Give me your hardest to swallow Red Pill

Give me your hardest to swallow Red Pill.

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its not that nobody cared about this pathetic world.. its only you that cared too much

I care for this world because my children and grandchildren is gonna live on it

Solution: have no children.
Problem solved

That most of this bird is Schizo and most of us are just wasting our lives a way when we could be using this time to build a better future for ourselves and our people.

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You are most likely disappointingly average.

1. All women are whores
2. ((THEY)) trying to normalize poop and fecal matter-related activities

Most startups are not 'failing' - they people involved in them get rich nevertheless.
And that's how the whole world works at the higher level. You sell the idea, get the money, pay the money out for yourself, do the bare minimum you were contracted for and then jump into the next project.
It's all about selling the ideas. Money is free.

Agenda 2030

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This is the most perfect and complete ideology by definition.

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Women love dickheads. I used to be shy, didn't know how to talk to women and/or approach them, but it changed when I met my ex who was a 10/10. After that I knew I could do better than I had done in the past, faked being cocky and overly confident, fake it till you make it type shit, and women will fucking worship you for it. Neglect them, make them laugh but make fun of them at the same time to always remind them they're nothing special, they love it.

Also a few other tips:
>Have strong opinions, women love men who think for themselves
>Invest in clothes and dress clean, even if the woman doesn't like your outfit if you wear it with confidence she'll eventually dig it
And finally
>The best way to get the most gorgeous and sought after woman is to totally ignore her, neglect her presence and don't even look at her, if she speaks to you make her laugh but don't talk to her for too long, keep it short and sweet and play the long game


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You are utterly fucked and you deserve it. Everyone is.

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nothing is true
everything is permitted

Violence is the only way this changes. Terrorism works, intimidation works. If 10% of your population acted then the remaining 90% would fall in line.

Everything you do becomes pointless the moment you die

Neitzche was in fact correct but in a more literal sense than he realized.

Our last patron god is dead, and his name was Adolf Hitler.

Can't Stop, won't stop even if all i have left is garbage images.

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Most memes , and the imageboardsl format are made by Mason's and Jesuits to pull you away from Christ .

Also , the cross isn't Christian.

We will never find an energy source that is nowhere near as good as petroleum. Once it becomes too scarce, humankind will never be the same again.

CIA is behind the mudslimes immigrating into Europoor and now NZ and Australia.
It's going to make it easier for our troops to take over your countries. No one likes killing white folks, but if it's a bunch of sand nigs there is no resistance. Gulf Wars got our boys used to killing rag heads.
Sucks to be you dumb asses. Guess y'all shouldn't have trusted us. Too late now. All of you together couldn't stop us if you tried, and now us taking you over is you're only hope.
Get fucked.
'Murica, Baby!

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You are too scared to do anything meaningful.

That's why I fight the bastards trying to kill off the white race.

Oil becoming scarce.
Jeez. That old line.
>Much peak oil
There's 6 trillion barrels in the ground that we know of.
Plus, it's abiotic. It's as scarce as diamonds are and they put that shit on sandpaper. We'll never run out of oil, never.

The problem in the world starts with the problem in yourself. All humans are flawed and need Jesus to cure them

>implying jews are distraught by the shooting

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That every Red pill was just a blue pill cope.

You're taking the incel approach to reaching chadhood which means your relationships will always be corrupted at its core. Women like men who take control. You can do that without being a dickhead who "makes fun of them". Just be an alpha male and women will follow. Exercise your body and your mind, improve your knowledge of the world, and go forth to conquer pussy.

In an alternate universe we are the niggers and blacks are smarter, yet they are in the same position as we are now because the hard worker will always be outshined be the sad story.

by the sad story*

>hardest to swallow Red Pill.
can't say this one is the "hardest," but here you go
>Dancing Israelis

>9/11 Trillions: Follow the Money

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This is a good one. "Truth" is defined by the collective. 2+2=4... unless literally everyone in the world thinka it does not. They will twist and warp definitions and arguments until it means what tey want it to mean. That's how Trump is a "racist nazi" right now. That's how the official number is 6,000,000 right now. Lies become truth when repeated enough and people buy into them.

Go vegan to save the planet and have enough food to feed everyone.

Stop having children, or at least only have 1 each.

(((Israel))) do bad shit, but so do China, America, ME, Britain and even Australia and Canada. Therefore don't condone bad shit and don't focus on just 1 group of evil doers.

Feminism does not advocate for *Mens* rights.

Religion, especially Islam is utterly retarded.

