Why do they raise the worst human beings on earth
Single mothers
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They don't
You're wrong though
Lenin & Stalin were practically raised by their mothers and suffered terribly when they died.
Her superpower is being a single mother
Crowd of single mothers get absolutely buttblasted.
The single moms in the crowd are priceless
Punishment from God.
Mothers are narcissist. They think the children they produce are perfect. Particularly their sons. They sometimes hate their daughters but their sons can do no wrong. So they do not punish bad behavior. They ignore it. They defend their shitty son to teachers, other parents, anyone who calls out the bad behavior. They are blind to it. So the child grows up to be a criminal because he was never corrected.
Fathers instill the children with a sense of reality.
who is this semen demon
Maybe we are wrong. Are we meant to become psychotic?
Weird seeing a woman being more logical than a man, the man is trying to please his crowd ultimately. It's good that he's exposing the other side.
Because your women are shit. They were brainwashed since birth into thinking they are perfect and can do no wrong.
I know plenty of single mothers, and most of them raised decent kids.
Fathers teach their sons morality. They are a symbol for how a man should act. Even if the father does not act correctly, men can use their father's actions to influence their own for the better. If they have no father they don't have a consistent figure to reflect their own actions upon. This means they are left to their own devices about how a man should act, and often that leads to the conclusion of self-gain at the expense of others. So they use violence to resolve their problems because unlike women, all men grow up understanding the cause and effect of violence.
Highly accurate. It's why mother's stand by their serial killers son. Can't blame them for it, children are a more literal part of them. That said, fatherhood is all the more needed for it. Dunno where'd I'd be if my father wasn't around to whoop ass and explain why I needed it.
Fuck all those single cunts in the audience and the beta male cucks, seeing them getting buttblasted is gold.
but smoking kills, yeah well ruining millions of kids lives is worse lol what a moronic argument from the host.
In quran Allah says "And those who protect and guard their private parts except when it comes to their spouses or their right hand possession. In regards to that they are not blame or the. However who seeks something beyond that, it is those who are transgressors". In other surah Allah says for those who are young or still unmarried "This who cannot get married let them remain chased until Allah provides for them so that they can get married." Which clearly indicates that don't get engage in such things if you are unmarried. Masturbation is described as transgression by Allah.
I loved how he kept REEEEing that he was actually correct and Ann is like, but these are facts. I was waiting for her to be like your feelings don't matter and you are just objectively wrong
The better question is, why do single fathers have a much better success rate? Is it because fathers rarely get custody so only the crème de la crème are single fathers?
Zoey Holloway. She makes excellent mom-son roleplay porn.