Most Americans want stricter firearm laws

>Most Americans want stricter firearm laws
But muh guns!

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I just took a pole and 100% of the people I polled all agree that we should all be armed and allowed to open carry at all times in all locations.


Why are they fixated on guns when they know everyone really wants a mangina

my poolle shows 98% support for legal rape at any time by any white man. so lets make that law

>American polls
nice bait OP fuck off and die

polls rule the cucks in Europe who inexplicably trust them, but they are totally meaningless to anyone but the Establishment here.

absolutely false claim. the media is pushing a false narrative, WE WANT OUR GUNS!

Bait your hook or Kys you stupid shitbag

>One post by this Id
Oh wait...

when the media promotes a narrative that any faggot can walk into a 7-11 and walk out with a machine gun, then yeah American want stricter gun laws.

They do the same bull shit with DUII laws, some faggot with 12 DUII's slams into a bus full of kids and everybody demands the government make DUII even more illegal, and you get shit like my co-worker just got a DUII for his prescribed anti-depressants, and is now in a 12 step program for his "problem", he has to be on them for the rest of his life so I guess he will just get a DUII every time he is pulled over. Fucking clown world.

Attached: zE7TsYx.jpg (751x770, 92K)

>violence has dropped everywhere, including schools and houses of worship
>gun violence drops everywhere
>people still feel less safe
Wow, good job media


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You're still a shill, but a better shill than we typically get.

I wish Trump didnt reopen the government that funds these assholes

>most americans
Illegal immigrants and California are not Americans.

>Majority of "Americans"


But what specific policies do people want? A lot of Americans would support a strict Switzerland style firearm law, but I'm guessing that's not the editorial slant intended.
>mandatory military service
>keep service rifle and ammo afterward
>required to keep in practice and be armed

when did this poll happen? nobody asked my opinion.

countries change
the majority of americans are libs now
so their policies will be enacted

>ask sample of 400 people on leftist college campus
>extrapolate this to 300 million people

> keep ammo afterwards
Not happening since the 70‘s

>lie constantly about what gun laws actually are to make people think there are basically none
>people who have been tricked think we should implement the gun laws we actually already have, so say yes

>an AP poll of 1,067 adults is representing 327 million Americans
Laughable, it’s so mathematically wrong.
Forgot to link the actual article, OP.

skoolz have become way less safer and itz because how the gun laws have become more relaxed and lenient over time

> 1 post by this id

Fuck off. Saged.

I took a pool but closed it with AIDs. They all agreed guns are okay though and the federal government should be abolished.

This. A government shutdown for 8 years would easily make him the greatest President since Jackson.