He started a talk

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If Muslims weren't in New Zealand, it would never have happened.
If Muslims weren't in England, Rotherham would never have happened.
If Muslims weren't in Sweden, Ebba Ackerlund's death would never have happened.
And nobody would hate Muslims.
Big think.

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50 wasn't enough

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He is a hero, and when he dies he will be declared a Saint maybe even a martyr

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Anyone got a copy of his manifesto? I'd best download it before my cuck government bans it. If NZ has mine will follow.

She would've most likely burned coal in the future

Best think

He started a #bigthink

would you be so kind to show your flag, not sure if muslim or (((muslim)))

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EU flagfags are kikes 100% of the time, user.

Prep a bull first nigel

I've been showing everyone I can the video, every normie at work I got to watch it. I also told them about ebba, and guess what? They all support his actions. Keep spreading the video and the manifesto anons

So it is a (((muslim))) got ya

After our news media showed that his facebook posts had links and appreciation of Latvian song and music festival among other things, to the surprise of my friend I also showed him him the whole archive, and how thousands of white girls got raped and abused in Rotherham for more than a decade, needless to say it was the first time he probably heard of it.

There's a link in this thread

Behind every memeflag is this flag

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Correct, based Austrian. I just noticed your holy numbers (333)

Please Jow Forums, make more of these

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That's called psychological projection Tyrone
Thanks plox. I haven't read it yet, saw NZ banned it so best read it while I have the chance.

Sure thing kike, would have burned the coal to fuel the oven you’re going to wind up in


I don't think you know what virtue signaling means user. The bottom person actually did something about what he believed in and took action to get justice.
>One of the crucial aspects of virtue signalling is that it does not require actually doing anything virtuous.
By definition only the left can ever virtue signal. Because when the right believes in something virtuous they do something about it.

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Nelson Mandela killed as many, for exactly the same reason.

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Virtue signalling would be the opposite of what he did, because he actually did something instead of just signalling

but wat started him?

His manifesto was underwhelming and too irony-laden for something that was going to get read out of sheer infamy.
I will ghostwrite any manifestos for new, up and coming terrorist groups. All viewpoints welcome. I will to express your ideology fluently and convincingly, with soaring rhetoric, scathing critique, real humor, and hard statistics. I'll make you the next Uncle Ted, Weathermen, whatever.

>started a conversation
Morbid but fitting to what the left's been doing every time someone on their side gets caught doing something stupid.

It's been a great conversation.
Loads of content and tears as well.

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Will unironically show up to the nobel peace price event in 27 years.

I understand perfectly what it means you brainwashed little wanker

He didn't avenge anyone. Because they were not ebbas killers

Based Chaim

Imagine the good part, if everything works as planned, there will be no single muslim left or anything reminding future generations about them in 27 years

I wasn't even talking about avenging, but it wasn't virtue signalling

He wrote ebbs ackerlund on his weapon.
He wrote "this is fir ebbs ackerlund"

Its literally virtue signaling.

Do you know what signalling means?

He explained it accurately and you wrote him off. Consider this my end of any further interactions with you

Ohyea??? Whats he saying- “trust me i don’t glow in the dark so come on goys go out and do bad things”???

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They know why the manifesto must be banned.

He didn't do anything. He shot innocents. Not guilties.

No muslim in the west is innocent

Did he? Has anyone had an honest discussion about this outside of Jow Forums? White people will never wake up.

Yes they are you brainwashed little faggot

No muslim is innocent you shitskin filth

Video link please

no. two options
The muslim is in the west for the umma, which makes even a new born muslim an enemy combatant
he is a useful idiot for Israel delivering the arguments to make whites keep financing the genocide on muslim.

Either way no innocent muslim in the west

Our government let's them in. Target government. But no ones going to do that are they

Normies love him, people are waking up. Live stream your suicide kike

Target both.

They have to be combative before they are guilty

Kikes Mudslimes and the govt. Fight back against white genocide by any and all means

Just immigration ministers and policy. Problem solved. Targeting Muslims will only promote islam if anything as we have seen

>Normies love him
Can confirm this, showing hilarious meme edits to normie friends is one of my favorite hobbies now.
Everyone enjoys them. Even had a Serb telling me they all deserved it, I know, serb, not surprising. But it is something.

nope the umma includes the so called birth jihad, new borns muslim are desu the most important target. Again no innocent muslim in the west, no way you takbir it (((muslim))).

