Hate on this sandniggger non-European shithole here.
Greek hate thread
Other urls found in this thread:
>Orthodox people are based
I like Gayreeks. Ancient bros.
One Indian mathematician had to say this about Greeks,
“The Greeks are not Hindus, but they must be honoured, because have shown interest in science and have excelled in it.”
- Varamhira, Brihat Samhita, c.500
Ya what a dump.
>hates Greeks
>steals everything historical related to northern Greece at the first chance you get
Cry more.
If you hate greeks, why do you take our history?
I why why you hate greeks.
Because you are getting rekt everytime you pass the borders
The guy beating this subhuman is a parliament member of golden dawn.
>I why why
*I know why
>Hate on this sandniggger non-European shithole here.
...says Macedonia
What do Greeks think about Sikander’s India campaign? After conquering Persia he reached Indus and fought with Porus. Are you guys taught about spread of Greek knowledge and architecture in India through Indo-Greek people?
Stop pretending you're Macedonians then, stupid Bulgarian.