Thousands if not more both western and muslim women are masturbating at this very moment while thinking of Brenton...

Thousands if not more both western and muslim women are masturbating at this very moment while thinking of Brenton Tarrant. Because that's just how women are.

Attached: woman-masturbating.jpg (3000x2000, 252K)

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He’s a manlet, so no.

Wew that's haram.


And here's why that is a GOOD thing.

Attached: weirdfacemcgee.jpg (646x431, 38K)

... Until they talk to his dumb ass.

You see that girl there? I'd do her.

wow shes realling pulling the Napoleon Dynamite cosplay off pretty well

Looks like Kate Mara

"and that's a good thing"

ethnic women secretly, harbour the desire to be colonized by the west.

This makes non-white men incredibly envious.

Attached: IMG_6817.jpg (171x231, 18K)

"A classical hero is considered to be a "warrior who lives and dies in the pursuit of honor" and asserts their greatness by "the brilliancy and efficiency with which they kill"."

Now you know what Donna Summer sings about.

>t. hugless virgin neet

women arent political so they dont even know who he is, they are masturbating to any authority figure in their lives tho, like there boss or coworker or mailman

Attached: tarrantcumtorrent.png (503x761, 95K)

Absolutely halal and redpilled

Is this shoop?

Attached: 1553291539281.png (658x901, 84K)

i am going to execute one hostage every hour until i get a qt3.14 mosque obliterator bf

Meanwhile, dothead pajeets have the smallest penises on average in the world. AND can't be potty trained.

Women creamed over 5 foot 2 homeless-looking Charles Manson as become one of the most eligible bachelors in the world after the Helter Skelter murders, you underestimate how disgusting and fucked up the psychology of women is.

Why is the bath barely filled? God damn women are useless.

>bosnian mailman
>someone shlicks on you

Damn, women really have no standards.

Enjoy getting poo'd

Attached: images - 2019-03-23T213828.311.jpg (300x375, 22K)

So we can see her pussy?

Nobody wants to see her beat up meat flaps.

Retarded females will lust over high-status men, but what's hilarious is their interpretation of that comes down to cheap popularity.

>Chad is the captain of the football team - everyone talks about Chad - therefore I must mate with him
>Tyrone is the kang of the hood - everyone talks about Tyrone - therefore I must mate with him
>Pepe just committed a mass atrocity - everyone talks about Pepe - therefore I must mate with him

>this manlet coping
let me know when you become the next Charles Manson