How to make your government listen to you?

Refuse to breed.

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that's been working really well so far, moron.

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Don't listen to this guy

every newborn is stamped with numbers and fed into the tax paying system.

You fucking Piece of shit. The NZ caused a shooting and he got what he want. Russia has the highest abortion rate and Putin cares less.

This is by far the most retarded shit ever posted this year.

it has? when did you all refuse to breed.

>If I suicide surely tHe GoVrnMenT will listen to me

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I have a number. It doesn't mean I've paid tax.

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>You fucking Piece of shit

is how you are treated from birth.

>This is by far the most retarded shit ever posted this year.

explain why.

are you a good consumer making billions of dollars for corporate criminals.

I am sentient and I would never place such a curse upon another vessel.

And they import people to breed instead of you. Good job

Terrible bait, you'd have to be really stupid to fall for this.

would you rather the curse of slavery for your child.

>And they import people to breed instead of you

not if everyone refuses to breed.

no one loves their government.

if you have a problem with the government taxing you and your children, why don't you just go somewhere where they don't? plenty of people live off the grid. it's a better solution than yours; what kind of absolute retard gives up on life because of his problems rather than trying to overcome them?

you are considering giving up raising a child, which is widely considered the most important thing you can do, to spite the government. do you think they care? you might as well kill yourself. do you think they'll care about that too?

If you have a problem with something, be a man and OVERCOME. find a SOLUTION. don't fucking roll over and die, you stupid little bitch.

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What? The government cares more about single mothers with 15 children than it does about 1 educated male making $150k/year. Pretty much all of the western governments have at least in part decided that the way to make up for decreased birth rates is to import immigrants. If anything it’s the opposite, you stupid idiot.

very cool

>you are considering giving up raising a child

to be a good consumer, pay taxes, and die.

splendid outlook.

>The government cares

that you breed to keep their slave race working.

when you threaten their livelihood through retraction (similar to work strikes but a baby strike)..

He literally suggested living off the grid to raise a child, your argument is invalid.

I suggested that you live your life in a way that doesn't do that, but you didn't even read my post you dipshit. If you're too stupid or weak-willed to do that, it's your own problem. You have no capacity for problem solving if you think the only way to save your son from being a good consumer is to never have him.

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his argument is selfish. he runs away into the forest because he wants a baby aw.

leaving his fellow man behind because he wants a baby aw.

as if there aren't enough of those already.

You aren’t even reading any of our responses, you just keep on repeating your stupid nonsense with points that we address but you seem to ignore. I already told you that most western governments have no problem importing immigrants to make up for the lack of birth rate and population in general. Next?

>Oh no, the whites are not breeding? Guess we'll have to import even MORE shitskins then
Yes, I'm sure that plan will work OP

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>don’t raise a child in society because that’s what the government wants
>don’t raise a child off the grid because that’s selfish
Holy shit you are legitimately just a shill coming here to try to convince people not to breed

I already told you that cant happen if everyone refuses to breed.

pay attention. next.

No, then they bring in an endless stream of third worlders who breed you out of existence while you pay their bills.

provide an alternative means to funding society than either a)taxes or b) privatize everything

then you wouldnt need government.

you are all cattle.

I would do whatever I need to in order to protect and provide for my family. That's what real men do. Your family comes first. I don't care about atomized fucks that think their "countryman" is as important as their own flesh and blood.

God, Family, Tradition.

you're throwing away everything your ancestors believed in to try to teach the government a lesson out of spite, it's the most stupid thing I've read in some time. I would spit in your face if you told me these things in person.

not if everyone refuses to breed. stop thinking so small.

