Revolution in Britain

I think it is pretty clear that an otherthrowing of the government of the United Kingdom is in order to fix the mess we are in. The government is willfully ignoring the will of the people, and many MPs have even stated that they do not care about representing the electorate.
We have reached a point where our rulers no longer fear us; this cannot stand. We overthrow the current government, or else watch our country fall to ruin.

The question is, how and when?
Guns are not freely available in the country, so even if we were able to pull together a large enough fighting force willing to protect their country, we would not have the force required to take Westminster. Add on to that that most of the guns in the country are owned by the upper class, and the prediciment becomes obvious.
On the other hand, I doubt the army would be a big problem, since I doubt the average soldier would be willing to kill his countrymen and family for stiking up for causes that the soldier might agree with.

As well as the means, we also must concern ourselves with the timing. Start it too early and there might not be enough political momentum to succeed, start it too late and we will already have lost.

What does Jow Forums suggest? How do we start organising? How do we bring more people to our side?

For a start, I think that if Brexit isn't carried out, then that's an automatic 17 million voters who have had their will ignored. Granted many of them are old, but they are also much more likely to be men, so I still think that'll be enough.

BTW, revolution isn't a foreign idea to Britain, from about 1100 to 1800, Britain was basically in a state of intermitent rebellion and revolution. The last 200 years are an anomoly that have only occurred due the ruling class being terrified of the British people. This has now changed.

God save the Queen

>music to get you in the mood

Attached: Peasants revolt.jpg (629x475, 219K)

Other urls found in this thread:

>The government is willfully ignoring the will of the people
Because they know what's best for you user.
You don't know how to run your life user.

nice try MI5

I'd honestly say that Prince Harry should just throw a coup, but he married a nigger so I don't think he'd be down to establish a right wing monarchist government. I also believe recently the Queen gave up her right to dissolve Parliament.

>Expected: British Grenadiers
>Got: British Grenadiers

Well I assume that means you agree with me, so thanks for the support Ameri-fren.

I don't think that we need a royal to pull off a coup, all the based royals are either dead or subjugated, so I think we'll be on our own.

Thanks for other music, was debating Rule Britannia but felt grenadiers would be more potent.

>French Yellow Vests grew some balls and are leading a world wide revolution against zog
>Britain has the potential to be the next major step if they would just grow some balls like the French
>White Americans could finally grow some balls after witnessing the based French and British revolt against zog
That's the timeline.

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Don't fall for the no guns allowed in Britain meme. It's easier than you think to get one. Provided you're not a nutcase.

Well, do you want to be king of a pile of skulls and rubble?

The easiest, and most effective way to actually bring the government to heel would be by the royal family. I seriously believe that if the Queen dissolved parliament and issued statements to the military and the press that you could effectively get a bloodless transition of power simply because the military theoretically is the Queen's and the popular support could arguably lie in the crown.

I know there are a lot of angry people across the country at the moment, the question is how do we organise?

Oh don't get me wrong, I'm not looking to overthrow the royal family, they'll be important for some semblance of legitimacy, I'm just saying that I highly doubt we can expect one to lead the charge.

I actually agree, but the thing is most of us don't have them. I know family members who own guns, but the total number of gun owners in the country is only about 1 million, and many of them are upperclass, so it still would require some effort to arm en masse.

Should the royal family oppose the will of the people, we must be prepared mentally and spiritually to crown a new king.


>Implying Nigel won't be king.

The Queen is dead! Long live the king!

Attached: Nigel-Farage.jpg (615x859, 74K)

Would the Irish help?

Organize protests. Large, large protests. And keep them going. Do it in areas where it effectively shuts down the government.

>only occurred due the ruling class being terrified of the British people
you're forgetting that technology and psychology have been developed to the point that it's possible to prevent uprisings long before they start. there will be no more revolutions in the west. ever.
(shit like occupy wall street and green vests is just meaningless theater that stands no real threat whatsoever)

Well civil disobedience , if supported enough cause panic in parliament. We are ruled by concent, If the public remove their concent to that rule. Parliament is powerless. The police, army, social services in fact every part of the system. Depends on that concent. Without the information provided by the public, the help of the public the system cannot function.

National Unionism is the only way

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Base it in the North of England where theres still lots of hatred for the government because of Margaret Thatcher fucking all their jobs over. Also fuck the royal family.

