Parkland's survivor committed suicide

Jow Forums is okay with this? Pic related

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>Jow Forums is okay with this? Pic related
Natural selection

Sweet Jesus look at those milkers. MOAR

Has what's his face been formally credited with the ghost kill?

>Jow Forums is okay with this?
That all hinges on whether she shot herself

>practices Buddhism
>kills herself because life is suffering

true enlightenment

In the back of the head right?

shes cute, but obviously was weak
why didnt they pick this girl over that disgusting goblin freak?

It's evolution

Why would I care one way or the other with someone's selfish decision to off themselves?

no loose ends

La goblina hit more victim categories in the spectrum of identity politics

She will be reincarnated as a poo?

is this the girl that said the "shooter" was with her during the "shooting"?

>be american
>almost get shot
>get sad
>shoot yourself

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is this the girl who said she saw an armored police officer?

Coldsteel Cruz strikes again, and a goblin at that, noice.

Imagine killing yourself to virtue signal.

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wanted to expose the traitors

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She realized she was doomed to a lifetime of being fat. I don't blame her. Fat people suck.

Nice rack. Looks Mexican. Zero loss.

>survivor's guilt
Nice decadent moralistic slave mentality society we got lads

She was 'shooting up' some special 'shoots' while 'shooting' a video about 'shooting' blanks during a school 'shooting' after 'shooting' her boyfriend with blank bamboo 'shoots'.

>ywn suck on those titties

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Survivors guilt, women really are brainlets.

i see you're mentally ill.

Didn't the other students bully Cruz to some extent? Maybe she participated in this or at least saw it but did nothing and was blaming herself for Cruz's actions.

David Hogg: “there I was. Riding to the suicide scene with the EMTs on my bicycle. I did mouth to mouth, the hymen lick maneuver, brain surgery but nothing brought her back, another victim of the shooter gone...”

What's the point in surviving something if you're just going to kill yourself later?

Weak mind.

>Jow Forums
Pick one, newfag

Just a spic.
Nothing of value was lost.

How's Daisy Hogg doing these days?

No word on the method employed?

Ya what an absolute ridiculous mind state. The epitome of privilege.

i think that was Alexa Miednik
>too bad Jow Forums is too busy reddit-posting to do anything useful.

so, you're from Reddit. got it. kys.

GUILT of something all right.

Did Hogg and Gomez bully her too?

>I don't like what his response
>Redditfag! Reeeeeeeeeeee!

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thanks for confirming the obvious

Suicide by gunshot...........

Bullshit. She was prob strung out on street drugs and on top of it was proscribed 5 diff psychotropic drugs by a psych dr which made everything worse and was in a drug induced psychosis. And even if it it was ptsd, (which is a usually a bs diagnosis, ptsd proper is a very serious psychic state which people get from very serious prolonged experiences, such as being in wars, not from having a bad day at school,) it was the fault of the people who orchestrated the false flag. At any rate, nothing of value of lost. These people are enemies of the 2nd amendment.

Good riddance

Don't let this distract you from The Real victims here.

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Darwinism at it's finest.

the worms haven't gotten to it yet user, theres still time

Bipolar here. I recreationally used MSMA and LSD while still on my anti psychotic medications. I never thought of roping myself

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Kebab remover took care of it

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cool larp. antipsychotics stop the action of both mdma and lsd.

Another one bits the dust!


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Survivor guilt, is this the new white guilt/privilege? Would she off herself if she won the lottery as well? It makes no sense at all. I mean look at Hogg he wasn't even there when it happened and he has got (exploited) into one of the best Universities and got himself a leftist following.

There are likely nudes online...somewhere.


I want to see Hogg fail out of college.

>Parkland's survivor committed suicide
>Parkland's survivor
>Parkland shooting

Lies lies lies yeah (they're gonna get you)
Lies lies lies yeah (they won't forget you)
Lies lies lies yeah (they're gonna get you)
Lies lies lies yeah

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I guess meditation doesn't work.

>Tell kids they are going to change america if they protest and bitch and moan
>Put tremendous pressure on them, as if they were adults
>Give them 15mins of fame.

She becomes an hero for the last attempt at gun confiscation, since shes been tld her opinion counts, shes he future, shes a princess, thinking her death will force us to turn in our guns.
>Her parents are to blame, as are the liberals who used her and her friends as tools to steal my rights

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RIP those tits.

