Some of the toughest grimiest black thugs i know have shared this on Instagram. Bet you won't call them cucks

Some of the toughest grimiest black thugs i know have shared this on Instagram. Bet you won't call them cucks

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Pretty sure they're still cucks

>you won that bet nigger

Instagram is a cattle shed.
facebook is a gas chamber
twitter is the guillotine.

they are all worm farms.

Niggers can’t read.

Doesn't this just demolish the racist stereotype that all black men are poor fathers? I mean you have actual thugs taking on step kids and wifing up women with kids. If they are prepared to take on a woman's other kids then how can they be bad fathers to their own children?

>on Instagram

okay so they're cucks to begin with, just like you

Yeah but it doesn't mean the child will love you. Did that to my step dad after my real dad came back into my life. Now my mother divorced my step dad and hes not in my kids life anymore.

Social media is complete cancer but I was talking to my father last night and we both agreed that the smartphone should have never been created. The downfall of western civilization started with the smartphone.

As someone with step children, I can tell you that is absolutely untrue.

What if the child is black?

>Social media is complete cancer

why do you know tough grimy black thugs lol

Black men are the biggest pussy worshippers that ever lived. The myth that they’re all super alphas is laughable.

Yeah those cucks are wrong, abort your unwanted kids cause adoption is a waste of time and those kids will never be truly loved.

>anonymous anime image board
I'm not here to make friends or virtue signal.

I grew up in the ghetto and used to deal drugs with them. But then i had a family, settled down, educated myself, left the life behind and all the rest of it

They are just trying to get some beta cuck boi to support their kids so they can duck out of paying for them

They know their are biological impulses that create bonds.

Scent plays a strong role in human bonding. And girls who are raised by stepfathers enter puberty earlier meaning their body knows to secually express earlier.

There is a major problem with sperm donors half siblings becoming romantically involved.

You cant just throw a child into the mix and expect their outcome to be identical to a biological child. It wont be the same no matter how many comforting lies they tell themselves.

Biology is important

Niggers don't even take care of their own kids. What a stupid thing for them to share.

this. I see it alot in buses, trains, streets. especially young women have their noses glued into their stupid device, they're living in a bubble. Smart phones combined with social media made possible for trash to act like the center of the universe. I changed my kikePhone to an old-school Nokia, I deleted my kikebook, and I have never regretted it.

One of those statements is true though.

And id bet millions that NOT A SINGLE one of them pay child support or EVER EVER EVER opened a Fathers Day Card.

Always meme flag and better yet the one that they surely would never use

Why not post from almost argentinian flag

So that’s what’s going on in the ghetto now? Too many black fathers?

If you have five baby mommas and your be girl has five baby daddies you are gonna have to raise some one else's kids.

nobody gives a fuck about some shitstagram post.

I bet they want you to raise their kid

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>grimiest black thugs
They were raised by those women.

>the people I know on the internet who abandoned their own children shared this.
Fuck off back to tumblr.

Whites locked up the rebellious niga.
So dint have dad.
An then you kidnapped WE.
Totally stired off course when headed for glory..

Typical haters.
Lived with it 42 yrs already.

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