Funny thing is that MPs are all being escorted to and from Westminster by police. Some of them are even scared to go home. They're well aware what they are doing is ignoring the will of the people and making them angry, they just don't give a fuck.

Do you honestly think the military is on standby incase of a no deal Brexit? It's on standby to quickly shut down any rioting that will occur once they simply decide to cancel Brexit. They've literally got 30,000 soldiers ready and waiting for shit to go down.

I doubt this, the government has always overplayed how powerful and undefeatable it is. A government is nothing without it's people.
Best way to prevent a revolt is to scare the populace into never revolting in the first place.

I somewhat doubt it, they are still fairly buddy buddy with their elites, unlike Britain, France, and Germany.

Honestly, you have way too much faith in the system. Do you think 20 years ago the United States would have appeared to be a declining Empire? Do you think the Soviets 50 years ago thought they had effectively neutered civil insurrection? Do you think a century ago that the British thought colonialism was on the way out?

In general, change is the only constant, and you can only mitigate so much.

I was thinking that this might be the way to go. Revolts usually started in the north, further away from the politicians, and where people have been ignored the most. Then again it is still far from the action.
Which city do you think would be best?

on guns.
You don't understand how easy it is to smuggle things in to the UK from the EU, i took a road trip all over the EU last year and the only time i was stopped and checked was when i came back into the UK, and all they did was take my pass port and check my boot. Its so easy its criminal and i don't know why jihads haven't used the lack of obscurity at our borders to smuggle weapons into our country.

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Yes, but this only becomes truly damaging on a large enough scale. We need enough people for to join to the point that others feel supported enough to join as well. It is like a snowball effect, the only problem is we are starting out by pushing the snowball up hill.
What would be the best way to get people to join? What platform would be ideal.

Which leaves the government, open to a possible military coup. Heath Wilson anyone? Not the first time.

Any city that is still in the shitter because of the govt, Bradford maybe because of all the forced immigration and shutting down of the mills, Sheffield for the shutting down of their steel industry and loss of jobs. FFS Hull is so poor it still has blown out buildings from the Blitz around, its such a mess up here

>BTW, revolution isn't a foreign idea to Britain, from about 1100 to 1800, Britain was basically in a state of intermitent rebellion and revolution. The last 200 years are an anomoly that have only occurred due the ruling class being terrified of the British people. This has now changed.

Because we are island monsters.

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Good info, this is good. Thank you.

One might draw some inspiration from Oswald Mosely from his 1975 Time interview where he describes his struggle as holding meetings or conferances for large masses, some of the largest in UK history. Marx i guess did musch the same and rallied great support in the UK by holding speeches at peacefull meetings. Change must come from the world and not the internet i think, we need a hero who will speak for us to the masses and drag them along. Atleast this has been tried and worked, allbeit in a different time.

I dont know anything about organizing revolts in the UK, so instead ill just bump this.

>The question is, how and when?
wouldnt you like to know

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Do it now before the west falls. Go to the darkest area and pick up enough momentum until you have enough people to protect you and others around you against muslims and the like.

You must be willong and accept eing branded as a hateful person by the media, go to every town, every city, every home, make noise. Preach Bible verses if you want to.

This is both good and bad. It shows that we've got a rough road ahead, but it also shows that they're scared. That's a sign of weakness.


We don't have too much time left boys. I don't want to see our country go quietly into the night.

you all need to keep in mind that the whole of the armed forces of Great Britain pledge their allegiance to the queen, not to Parliament. In fact when the prime-mister wants to go to war with a country they need to go to the queen, get down on one knee and ask permission to use her army's.

The revolution would be filled out by the young. And what better place to rally them than on the internet, where they spend almost every waking minute.

It’s too early right now, people are not yet angry enough, we have to wait.

One might also take inspiration from rules for radicals, spreading communist propaganda. Handing out flyers, putting up posters and so on. All in the attempt to frustrate the public then give them an answer (unionism).

Not just communism, but sign the cancel brexit petitions, sign other petitions that will purposely anger the public.

Give them the illness before the cure

Nice try JIDF

The internet obviously, then tradional posters and leaflet. The anger already exists, people feel betrayed and excluded from prior to these events. Never forget the IRA in northern Ireland and the UDA functioned without much active support, just the concent of the population. There never where many active operatives but they had the silence and permission of sections of the populace.