Attacks on Muslims promotes islam

Really? Does that make the kike innocent to you?

These should replace Gideon's Bible.

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>If you kill them
>they win
Hey Justin, what do you do in bongland

>if we remove them, they win
Why, because you are too much of a pussy to fight back? Better suck muslim cock because someone finally pushed back against them.

Also, they make more kids than you. Close the borders all you want. If you dont remove them now, when they have the numbers they will remove you. It has happened before. Last time you helped them.

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If that manifesto wasn't so heavily suppressed, it would.

Then you have no argument, and no point. Get on your bike

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based johnny fever

>oh noes
>our traitors submitted our nation to islam
>better do nothing and accept surrender
Fight back. This is what he wanted. He had fate that you would fight back.

The only ones accelerating things are the glow niggers.
This guy single handily cucked in entire country and beyond.
They want all the guns back.

>a screenshot of a tweet

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If the shooter used an AK style weapon instead of a AR type, would the body count had been higher?

His AR seemed to jam a lot? Are AKs as reliable as they say? Would the larger bullet deliver considerable more damage that outweighs the inaccuracy and recoil of the AK?

MI5/GCHQ, I condemn his actions and I just wondered about things. I thought that is still allowed here? If not, please no rough stuff, I'll come quietly.

I'm a Bong so I know shit. Obviously all Burgers are experts.

Yeah they showed thier hand, proved saint tarrant right. Normies all over are in love with tarrant. Only Mudslimes are parading this as a victory, most likely due to iq.

It's not heavily supressed. I just searched 'tarrant manifesto pdf' and it's all over the place.

>He started a fake talk

4 different copies, be careful which one you download.


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>Ignorant, well-intentioned Bong starting an AK vs. AR debate
Whelp, you've just derailed this thread.

no shit retard taht was the point

>acceleration is bad
The alternative of a slow and painful death through the status quo/mass immigration is much better

>meme flag
sloppy job mossad

he started a conversation

Tarrant = ISIS.
the gaslighting round here recently is very real

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>he cucked an entire country
The shooter wanted a bigger push of Islam and gun grabbing to push even more people away from the left and to further radicalize people who are willing to do what he did.
If anything he got exactly what he wanted.
There will be a war

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to kill tens

>If anything he got exactly what he wanted.
Looks like he helped the lib agenda.

He should’ve had a fal and short shorts on desu m8

People were waking up before, their reaction to this incident is proof enough of that. All he did was bring the conversation to the forefront, which happens everytime a sandnigger chops up a bunch of people with a machete or runs people down with a truck of peace. He gave a metric fuckton of ammo to the globalist kikes in exchange for nothing, he talks of taking out high profile threats and then goes and shoots a bunch of bottom of the barrel soft targets.

>Tarrant (sic!) = Isis
this must be bait

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>trying to ban all guns now
>white women wearing hijabs
>muslim call of prayer broadcasted throughout the country
>white men are evil (even though we've been getting attacked for 25 years without retaliation)


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Yeah, he forced them to overreach. There will be war, have fun denying reality.

Fuck you, gangstalking jew. Your crimes range from theft, stalking, harassment, medical fraud, torture, assault, human experimentation up to use of military equipment on civilian and conspiracy, property damage, attempted murder, privacy invasion, home invasion...

Why are you using it wrong then?

What are mudslimes doing in new zealand? And you realize that mosque is a terrorist recruitment base right? It's literally ISIS

>they wouldn't do that if it wasnt for the shooter!
Better give up your guns and go allahu akbar yourself. You know, in solidarity.

That got the whole world talking
He started to shoot
And got the whole world lying

No they aren't.
Next time it'll be justice for Charlene Downes.

In all likelihood any issues he had to do with jamming were not due to the bolt or hammer, but rather due to the 50rd drum magazines he was using. They don't use those magazines for ARs in the military because the mechanical operation is not accurate enough and their fault tolerance is too low. Most of the questions to do with the power of the weapon really have to do with the power of the cartridge, the 7.62x39mm is a much more powerful round than a 5.56x45mm in terms of penetration, but the 7.62 has decreased range as a penalty.

The questions having to do with the cartridge are mostly irrelevant to the gun platform because although an AK is generally chambered in 7.62 and an AR chambered in 5.56, an AR and AK platform weapon can effectively be chambered in any number of pistol and rifle calibers.

Hope that provided some information