>no war if People refuse to fight

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Take a walk on some railroad tracks with a blindfold and earplugs, everyone would thank you

>oh no he's not having kids what ever could we do.....
Here's the thing you cocksucker. You know it and we all know it. You're too lazy to have a kid. You want to sit around and shitpost here all day or play videogames or fap to your favorite blacked trap video 24/7 and you think what the fuck is the point of having a kid that's too much trouble. But you don't want to look at yourself like a selfish cunt who has the privilege ofenjoying life because your parents went through the trouble of raising you and now you're unwilling to return the favor so you come up with all sorts of excuses. "Oh the world is overpopulated" "We need to save the environment" "If I have a kid he will pay taxes" you can keep finding 20,000 ways to justify yourself but I know it, you know it and we all know it. You're just a lazy cunt. Go do it somewhere else.

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>I would spit in your face if you told me these things in person.

of course you would. ur a slave who compromises the greater good for personal pride.

This is the absolutely worst kike inspired thread I've ever seen.

>>no war if People refuse to fight


>You're too lazy to have a kid

i have one.

i'd never bring another into this world when our lives are held for ransom 24-7:

pay up or die.

answer: refuse to breed.

in fact bringing a child into the world with these governments running things, is child abuse.

Europeans tried that. they just got replaced by muslims

>stop having children to spite ZOG
>ZOG waits out 40 years for whitey to get old
>ZOG imports unlimited muzzies and niggers who have 5 kids each because it needs taxes
>white genocide achieved in one generation
sage goes in all fields

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You're so stupid you're killing your own thread.

people have tried to engage in discussion with you but you're thick as a brick.

I feel sorry for the kid you have, his father is so stupid that I'm afraid for his future.

I implore anyone reading this to let this fucker's thread die, he's not worth responding to

Here's another excuse for when you grow tired of that one: Existing means experiencing pain. It's not fair to bring a child into a world where pain exists, therefore we should refuse to breed. This is my gift for you for when you get tired of telling yourself you're a good person for being a lazy childless cunt. My next gift is that in death you won't have a painful existence any more. Seduced?

>thick as a brick.

this world is run by psychopaths. you think that is a good environment for children.

maybe you, are thick as a brick.

go be a good slave.

based Portugal poster

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I've been working on it. Only with my hand.

to be a man is to overcome adversity
the basis of every religion is that existence is suffering.

the burden of overcoming these things is upon YOU

Dont worry, I dont think anyone on this board will ever have kids

>existence is suffering.

this is what they have created, for everyone, and presented it as normal

it is not. it is dysfunctional and horrific.

it is caused by governments.

I do not simply "cope" with bad things when those bad things can be eradicated.

Schlomo, pls.

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good news.

better u never breed.

>funding society

society is not an economy. it is people.

maybe we should just keep to ourselves and look after each other

refuse to work, refuse to pay any attention at all, to the government police force who will demand our allegiance

like they did in the beginning.

refuse to breed.

He should have shot you instead.

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for what. wacking corporate criminals where it hurts; their wallet.

This is a meme we need to spread in leftist circles.

How about everyone stops being whiny faggots

everywhere, so the governments see it, and get nervous.

go be a good a slave. the world is a beautiful place full of justice and rainbows.

Whites already have a below replacement birthrate. Our governments have been dealing with this problem by importing hordes of 3rd world immigrants.

>importing hordes of 3rd world immigrants

Jacinda are you listening darling

we're on to you

we refuse to breed. if your newbies continue, you can have many mosque in Christ church

and take many more money.

we will die with dignity and self respect.

unlike you, and every other government tyrants running a global slave trade for hundreds of years.

are you scared of dying Jacinda. I bet you are.

>The Jews literally want white people extinct


Next step, kill yourself! One less person.

reading comprehension is not a talent, it is a basic requirement

I said, if you want government to listen to you, refuse to breed

no, we want to capture a full record of how they react and the moves they make, in response to us refusing to breed

so that when we are gone, our time capsule of information on them can be found

and they will be laughed at and blown off the face of the earth by superior intelligence.

>Refuse to breed.
>Government imports 200 Jihadis to cover for your refusal to create drones for them.
Now what?

