>still lives with parents
>no job
>plays video games all day
Why is this happening to more and more men in our society?

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because wages are stagnant and there's no point

you literally can't move out even if you got a job

Go keto or carnivore
Exercise (lift and cardio)
Plan every hour of your day. Don't spend a single hour wasting time on screens.

For what purpose?

Let's be frank here. Fuck them!
More breeding material for you. More food for you. More job opportunities for you.
Fuck them srsly. I was in similar positiob few years back, but now i'm in totally different place. It requires epic amounts of will and self determination.
Not everyone is able to handle current world climate

There needs to be a new word that means bigger than fat. this dude is way beyond fatness

>Go keto or carnivore
Former is sound advice, latter is a meme.

because wages are shit and jobs are given to niggers, women, jews and pansexual trannies?

dont even try to deny it. you know its true.

Feeling better!

We live in a toxic environment for the body and mind. You have to do all of these things to have some semblance of a healthy existence in this world.

overprotective moms who should probably have had a cat instead of a human child

Perhaps you mean obese stupid Fucking cunt

- Stagnant wages, makes sense to stay home and collect welfare than to go out into the world and drive 20 miles to work to make $11 an hour at some dead-end retail job and be surrounded by 3rd world trash and then pay 20% of that in tax

- HALF of all females under the age of 35 are obese or else on the road to obesity, so it is pointless for a man to date them and thus it is pointless for a man to stay in shape since he will be single anyways as there are so few young women of quality

- Video Games are a substitution for not finding success in the real world, if you can't afford a fast sports car (Corvette, Nissan GTR, Porsche 911...), just go down to WalMart and buy Grand Theft Auto for $60 and come home and you can "select" those cars and customize them and they have authentic engine exhaust notes and are a virtual reality for not having the real thing

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Are those white nationalists reeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee

To NOT take care of yourself is to just wait for death and if you’re just going to do that then KYS now.
Remember subscribe to Pewdiepie first.

>society is a carrot on a stick where we work to hopefully get good things
>carrot becomes moldy and unappetizing
>wonder why the carriage isn't moving

Fine than stay where you are
Pic related

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It’s the boomers fault for letting them get away with it!

"Bariatric" is the polite term.

The one on the right is ugly, but I'd roughly porkchop the one on the left, and the middle

For Hitler user, for Hitler.

see Jow Forums
that's the way many of them will be headed.

read their posts to understand how they think.

dont adopt their mentality.

Sugar in the food with multiple addatives.
>Still lives with parents
Hard to get your own home, much more stable to just live with your folks.
>No job
Depends on the person, but some people power through their job while others would rather die.
>Plays video games
Everybody does, because everybody needs an escape from reality, books are also a thing for escape.

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alright genius, then what the fuck are we suppose to do in this current state of the world where society is absolute aids and jobs dont pay you enough so that you can move out?

well? we are waiting for your intelligent response that will solve problems.

This is true. I'll be a wagecuck starting next Monday and I'll have to move in with my aunt because rent is so damn high. Even though I wont be paying rent I'll still only be able to save a few hundred bucks each month at most. The only reason that I'm working this stupid job is so I could get enough experience for an "entry level" position.

The best you can and if it’s not good enough than that’s your problem
No one else’s
I’m not rich
I wish I lived a better life but I’ll live and die in my car frozen in the winter before I become a public mooch
And if you got married and had kids KNOWING you can’t afford it, that’s on you too.

Ever heard of the term morbidly obese?

these faggots are why I can't just jump on a game and have fun because they're able to play all day every day obsessively. XBL promised to end that in their justification as to why it wasn't going to be free like ps2...


You HAVE TO start somewhere, even if it means getting paid less. Your attitude is exactly that of some hipster millennial liberal arts grad who thinks they're owed a certain level of salary with zero experience.

Get some, or vote Yang.

