Why Aren't We Pirating Leftie News Sites To Drive Them Out Of Business?

why isn't someone making a site which shows all the articles, including those under paywall for free, taking money outta those jornos pockets?
only lefties care if sites like washington post and new york times stay in business, everyone else just uses them for cheap entertainment or because they got raged bait.
imagine how much less SJW propaganda there will be, if WSJ went outta business...
I'm sure plenty people here can code a NYT replica in a day, if they set their mind to it. just don't forget to open a bitcoin wallet for donations, or run ads on it, or something.

Attached: WSJ-signup-page.jpg (1051x502, 87K)

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They should be doxxed and slaughtered in their own homes in minecraft

Jokes on you. These "businesses" aren't run by customers. They are run on donations from wealthy yikes.

Yep. They're trying to prop up a media that serves no real purpose these days except making everybody mad at everybody

you mean pastebin?

you think i'm playing minecraft, and yet you still see me as a threat? ok...

something with better ux...

counter arguments: 1 - wealthy individuals succumb to same bs written on news, like diversity quotas
2 - no info on rich guys financing losing news sites, maybe except on tinhat blogs
3 - news sites getting desperate for money, hiding some rage bait under paywall, not good idea if you wanna divide everybody

If the average normie would just install an ad/tracker blocker that would shred the revenue of so many kikes. I fix computers for boomers with more money than brains and install them on every single one.

this... the subscriptions to jew york times and washington post skyrocketed after trump