Abortion is a human right. It's not my responsibility for my hard earned tax to go to keeping your down syndrome child on life support.

No government works. Ever. Look at every country. We need a new way to govern the rights and responsibilities of citizens.

Modern society teaches individuality, but every historical achievement still came from people working as a team.

There are only 2 genders.

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American Jews and Asians are more successful than whites because their core values are better.

Wrong. This is only true if you don't have children to continue your lineage. Working, saving money, acquiring poperty, and giving these things to your children is meaningful.

All pills are pushed by big pharma. None are good

White people are so afraid to be called racist they marry browns

The only person making you fail is yourself

>to pull you away from Christ
"Jesus Christ" is a jew meme that has corrupted the world.

Jow Forums breaks people because it's a CIA Jesuit-masonic psyop

It's best to just smile and nod and let women endulge in their feminist delusions, because they're basically children and can't handle the idea that shortcomings in their lives are consequences of their own action/inaction and that middle aged white men aren't actually conspiring to make everyone else's lives worse

>Go vegan to save the planet and have enough food to feed everyone.

>Stop having children, or at least only have 1 each.

Fuck off faggot

Throwing your life away so your kids can suffer in a shitty world and do the same, is meaningful? You and your kids can fuck off.

Care to define those "core values"? I'm under the impression those "core values" are that they only help their own kind and whites are stupid and help everyone.

Lube your throat up with cum a bit more and swallow harder this time yank.

White people deserve to go extinct, as they allowed and continually allow all of this to happen.

>tfw if you mined all the lithium on Earth it still wouldn't be enough to replace oil.

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Giving women any power or putting them in any position of authority will cause enormousness destruction and collapse, women have one purpose to breed and perform household chores, tend to children thats it.

>Throwing your life away
I'm living a quality happy life. Maybe one day you'll grow up. The only good thing out of your argument is that YOU won't have children and your weak genes will be removed from this world.

You're trying too hard princess.

All meme flags are jews in israel. Get a fucking life kikes

>implying the yang gang isnt full of jewish shills

And your children will be the slaves of Islam faggot. At least I'll have more time and money than you. 0/10 yank.

go back 10 generations and it's a crap shoot as to whether any of your genes are in any of your descendants. And how much of that is anything that is unique to you? fucking retards need to think a thought all the way through

Ok, what part of this is wrong?
Oil consumption per day is 93 million barrels.
Proven oil reserves are 1,7 trillion.
Assuming humankind keeps at the same level (unlikely. Nigs indians and chinks have a shitton of kids), this works to 1 billion consumed in 10,7 days. Or 10 billion consumed in 107 days.100 billion consumed in 1007 days (3 years), or 1 trillion in 30 years.
30 Years to consume 57% of today's proven oil reserves. Hell, let's say 100 years to consume what we know exists today. Then what?

Lol you're a pussy who's too scared to fight. At least my children won't live in a world your weak gene children.

It's almost as if the germanic peoples have existed for over 1000 years. Could you imagine if they pussied out like you shills and there would be no more white people in the world? Lmfao.

the nazis were built & funded by the rothschild, british royal, freemason borg and it was all a scam to solidify absolute control of german politics & science while stealing untold wealth.

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Don't you have diapers to change retard? Stop neglecting your children.

I'm quite sure I'll be living it up on too many of the world's beaches to give a shit about you knocking someone up, and your personal reasons why I and everyone else should do the same.

Have fun with child support mate! I've got a bunch of free time to plan.

> Jordan will have a quickie with Slavoj

The wife handles diapers faggot. Yes, do us all a favor, go spend your life playing around and then die with no children. Cheers.

Who sold you that? Hitler took over Rothschild banks, arrested and deported the honcho, had an independent banking system which led to the merchant boycott that essentially started WW2. You can quote me...

Every single thing in this world is constantly trying to kill you just for lulz. Even glass of water wants you choked to death. Even red pill thread wants you to know the truth to get mad to kill yourself. The jews are obviously trying to control the world just to kill you too.

Women can never truly love a man for his morals, ethics, personality or virtues.

Lol is that Brandi Love’s husband, Chris?

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it's actually not the jews

There's no point voting because both sides are (((under control)))

Gillian Anderson is not a real red head.

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> He doesn't vote for his local laws.

Who is this ?

Brandi love milf porn star and trump supporter. For some reason OP used a pic of her husband. I was wondering why? Chris is an alpha chad despite his wife fucking people for money.

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Humans are nothing more than animals.