> it is pointless for a man to stay in shape since he will be single anyways
>lifting for women
I lift for the next major happening

This pollock is right. Competition is what defines men. If other people give up its that much easier to reach 1st place.

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obese and morbidly obese can describe ppl who are at least still human-shaped. I agree, a new term for ppl in OP's picture is needed.

>more food for you

My time to shine...

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of course you're a boomer

you didnt even get paid less during your oldern times. you got paid more and economy was much more better. stop throwing shit at millenials and zoomers and saying how they're not "good enough" when you're not in their shoes. you know absolutely nothing,

>can't move out even if you got a job
Then get 2 jobs, you lazy faggot. What else would you be doing with your time? Oh yeah. Posting on here with us losers.

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Okay bye
God speed user...

the issue is that there is no motivation for them the Wages on paper look like they would have more Money but if you reduce that via taxes and rent it will basically be the same except now they have to ruin their back for it, then there is this addiction aspect of it and the freedom to do anything they want not having to give a shit about other people.

take a look of the series/show Simpsons for example it was an example of an average American who was able to work 1 job to sustain the Family and have a House try it today

fuck this gay world. Death will be relief

Look at how he's sitting down. He looks like Buddha

Why contribute to a society that doesn't give a shit about you and is collapsing?

>that little red string around this wrist

Dudes literally an overgrown baby. Just sitting there in his diapers, with his parents bathing him in a tub

>Why is this happening to more and more men in our society?
This is a frequent Putinbot meme on Jow Forums to demoralize and destabilize the West.

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"Yes goyim, work two jobs, pay twice the taxes to feed mahamud and Muhamud and ngobono while fueling my buisnes"

dam nation, go nowhere do nothing. trapped by

>to demoralize and destabilize the West.

Too late for that. No memes are needed to demoralize anyone in these lands

He's living the dream you faggots are jealous

Stop living in urban shitholes. They're giant scams.

>>Plays video games
>Everybody does, because everybody needs an escape from reality, books are also a thing for escape.

This, people who go "hurr durr da videogames, READ A BOOK FOR VÖLKISCH" dont remember that before videogames were as much of a thing people got shittalked for reading too much.

>Le keto carnivore maymay
Lmao. Go vegan if you want to be thin and healthy long term. Meat, dairy, eggs just starve our microbiome. The key to long term weight control is eating enough and lots of foods like beans and fermented foods that change our microbiome for the better. Sure, meat doesn't make you fat, it's mainly the combination of animal fat and refined carbs that do. But most long term ketards look like shit. Sean Baker gave himself type 2 diabetes eating carnivore and has the t level of an 80 year old woman, Primal edge health has a squeaky voice and is literally on the verge of a heart attack with his ldl levels, sv3rige is closeted balding homo who larps as a pyschopath so people don't think he's gay. Darren Schmidt sounds like a 14 year old. Frank Tufano got destroyed by vegan gains. Eric Berg looks decent but remember he promotes eating a shitload of vegetables. All tribes like Eskimos and Massai that eat primarily meat have terrible atherosclerosis and osteoporosis while Okinawans live to over 100 in good shape eating sweet potatoes. Low carb is retarded 90s trend that keeps getting rebranded every few years.


Nice try. I have two advanced degrees, and I took a job that paid me wayyyyy less than what I "deserved" out of college in 2009 (Market crash). That was merely a stepping stone.

Wages are rising now. Better stop complaining and get on the gravy train. You're in a better position now than I was out of college.

The richer you get, the farther away from that shit you can move your family. Sacrifices. Give and take. We have a shit sandwich in front of us. Will you eat it, or make a different meal for yourself?

Diminishing returns.

It's a nessassary evil for those whom have no family to mooch off of and lack dedicated acting methods to convince a judge you need social security.

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The one on the right is the hottest da fuq

You can here :)

every fucking vegan retard always ends up later on admitting they were wrong once they finally get tired of torturing themselves with an insufficient diet