I’m gay, I’m white and I don’t care if America is brown

I don’t care if America turns brown, were all human beings. We can all get along and prosper and if white people die out, what do I care? I’m gay, I have no stake in the future. I will have no children. I don’t care if your children are minorities. White people have caused great pain in the world and they deserve what they get. You are all drama queen virgins who will never procreate anyway. You’re all human filth and excrement incapable of love, incapable of anything positive. Gay rights won over you bigots. Eat shit and die.
Antifascista is the future

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What’s your point? No one subscribed to your hate, only you

Jow Forums virgins BTFO lmao LOSERS

Good thread. Upvoted!

>I'm gay and I don't care about the future
You made that clear when you told the world kids are for molesting.

Sage slide threads

You realize those minorities are going to kill you, right?

Okay, this is epic. Best thread of the year, I'm giving you gold. Upvoted.

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Because you’ve traded your identity as a white man to a gay man.

You’ve been duped and are stupid enough to think you’re virtue signaling.

You can be gay AND care about your race friendo.

T. Based gay


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based minorities

>I dont care lol I have no convictions
No one gives a fuck and it doesnt make you less degenerate or retarded.

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>we’re all human beings
Faggots aren’t human and shouldn’t even exist.

Gay men are more of a man than you are

You do realize minorities will kill us? The only people in the world to push “enlightened” values have been white Europeans and their descendants.
I’m bi, and mostly sleep with men. I hate gay pride and the multi kulti push. Keep your shit private, no one cares if you suck dick 24/7 in the comfort of your home

You could bait more subtly

You know whats funny about faggots? You queers try to use disparaging remarks about incels and such, but the truth is that those incels have more resolve than your aids ridden self as being a faggot is the easy way out.

Actually persisting with heterosexuality is more difficult than being a faggot. There is no challenge to fucking or being fucked by another faggot because you degenerates have no standards.

idk what this thread is but i laughed at your pic.

Gay men are not men, they are faggots.
I’m sorry user but you’re a disgusting freak.

You will care when you're chucked off the top of the Empire State Building. Don't come crying to me when the Bogeyman eats your last digestive!

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Wow. OP really IS a fag.
Ironically, these people you're shilling for will rape and kill you the first opportunity they get. I think we should give you a one-way ticket to Somalia since you like brown chimps so much. You're just begging to be enriched.

OP likes BBC

I am gay.

Like I said, you’ve been tricked into thinking your new identity is gay instead of white.

This has been engineered deliberately to fool white men into being shit heads to whites for ‘muh disrespect from the christians’

You can be gay and proud of your race. Also, don’t let what you put your dick in dictate your politics and identity that’s silly.

See you on grinder faggot.

>We can all get along and prosper and if white people die out
Yup. Look at how peaceful Wakanda is.

They're pointless. Just a bunch of white guys thinking that they're entitled the word without any effort. A bunch of losers who spend way too much time on the internet. Good to see you here, mate.

Have fun falling off the next roof.

I’m sorry you are full of hate but I just anger to tell you I love you

Is that all the things you desire?

I love you even if you hate me

Gays will all die eventually. Wether it's by right wing death squads or rabid muslims.

You guys are so fucking weird that you don't even realise you're expressing your own desires.

Ps: You are weird.

Your channel preference is brown anyway, so what's the point you're trying to make?

How will you know who the gays are lol

If you're gay and understand the importance of white children and white identity then why not give up your sodomy and settle down with a woman and raise white children?

The only ones that talk about killing, etc, etc, are your kind. You people are sick. Go treat yourself.

Of course not. Surrender and cowardice are primary components of faggotry.

Ha get a load of this incel

Haiti, Rhodesia, South Africa, etc

Look at how many replies on this thread, including yours. Apparently, people do give a shit. Included retarded fucks like yourself. Get out of the internet you fucking wanker.

that's why you're gay. feminine thinking leads to promoting diversity and multicultiuralism

glad to see there are other race-conscious homos in here. OP you disgust me and I hope you're enriched and made an example of.

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I’m sorry your daddies didn’t love you enough

Your hatred and bigotry don't make you manlier or better than anyone else, mate. He doesn't give a fuck of what you losers think about him. He probably lives a more fulfilling and rewarding life than you do. Fucking loser.

whoops my flag changed
how embarrassing

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denounce your faggotry.


........Its that smell of AIDS...

I don't hate you. Keep your sex life to yourself and I will keep mine to myself. When you hit the pavement at 120mph after being chucked off the observation deck of the ESB by a bunch of peaceful enrichers and your body turns into mush, your final thought will be "I've been a naive twat".

Literally the only successful leftist meme.

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The only thing being filled fully is his ass.

Everyone dies eventually, mate. Including you.

White people are the only ones to actually tolerate gay people in any significant numbers. The other groups throw you off buildings or chop you to pieces with machetes. Yet you work to undermine them, i'm beginning to see why gays are oppressed in other cultures. Your an ungratefull genetic error.