The holocaust happened

Nords were the original humans. Everyone else came from us. We came from Hyperborea. We were kings of Rome and ancient Greece. We control the media, the internet, social media websites, everything.

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This. I cannot imagine the USA sitting idly by while radical Muslims take control of European nukes.

Jews are the smartest, most productive, and most capable ethnic group by any measure.

I am not dead yet still live in the hearts of the true.

The enlightment should have never happened

There is no international jewish conspiracy, they have been scapegoated and marginalized and cloistered into enclaves for centuries, sometimes so leaders could run them out of town after borrowing money from them, sometimes just as a distraction, sometimes simply to direct blame.
The industries they excel in used to be undesirable to work in; finance, entertainment, merchants and so forth, and they were also locked out of most trade guilds in many societies.
These professions are very lucrative now, but they did not start out that way.
The jewish culture requires males to be educated enough to both read their holy book and comprehend them and put forth statements about them that they can logically back up in arguments by their Bar Mitzvah.
This is why they excel at academic pursuits; not because of some jerwish magic but because they actually fucking try and they make each other try, there are no shortcuts.

That being said, there actually is a zionist conspiracy to promote the rise of antisemitism, to further legitimize Israel and to keep its mission relevant, and to prompt jews to move there or at least financially and politically support it out of fear.
Most of you have been harnessed by Mossad wranglers.
That's what Jow Forums is

Facism is an ideology based on self-emasculation

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Fuck off shlomo. You’re a criminal tribe that uses goy skills to get ahead.

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Nippon is correct, the enlightenment + technology got us where we are, this chaotic piece of shit world.
Feudal Japan had everything a man could ask for, a life based on dignity, strength and honor.

neoliberalism is worse then communism
communism impoverishes your nation
neoliberalism destroys it

lets take south korea with a fertility rate of 1 and see how long it takes south korea to die out , for simplicity we will use 100 people as a starting population and a generation as every 20 years

100 gen 0
50 gen 1
25 gen 2
13 gen 3
7 gen 4
4 gen 5

in 100 years the population will decrease by 96 percent
this is unsustainable and will collapse the country, whether or not people immigrate

simply put capitalism, neoliberlism, libitarianism are utopian ideologies that are begining to unravil before our eyes
100 years from now people will look more kindly at communism and the soviet union then they will look on the neoliberal world empire

communism has killed 100 million
neoliberalism will be at LEAST 1 billion from all the social strife and tension that it causes.

People who believed in the free market will be looked down upon more then people look at communists now in 100 years

in the feminism and capitalism are self correcting problems. In the end socialism will win, and it will be a right wing form of socialism, simply because in order for humanity to survive, women must have kids. In the future women will leave the workforce and go to being homemakers and we shall view these years as the dark ages of western civilization.

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40% of all billionaires


the jews won and will continue to win. they are God's chosen and we are cattle.

Both law enforcement and a lot of parents lack the capability to prevent child abuse and technology is making it easier than ever for predators to get access to children without putting themselves at risk for being caught. Kids are smart enough to bypass any restriction you put on their technology usage, but too dumb to protect themselves from predators. You may be able to protect your own kids, but there will always be lazy or overworked parents who just don't have what it takes.

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Wait...we're not? I literally just got the life worsener turned up to 11. Wtf am I supposed to do now?

65% of that population are incarnated animal souls and completely nihilistic sociopaths
Began in the 1800's and grows with overpopulation

That’s a Jewish lie.

They killed Jesus for exposing their lies

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Today's divorce rate is so high because back then people married very young and did not live too much, rarely you found couples still alive past 35 yo. Today people can live up to 80 years easily and that is too much time to spent with a single partner without going crazy.

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We will save the white race fren

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This is why we need to legalize prostitution

Discrete, occasional whorehouse / brothel visits by both sexes will allow married couples to safely get their sexual needs for fresh meat met, and allow couples to focus in marriage without cheating on people that they will assign feelings to.

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the nazis were the good guys. once you have the nutts to confront that fact, everything else makes sense.

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Get out of the sauna, Sven.

You're misreading statistics. The only reason 35 was the average age of death was because of infant mortality bringing the average down way low. Chances are if you lived until you were 20 you were going to live to grow old.

Your birth was fundamentally an accident provoked by two shitters getting their privates tingling, all of mankind is an accident borne of lust, and we all know it of ourselves and others. Every sentiment of altruism is merely self-preservation to ensure we are not treated as the unwanted sacks of flesh we are by other parties, equally unnecessary.