Why are you fags against circumcision...

Why are you fags against circumcision. Do you have any idea how much hot cheese and musk is hiding in that nasty ass flap. It would take me a month of not showering to equal that smell of you not showering for one day.

Attached: 2l2efi.jpg (400x205, 15K)

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Fiqured yall got no come back. Enjoy your hot smelly cock

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That is simply not true.
The memes "foreskin is dirty and disgusting" and "dick cheese" are deeply ingrained in american culture and not based on facts.
Ask anyone who is intact and they will tell you that you have to refrain from washing for at least one week for smegma to accumulate.

The issue with circumcision is that newborns who can't consent have a healthy, functioning important body part cut off and have to live with that for the rest of their lives.
There are serious risks involved, and at least 100 perfectly healthy babies die each year from it in the US alone.

Fuck you, filthy sweaty gangstalking jew. Your crimes range from theft, stalking, harassment, medical fraud, torture, assault, human experimentation up to use of military equipment on civilian and conspiracy, property damage, attempted murder, privacy invasion, home invasion...

Calling bullshit on that stat. Give source.

>Do you have any idea how much hot cheese and musk is hiding in that nasty ass flap. It would take me a month of not showering to equal that smell of you not showering for one day
If you don't have your own foreskin how do you know?

Calling bullshit on what? The >100 deaths?
Google "circumcision deaths in the USA", plenty of results.


well what if i enjoy that smell

I am uncircumcised and I have never found any dick cheese. You’d have to deliberately not wash your dick for a month in order for smegma to build up.

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Then your fucking gay... Faggot

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