Consider smaller scale things to stir up angst in your area. If say on your walks about town you were too notice where all the CTV cameras were. Perhaps there are edge case ones that are not in the field of view of the other cameras.

Trouble is you need small projectile weapons to disable them with that can either be assembled on the fly or are innocuous. If you practice you might be able to take them out with rocks. A sling is an ancient but very simple weapon and can look like a spare shoelace. Rocks can just be dropped. Power lines maybe scissors would work?

The goal would be to create areas that have no CTV coverage so that you can use graffiti. People can see things they agree with written on the walls every day.

While I dont disagree with your point I think we are too far gone at this point, the country is too divided and parliament is in the middle of enemy territory (Londonistan) surrounded by those that support it. This is why Remain marches at parliament always have such good turnout because its the locals walking out of their houses compared with Leave who have to travel accross the country and the costs/time associated with doing that.

The problem is people are to comfortable in this country. As long as the water is running, the electricity is on, Tesco is stocked and Channel 5 is broadcasting, the people will never rise up to challenge the status quo.

Step #1
Create a cause, and glorify that cause. Don't have to use religious connotations, but I will for example ("For God and country and St George"). Slogans help polarize your side and summarize your cause quickly.

Step #2
Establish a base of operations. I'm not talking compounds, I'm saying set a meeting place or area or town that everyone agrees is "our territory", and encourage the group to stamp down on any crime or influence from outside. They can't arrest everyone if shtf.

Step #3
Organize the march. Could be peaceful, but it's up to you. Gather as many as you can and march on a symbol of your opposition, like a specific government building, and hold a rally to say "this shit ends now". Important to be peaceful here imo for next step.

Step #4
Post proscriptions. Put the word out that race traitors, politicians, known crooks are to be round up and their property seized. This has to come only from leadership, or it descends to mob rule. Seized property becomes the property of whoever carried out the proscription.

Step #5
Set social rules in place to prevent this from happening again/deport deplorables.

Just buy a paintball gun and get rubber paint balls, they aren't called window breakers for nothing...

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Is true that the internet is the meeting space of today, but we are no better then the virtue-signaling facefaggers liking this thing or that one to occupy some space in this virtual world.

Do fully agree however that the internet is an important rallying point, but we need a face and voice. The idea of inspiering the masses is a necessity, although it may well be an imposibility and we could end up with a brexit-tier mess and get nowhere. We need a Noble lie in the nietzchean sense as in the reality of free will, one that the common people can belive and appreciate dispite being popycock

The UK is a greedfull place you can't establish yourself realy anywhere cause there is no economical base left. These people are selling each other pintes and thats it.

OP is a faggot and should end himself

Fuck off

Then find soomething thar unites them all, being genetically British in some way, or God.

Step #5.2
Monarchy. Could be a good solution with traditional value. Current monarch is disposed and new one ought to be elected, but I'll defer to anyone who is more familiar with that kind of government

Then find soomething that unites them all, being genetically British in some way, or God.

I think we need to unite the natives of this land under a new movements. Which afterwards we can spread this idea to the rest of Europe, then we will eventually unite the whole of Europe under a new empire called Europa. Nobody will ever harm us again.

Nice try

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May she Rule waves yet again.

Could make a party based around justice for Northern cities or anyother area that has been forgotten about by the shitty government, also abolish the HoL it has no reason to exist

Social Media, like the Arab Spring

Based. The only option left is for us all to take the varg pill and live our lives in a way which doesn't feed the beast.

As has been noted on this thread there is sentiment in place. These feelings do exist. But people are too distracted with the goings on and whatnot in hottentottland and other places to notice the world around them.

I posted a thread other day with an idea for a movement I had called National Unionism but people seemed discouraging due to falling in with dangers individuals and all that.

How to plan a revolution :
Step 1) Don't announce you're planning a revolution on a monitored internet board with a bunch of mi5 niggers watching
If you were too stupid to understand step 1 you are either a fed or you would never succeed at a rebellion anyways because you're not smart enough.

Leave does not have the organization or funds remain has, the list of remain supporters reads like a list from a hammer horror movie. Blair, Mandelson, Soros, Jamie fucking big tongue Oliver. Clarkson, lineker, Beckham. To say nothing of the shady Europeans. There's years of working the media experience.