Yes, you made that factually incorrect assertion. What you should have said was, “if you want unlimited shitblood immigration, you refuse to breed.”



i'm disappointed so many of you are so shortsighted and afraid to die out with dignity

you'd rather subject your children to the abuses of the worst run planet, psychopaths, liars, fiends, brutal war criminals, slavery, poverty, hunger, stress, pressure


than die a dignified death and leave these shitful bastards to blow themselves up

but it is good to know that their immigration policy is just an economic scam.

Does this belong here?

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No really, what did your "solution" solve? It's the equivalent of the three year old throwing a tantrum. "If I can't get what I want, I'm going to hold my breath and then you'll be really really sorry when I'm gone!"

So much for "dignity".

giving up isn't dignity you human scum.
you can call your inaction dignity if you want but a true man would overcome his problems.

do you have a problem with the government? with taxes? then go somewhere without them. Do you have a problem with the injustices of the world? tough shit, no one is coming to save us. The world we're born into is shit and you have to carve out the best existence you can for yourself. no one else is going to do this for you. You throw around a lot of words to try to convince us of your virtue but you're a person of inaction. The opposite of good isn't evil, it's indifference, and you're content to recognize what you don't like in this world and be powerless to change it. every single person in this thread who has tried to talk to you has wasted their time, because you're a defeatist sack of shit.

no. the problem is you're a sell out.

I am not.

I didn't pick you as a coward but there it is.

go celebrate your exploited sperm count, hero.

Careful so you don't go blue in the balls as well as the face.

>giving up

>how to make our government listen to you
>refuse to breed

you literally admit that your government is so bad they would let you die out and import new slave makers before caring abut your ass

and at the same time, you think this situation can be fixed, under those conditions

are you fucking stupid

As a government insider I can confirm that this is true.

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my balls are the biggest ones here and they're not for sale

like yours.

Enjoy getting castrated by your new countrymen. They have long traditions in making eunuchs.

excellent. thank you, but I already know that.

that is why I posted it.

>new countrymen

new slaves who want to fuck my daughter

I refuse to breed until conditions are corrected.

Spoiler: they're going to fuck you. In more than one way.
Have fun holding your tantrum. Not as if the majority here breeds anyway.

>you literally admit that your government is so bad they would let you die out and import new slave makers before caring abut your assand at the same time, you think this situation can be fixed, under those conditionsare you fucking stupid

no response to this blazing throw down

>they're going to fuck you. In more than one way.

they're going to? they already have. are you okay. can you read. do you understand what this is about.

You haven't seen shit yet.

course not. how much are you selling your sperm for today. 5 dollars for every shred of dignity.
or do you increae the charge when you latch on to arguing for the sake of it on a fucking message board profiting from your free fucking content.

go celebrate your expensive nuts.

mine are not for sale.

>mine are not for sale.
Or for use.

the only option is to fundmentally destroy society and laughing while doing, burn the corporations down and disarm the police, your lives are meaningless, this ancestor crap is a spook


No, nothing. You go fight the power. Make sure you don't fap either, gotta hang on to those precious bodily fluids lest the government saps them.

>the only option is to fundmentally destroy society

they wont listen to you when ur busy setting fire to buildings

i think we need to promote unilateral disarmament of the USA so it'll be easier to roll the fuckin chinese tanks in. at this point it's the only way we'll get away from niggers and spics.

god forbid your manhood should take a back seat for a higher purpose.

population decline is not a bad thing as long as your population isn't being replaced by foreigners, like say diseased niggers or dirty wetbaxicans.

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Shoot up a mosque

>Nofap and Nobreed as a "protest against government".
>higher purpose
The government doesn't give a fuck about you and your little protest. All you're doing is sabotaging your own shit.

I have no problem with any race enjoying their lives and progressing at their own rate in their own land

what I will not tolerate the exploitation of al races by psychopathic breed of fucking cunts while they spin us a load of bullshit on social media and destroy society at the same time

>The government doesn't give a fuck about you and your little protest

but they'll magically give a fuck about you and your newborn baby

you really don't understand the point here

I think ur just afraid of dying but worse than that, you'd rather die as a fucking sell out who thinks his nuts are more important than any purpose.