*kills a bunch of white children*

*kills a bunch of white children*
>Yes, that will help keep the invaders away

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> evil stare

He was a zionist shill

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there is nothing like an innocent socialist
It was there decision to become enemy of their own people

Yeah, I never understood his reasoning.

Those kids' parents are most likely trying their best to make Norway more islamic in pure spite.

Attached: Breivik's Law.jpg (920x624, 37K)

The “reasoning” was that those kids were on road to become the next generation of socialist cucks. I don’t think it was the best method, but the reasoning does make sense on some level.

Correction: kills a bunch of leftists who would flood the country with migrants

you don't get it, iberinigger. he killed brainwashed commie kids that couldn't be saved anymore, and would flood Norway with mudslimes and other shitskins

Not really, look at the rise of the Nazis, by the end even a lot of social democrats supported the party.

>couldn't be saved
That's a fucking retarded view.

Teens and young adults

Yet accurate.

the feminine nordicucks couldn't be saved anymore. just kill them.

if someone is holding the floodgates open, you don't shoot the water, you shoot the person who opened the gate.

He killed traitors, and future nation wreckers, he is a hero, and he should have killed even more. A traitor always deserves the first, and most brutal punishment.

unironically killed a leftist camp, with children of the socialist party

Polital leanings are most determined by the brain you are given, those faggots were never gonna change,liberalism was there destined religion

traitors before the enemy

White kids with the name Abdul and ahmed

he killed a bunch of dumbass liberals who would have gooten into politics and let more muslims in...does anyone on here have a brain.

Marxists are not people.

Read more about it. There were tons of immigrant kids there, literally being groomed as their future brown overlords.


charge the matador, not the cape

The Virgin breivek vs the Chad Tarrant.


how many times you gonna push this meme shlomo

wasn't a bunch white children - do your homework

they were children of politicians an people in government that supported the immigration policy of the middlle eastern refugees

Do you think Anders know of tarrants actions?

Whaddya reckon he thinks?

Always kill a traitor before an enemy, Jimbo

Muslims are outsiders, yes, but outsiders can be kept out so long as the in-group remains strong and self-selecting. Even Jews wouldn't be a problem if whites acted logically. Killing traitors is much, much more effective than killing some random Muslims who can just be replaced immediately.

Of course we'll never know, but Breivik probably killed a large number of future politicians, journalists, and activists who would've accelerated the demise of Norway. Norway now is significantly less cucked than say, Sweden or Denmark, possibly because of one man's actions.

Came across this Dutch video. The murder of innocent white social democrats isn't even necessary imo. The marxist subversion is a completed fact. You in the Netherlands going to kill anyone? I don't think so.


The whole west has been subverted.

tell me something i don't know, polak

because he's not white, look at his eye brow
ridge, neanderthal trait.

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