Problem is it is unavoidable to attract idiots. Everyone wants cake man

Or you don't plan to break the law. You don't have to break the law, to cause revolution.

read the following
then leave

It failed because there was no leader. It just allowed factions to rise up and cause mad choas all around. You need posters strung up all over England about how corrupt your government and how inept the royal family is, and expose the rothchilds who rule England from the shadows. All it takes is one man to take a stand and the rest will follow. May God bless the English people and restore them to their former Glory.

I would love to see cunty may hanging from her feet musso style

It worked in Egypt and Tunisia.
If Assad wasn't backed by Russia then it would have worked there too.

You can't organise. The state is currently too smart for that. What works is viral warfare, such as flash mobs and such like. That's what made the Yellow Jackets powerful. It's also what worked during the summer 2011 Riots.

Further reading: 4th Generation Warfare.

N.B. when this comment is read out during my trial let it be added to the record that the Jow Forums poster said FUCK JANNIES.

Social media is pozzed, it will only work if THEY want it to work.

Good luck doing that after 2000 years of the utmost obedience of mind and body

Egypt is a horrible place to live in now. Most Egyptians hate their government and Tunis became extremley cucked

I think peacefull rallies or meetings is an ideal way of making such a movement. As far as they are orderly and legal, there should be no cause for an imediate outrage, perhaps long enough to build legitemacy. By that point, anyone expressly working against such a movement would be in moral peril in the eyes of the otherwise peacefull public. This made fascisme highly successfull in Europe before ww2 and it would have been thought of very differently had it not been for that war.

Can a burger come fight with y'all?

Non slide thread about Brexit

to overthrow a power structure is by definition breaking their laws lol

Granted I think it's healthy to view them as illegitimate, but globo homo doesn't play fair. Even if you do everything right technically, they will play dirty and try to fuck with you if you are talking sedition to their degenerate plans.

UK is so pussified you can probably overthrow the government with a can opener.

the queen fucks you with a strap on and you want
her saved, i hope the british cease to exist.

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but people are easily tricked and isolated. there may be lots and lots of people who would agree with Jow Forums out in the real world, but they've been effectively silenced and deplatformed. nobody wants to risk the social - and especially legal - consequences for standing up. for every Tommy Robinson there are 10k more who wouldn't dare agree in public, for fear of being socially ostracized and arrested.

jews are 2% yet they have an iron grip on the 98%. to broach the JQ in public is to be shouted down and escorted out of any place (but a mosque, perhaps). that's damned effective control, and it gets tighter every decade.

same with all the trans shit. how many people preaching trans acceptance from the rooftops now, thought it was anything but depraved mental illness in the 1990s? and yet it's been completely normalized, such that there are TV shows about child drag queens and the only sanctioned 'debate' around the subject is what to do with the unbelievers ("nazis and incels"). women always follow society and what's safe, and that kind of shit has been engineered safe at every level and in every venue.

do you think 20 years ago anybody realized that every man, woman and child would have a convenient little propaganda-dissemination device in their pocket? with armies of highly-paid manipulators working around the clock to craft the most effective programming, to steer society in the "correct" direction?

do you think 20 years ago anybody would have believed there would be a massive political push for completely open borders in the US? elected representatives unironically, radically pushing for zero enforcement of immigration laws? and to call it out would be deemed "racist" by straight-faced journalists?

do you think 20 years ago anybody would have believed that the only safe place on the internet to discuss such matters would be some weaboo imageboard? that every other place would be locked down and controlled by leftist technologists?

If you don't mind me pointing out. That's a bit of a defeatist attitude. It places all the power in the hands of the elite. When in reality the elite only have the power the populous invest in them.
Of course my attitude, offering leads to a bullet in the head in a back alley. But that means they break their own laws. So eventually undermine themselves. As the tyrant looses control he lashes out, it's then he nears his end.
The law is a very powerful weapon, it should not be abandoned.

Have you seen how fast things have changed in the past 3 years?
3 years ago almost no one was woke and talking about the Jewish Problem.

Manipulate public opinion through propaganda

If your ideals are widely accepted by folks in the military, you will be able to force a revolution.
(you require a top tier ideology of organization, in order to force a revolution with the current existing military)


Control the means of IMPORTANT production:
Communication Devices,

Fund a militia.
(you require top tier production of weaponry, and top tier production of communication devices to be successful)

Choose brah, but it's harder than it seems.

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