I accidentaly fucked a shemale

I accidentaly fucked a shemale

Am I still allowed to hate gays?

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You got the gay forever bro.

Nice try.
Kys, fag.

You deserve aids

You can hate anybody and anything. There's always room for more hate in your heart. It's a beautiful thing.
The most important thing is that you start by hating yourself. Only then can you truly hate others.

at least you didn't strangle her in the bathroom like that other marine.

Only faggots fuck trans or other men. I hate faggots. Wish muzzies threw acid in their faces.


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Did you remember to say "no homo" when your balls touched, senpai?

OP accidentally sucked a woman's dick

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You caught gay!
It's super effective!

it's only gay if you got fucked by the shemale. i'll never live it down.

This is truth, once one is at peace with their beautiful hatred, all things become hatred, and you can feel the seething connection to the universe and everything in it.

Fuck a trap and than try considering.

U have the big gay, user.

He probably was reaching for some organically sustainable produce and accidentally fell over and his erection penetrated the path of least resistance.
Oh ho ho! And everyone laughed at the circumstances as his continuous thrusting built up until he exhaled his effluvia in a massive spurting ejection.

Accidentally ? Hows that happen ? Didnt notice the dick and balls ? Didnt notice the shit on your dick ?

>tfw accidentally ordered a 9 inch dildo and then when it arrived I opened it up and then I tripped and accidentally fell on it and then I came (because I saw a hot woman on the TV!!)

How could this happen to me..

>accidentaly fucked a shemale
Literally not possible

Ok, fine
You can hang last

Nope, you're gay now

ppl dont think it be like it is
but you gay nigaa

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kys fucking shit

Let a shemale fuck you and that cancels the gay polarity.

We all hate ourselves here

Self hate is always ok

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Jow Forums generally follows the roman system where it's ok to smash ass pussy like a champ but not take that dick, hail avgustvs

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Tf you mean accidentally
>takes good look at girl who has a dick sticking out
>still fucks it
I feel like you only fucked it because that's the closest you'll get to pussy


Nice try Discord tranny.


you blind and handless?

You can fuck a shamale until you recognize that he has a dick. Shit happened to me,told him he was a fucking degenerate and should kill himself.

I haven't seen him around for 2 months.

did you pee'd on him too?

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"accidentaly" sure nagasaki,sure