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Ay dios mio! el Ayuwoki es escalofriante!


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MJ never raped any children. He was literally a mentally retarded eunuch. He seemingly strangely with children because he thought of himself as one of them.

Strangely *identified* with children



this. he talked shit about jews and they ruined him. and he strangely identified with children because he rightly did not trust adults. that's all there is to it.

Wait until you find out about el Billiyin and el Chostbidet.

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>Forgive them Father. They know not what they do

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that and he was molested by the fucking rat kikes as a kid.
MJ is innocent. Lick my balls if you disagree.


oh he know what he did

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what's going on with our ids bro. is he communicating with us

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The "he was just trying to have a childhood" meme was a cold and calculated facade by a cold and calculated paedophile

Not only that, but he out-maneuvered them on the ownership of some of the most valuable music libraries in the world. Michael Jackson owned something the kikes wanted. He was a goy muscling in on the jewish territory through brute force.

They wanted him dead. But before that, they wanted him ruined, humiliated, brought low, and mentally destroyed. Jews don't just kill you. They make a mockery of you, then destroy you from the inside out if they hate you enough. There is no group more malicious and vindictive than the kikes. They're evil incarnate.

>he talked shit about jews
Source? Really interested

All you need to know is he fired a jew for working behind his back with Sony. That jew is now in charge of his estate and Sony owns his music.

poor dead pedophile. feel sorry for him

Fucking muslims:

Shimona? Jamonah?


buying the beatles' shit really did him in

You Swedes will believe anything.


There has to be more to it than that. This operation reeks of spite for someone who hurt them real bad. The lyrics. The beatles catalog. Firing someone? That's not enough to warrant all this. Micheal Jackson must have done some serious shit to the Jews, and not only that, but somehow it's coming back to haunt them now a decade after they had him killed. I don't know what it was or why, but I'm pretty sure Michael Jackson must have been some kind of honorary saint.

Just a goofy way of saying "come on". Some old negress did it first.


S to spit on his pedo grave