>Previous Thread archived in 30s by shaking Baconhaters.
I found the answer, something that will solve all the problems.
Everyone who does not like bacon is the enemy. They are frightened by its salty-sweet delicious aroma.
We bbq it. We put it in everything, in every store. We wear it proudly to ward off trampires and vegans.
Mankind's greatest food. Perfect in every way. Muscle building, brain forming, it is the best.
Make clothing, art, jewellery, yes, jewellery, and glorious architecture with bacon bbq altars twenty feet long.
And watch peace happen naturally.
Everywhere the scent of bacon wafts through the neighborhood is peace.
The Bacon Solution
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I like bacon a lot.
Going to get some right now.
American bacon comes from pigs that are filled to the brim with hormones and antibiotics.
Good. Let the bacon flow through you, take you. Feel its ancient mystical power and know that every piece of bacon is the body of Christ, the drippings his Holy Blood.
Because of lack of demand. Fill your shopping carts with superlative bacon! And let the bacon herders know only the best will do.
Amazing thread. Upvoted!
Turkey bacon is not bacon
>Turkey bacon
wtf, that sounds disgusting
I'm going to make some right now :).
Wow, I love Bacon now!