No one loves or hates you, they just don't care about you.

You react to things like a woman.

I want total annihilation of LGBT community

More reason to put a pink triangle on you, faggot.

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Subscribe to pewdiepie shitskin

White Homosexuals are still european. They are still our brothers . They deserve sympathy and compassion because they are afflicted the same way a gambler or an alcoholic is afflicted .

>Jow Forums is falling for this obvious falseflag bait

Don't you gay people/masturbation addicts ever get tired of being the unknowing useful idiots and henchmen for your ZOG cucked govt? Their laughing at you.
I challenge you to give up porno and masturbation for 1 month and see if you are still gay

Why do gay people ALWAYS think about children non stop?

Clean up your shitty country first, literally

Gays hate it when they're ignored. They think everyone hates them but in reality nobody cares. So they start all this non binary bollocks. They fuck in public at *Pride* events but the only people there are other queers. So no one cares. You get gay leaders, no one cares.

No. Fuck you. Traitors are worse than enemies.

Threat reconition /=/ bigotry. Your a self righteous fool.

They bend over both literally and figuratively. They want to be entered by a foreign organism. It's in their bones.

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Muslims will throw you from the roof. Think twice.

>i am proud of being white, despite the fact that i did not do anything to become white and just happen to be born white.

I think it's about pragmatism more than anything. We're not in a position to be making more of the population enemies than we need to. We can worry about faggotry once Nationalism is the norm and mass immigration isn't.

You're mental. Homosexuals are not traitors. They're afflicted and sick, and they're our brothers .

living manifestation of a dying society.

ITT an alt righter makes a troll shitpost acting like the worst impression of an "enemy" of Jow Forums, and other alt righters buying it and blowing their shit off at a fake post like usual. america could learn from this tactic, bomb themselves then blame it on muslims LUL

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>mudshit angry he isn’t white.


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Faggots offer nothing to us, they are nothing more than poison.
Homosexuality is not a condition, it's a lifestyle. We are what we repeatedly do.

Damn, the baits are evolving.


>I'm a traitor, I'm a reprobate full of murder and deceit, I'm literally a hate filled animal, and blah blah blah here's my hot opinion on what I care about
Cool story

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The anti homosexuality push you see here is the same as the anti woman and anti Christian /-anti pagan push. Get whites constantly infighting . These are d&c shills. They want to stop pan european identity at all costs

I understand now, you're a fucking child.

Why are you making us gay whites look bad

in the white ethnostate there are gonna be people who turn out gay,Jow Forums knows that. just don't put it out in public, keep it private.

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"to stand by things decided.”

Of course you don't care, but as a queer your opinion doesn't matter.
Gays have little to no conscience since to be gay is to be infinitely greedy and lacking in a rational amount of fear of harm.

Nice bait rabbi

This. Faggots will fuck anything as long as it has a cock. I’ve always wondered how many fags were gay because they couldn’t attract women and wanted easy sex.

Homosexuality is antithesis of european identity, in which personal accountability and family oriented lifestyles are key.

>I’m gay, I have no stake in the future. I will have no children.
Great, then we can remove you without regrets.

Homosexuality is a natural state which has existed for Millenia. They need our love and support or they become self destructive . You're the one whose a busybody Faggot if you can't act like a white man and be mature about the realities of our world and european culture

come to europe
our muzzies will throw you of buildings soon.

Fuck you Alefantis!

>Homosexuality is a natural state which has existed for Millenia.
It was rightfully condemned for millennia. You talk about european identity but you don't even consider that some traditions existed for a reason.
>They need our love and support or they become self destructive
What they need is to be forced to comply.


What if you have shit genetics, or a hereditary disease like type 1 diabetes, and are afraid to reproduce due to the fact that there is a high chance your offspring would be fucked?

It’s pretty shitty to have people like OP try and represent us though he truly doesn’t. I keep my life private in the sexual sense as well, like I don’t go out looking like a faggot, and I don’t speak like one either. It pisses me off that promiscuity is pushed with young gays by older disgusting gays, we should focus on teaching gays not to be promiscuous when they’re younger.

>flag checks out

> Why do gay people ALWAYS think about children non stop?

It's natural instinct leaking through the faggot cloud of mental instability. They do pedo shit because they can never have children of their own.

Then don't have sex.

>We can all get along and prosper
Go to anywhere 90% brown and say that again

Homosexuality was not criminal in Greece, Rome, but it was shameful. As it should be . Making homosexuality criminal is fundamentally anti european . Europeans love their brothers. No more brother wars

>I’m gay, I’m white and I don’t care if America is brown
So you fully support White Genocide?

What about faggotry for non-Europeans then?

and just keep doing that over and over when some kids grow up and end up gay? Keep killing them off?

in an ideal society, you need to think of a more sensible solution. Even in a healthy family due to a mix of tons of many factors, there are gonna be kids that get born and attracted to the same sex once they hit that level of maturity.

Faggots can't fight a war. More importantly, you can criminalize a behavior without destroying the criminal.