>Be me >beta incel trying to find ideology in life >nothing fits >one day decide to check Islam >Start reading Quran, a true guide for the righteous >It's actually quite interesting with nice ideas desu, nothing like bullshit bible or some kind LARPagan crap >Become serious believer, find purpose in life and actually become self-confident and happy first time in my existence. >feel like nothing can stop me as long as i'm on path of Allah, lord of the worlds
Anti-Jew, Anti-Feminism, Anti-Cuck, Anti-Coward, Anti-Liberal, Islam is literally the religion for white men. And i'm not even trollling, soon you will realize everything !
Khadyrov is a based lad. He unlike all these cucks on pol is actually doing something for the survival of the white race and the preservation of traditional conservative gender roles. He has faith in God, has a big white family. Literally what could be better? Islam is superior to Christianity because you can actually model a working conservative society on it, unlike Christianity which is a hermit religion teaching poverty and complete abandonment of the material temporal world in exchange for a future in heaven. Islam values both.
Jonathan Phillips
So you would support a Turkish invasion of Europe?
Liam Wilson
Turkey is not a country enforcing Sharia, Turkey is Erdoganland where he plays sultan and LARPs as the Ottomans. The founder of modern Turkey was an atheist westernboo who turned mosques into pubs, latinized the turkish language, embraced democracy and banned headscarves. Modern Turkey is a disgrace, but still better than any western degenerate shithole.
Andrew Martinez
Luis Murphy
Oliver White
Christianity to complex for you? lol >Muslims are just way less articulate Arians