daniel Smith
The sad part is that despite this, no matter how crazy they get, somewhere between 55-70 million people will still vote for them
>two party "democracy" >implying it is actual democracy
Nobody is buying your shit, retard. Watching Fox News when your country is cucking out hard.
Carter Rogers
>do you think that if DRUMPF had done something actionable they would just sit on until the report was finished? Logical thinking is not a hallmark of the loony left.
Isaac Flores
>australia, the OOK, NZ, Canada all have multiparty viability built into the system >people still vote for the big two failures, third parties like the NDP, NZF, Libdems are a bad joke following behind, third parties like the Nationals in Australia only remain relevant by being in permanent coalition with the Liberals
Is it just human nature to adopt a "team" as your identity, and follow them no matter how much they fuck everything up?
We are living in a dictatorship. I'm literally shaking and dry heaving right now. I just broke down in tears. I honestly don't know what to say. How could this happen? This was good over evil and the villain won. I've been crying for 2 hours straight and my wife's kids thought someone died. I told them someone did... America.
We've lost Mueller. I let out a scream of rage at the top of my lungs, literally panicking and hyperventilating. My wife's son LaDonte handed me a paper bag to breath into, but it said made in USA so I threw it in the trash and told him to fuck off. I almost passed out from yelling so loud. I literally don't know what to do right now, my panic levels are reaching critical limits, and my mom threw away my prescription liquid hormones because she says they were driving me crazy. She voted for Drumpf. Why in the fucking fuck did this happen? I was told Drumpt would beimpeached, but then Drumpf stole this right from our helpless little hands. This world is so fucking corrupt and rigged. I can't deal with this outcome. I will be protesting on the streets and burning my own house down since its alarm system didn't work when it let these Nazis in my home. This is so fucked.
Samuel Turner
The reason is because you normally need a majority to govern so smaller parties are normally meme or protest votes. If you want power you join a powerful faction which is what the 2 parties are. Honestly its a fucking horrendous way to govern a country
Ryder Cox
Brandon Foster
fuck off reddit
Joseph Sanchez
We comin for you nigga
Cameron Walker
God's work user
Connor Ross
Kekked and upvoted
Tyler Torres
>"heh hillary isn't cheating you're just losing trump so you'd better accept the results of the election!" >the results come in, trump wins >"THIS IS BULLSHIT TRUMP CHEATED RUSSIA RUSSIA RUSSIA RUSSIA RUSSIA" >mueller starts investigating trump >"ha we wish you a mueller christmas and impeachment next year he's gonna get to the bottom of this i trust mueller it's mueller time" >mueller concludes after two years that trump did nothing wrong, no indictments >"NO NO NO NO NO THIS IS BULLSHIT MUELLER MUST BE A RUSSIAN THIS ISN'T OVER THIS IS JUST THE BEGINNING!" This will never end. You have some people who just refuse to accept reality and accept the truth, because they bought into lies they wanted to believe (and really bad lies, like those "pee tapes"). I think, at this point, the best the rest of us can do is just move on without them. They can cry and chant "NOT MY PRESIDENT" all I want in the corner while everyone talks about shit that's actually happening in the world.
The takeaway from this bullshit is that nobody won. Trump expected the end of this "investigation" to finally become free to continue his presidency as he planned it, the truth is that until the second he steps out of office there will always be a tabloid story that pretends to be a matter of national emergency that will haunt him and that the Democrats will investigate to divert his attention from the real problems. He needs to stop being a narcissistic retard and stop thinking that the left being proven wrong is somehow more productive than putting an end to this bullshit and excising the tumor that has made the American political system such a kike-loving insufferable shitmess.
Benjamin Reed
If you really wanted people to notice that you shouldn't have primed them retard. Now it may be difficult to distinguish it because you already know what you're looking for. You clearly don't have a grip on how perception works do you? You've jumped the gun and ruined it because you're too concerned with being right.
Nicholas Phillips
fuck you drumptards, Blumpf will be finished the next time, this time for real.
Noah Jenkins
>They are basically putting party over country which makes them traitors. The GOP is worshiping the Kremlin and sucking Putin's cock now, making them far worse traitors.