It’s tragic and all but it’s not Jow Forums‘s fault and it’s not the AR-15’s fault. Her tragedy was politicized by gun grabbers and commies while her own suffering was almost completely ignored.

No amount of finger pointing will bring her back.

>mom it's not fair all my friends are getting shot by the time they are 15 and I'm the only one with out a gunshot wound at school!

Buddhism isnt big in India nigg

She's definitely a dum dum, you don't start with the headshot until you've worked up an immunity from smaller calibers

Neurochemistry is generally not something that should be tinkered with willy nilly. The molecules all work in a way in which tampering with one means that many others will be effected. There are so many variables involved that it's very easy for unintended consequences to occur. When you are already dealing with a psychically disordered individual, all sorts of stuff can go wrong. Psyche drs are just pill pushers when in fact they should be telling the psychically disordered individuals the lifestyle changes that are needed in order to heal the psyche, including exercise and diet modifications as well as behavioral modifications.

"Being OK" with it has nothing to do with anything. Suicide is the wrong decision. Apparently she didn't appreciate the second chance at life she was given by being spared in the shooting. The implication is she had no one around to offer her good and healthy advice. Professionals probably gave her meds for PTSD, said "poor thing", and then left her to her devices, and people close to her didn't have the knowhow and wisdom to help her.

That's why don't take abilify, nigger. It works with Lithium and don't take it at the same time

Isn’t this the girl who was on the news cheerfully explaining how she had a conversation with the alleged shooter while the shooting was still going on?

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Her Male guardian should have locked her up if she was that unstable.

Witnesses claim to have spotted David Hogg on his bicycle around the neighborhood at the time of her death.

Thanks for the wise words user but I never regret doing that. It make me who I am today. Although, I haven't done anything beside taking Lamictal in the past few years because I'm trying to be respondsible since I'm a dad now

Come on, man.
She had maybe four, five years tops before turning into cattle. She has the ultimate "marry young, gain 150 pounds immediately" build.

they're not even big
get some taste amerimutt

the medias over milking of america for its sympathy
energy will kill the cow, will there be a news story
for the cow once it dies. media are parasites and
need to be rounded up into death camps.

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Yeah that bitch is a total butter face. Nothing of value was lost!

I was more talking about this chick. She was prob already a basket case when she went to the dr. Then he prob put her on a cocktail of heavy duty psychotropics which made her worse. What would have fixed her would have been to put her in a nunnery for a year with good, nutrient dense food, a full night's sleep every night, no social media, no internet, and a bit of solitude and exercise. She would have been fine. At any rate, good luck.

quality post.

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Cruz is still killing even inside his cell. That mutt is really a legend.

she was going to go to the media with the real story.
gotta tie up all those loose ends you know.

>survivor's guilt
only white people...

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She was not supposed to survive.

So powerful

It’s all very suspicious

No Alexa was the girl that "ran out" of the school WITH the shooter, stating that she could still hear gunfire as they were leaving. It was a teacher that saw the armored cop.

Good point

Very suspicious indeed

Fucking bantmaster

Lmaooooo funny cause its true

american right-wings are the most degenerate and mentally retarded i've seen on Jow Forums

Of course. People laugh at being called racist now

>crisis actor commits suicide
What's the big deal, that means she's technically the only actual death from Parkland. People die and commit suicide every day, just because someone involved in a hoax is dead, it doesn't mean that it's more newsworthy than the hundreds of kids that get killed unlawfully.

White lmao 0/10

>survivor's guilt

and nothing of value was lost

Why couldn't it have been Hogg?

Oh, wait, he has no guilt. He parlayed his ill-gotten prominence to national notoriety and admittance into Harvard despite a 1270 SAT score.

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Ok slavmonkey. At least Americans aren't fleeing to a country who's main contribution to society is unclogging toilets.

>Picture her with her real hair color
Yeah I really dgaf


To be fair, in the US, Hispanic/Mexican hasnt been formally considered as a separate race

>thinking this in my head
>you post it

Lovely. You’re a good person and I hope many good things happen in your life.

Ex-aussiefag here, is 1270 a terrible score?

can't cure stupid