Why do white people hate their own kind so much?

Why do white people hate their own kind so much?

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Imagine if this shit was forced on mexico mate, can you imagine telling to wear a burka to a virgin Mary fearing mexican?

I like how this hell hole is too redpilled on mudslimes for its own good.

We are literally so nice that we are killing ourselves.
Not for long though. Once the white man gets angry, millions die.

she's doing it to appease her own kind
we are too empathetic for our own good, we care more about our the huns at the walls instead of our own families inside them
she's playing the bleeding hearts like a fiddle

(((liberalism))) made men soft and feminized.
Islam in the west is masculine reawakening.

White women hate their own kind due to Jewish propaganda and because they are easily led. White men hate their own kind because they believe it will help them get laid.


Also these

We did everything bad in the world like slavery and colonialism everybody hates us who wouldn’t. I’m a white guy and I’m going to breed an Asian to kill off my genes.

>this woman leads a western nation

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Generations of programming.

Post ww2 Jewish control.

why wouldn't you breed a nigress?

She'll look good in that Arab gang bang video. Im sure some rich old oil caliphate is watching and cant wait to get his dick sucked by her since his own kind probably dont do it for him anymore

fucking hell, they demand equality and to not be oppressed, so we finally allow them to have it, so they fuck off and join the most oppressive woman hating cult there is. women were a mistake.

because the majority of us are pussies and dont want to be attacked by the shitskins so we dress up in their fucking rags to appease them

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Traitors lining their pockets

Your most prized possession is your own people
Never forget


Only to produce healthy male children I can
harvest foreskins from.
Oy vey, attack, are you anti semitic or something? Are you gonna shoah us again?

She's just trying to get laid. Arabs are known for having big dicks. Of course knowing women itll lead to a war with these guys.

Muslims are the most openly religious of the Abrahamic faiths because they are arrogant swine who like to cause a scene just to pray

Now can you understand how this sounds more appealing to a dumb thot


The guy who killed those Muslims was a balding manlet. Women are trying everything they can to get over the trauma of learning the existence of that balding manlet, and this is the best way they have found to cope.

Because its in our genes to oppress people, so now that theres no one to oppress anymore, we can only oppress ourselves by hating ourselves and being cucks

This is narcissism, plain and simple.

Mate i hate to break it to you, but youre not destroying your own genes youre just diluting other races genes. Its called womb imperialism


no it's not us it's the Baby Boomers.

Because our (((fellow whites))) tell us to.

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Pathologic altruism. Lefties suffer from it most, especially their women.

Women have no race and not even their own opinion, and do whatever they conditioned to do.
Allow kikes to preach globalism, get this.

because the eternal anglo

You were taught by Spaniards who recently won an almost 1,000 year won against those mudslimes.

No wonder you’re so catholic. UK has no problem with Muslims because Muslims never tried to conquer them before unlike Spain, Greece, Serbia etc.

>We can change them!
Probably their mindset.

change is slow in mexico. when things improve eventually, they will stay that way for a while.

NZ is different. they are a leaf on the wind

shut your mouth you divide and conquer shill. We are white just like you. Don't forget the 60 million whites killed in the Shoah.

What happened?

Kiwis are not white.

>Once the white man gets angry, millions die.
white man tried that last time but (un)fortunately, all the dead millions were white bois.

In order to qualify as proper humans, the white scums need to pay the price for all the genocides committed (by killing fellow white bois) and for all the stolen lands (by letting allah's children enter their country and impregnate their women).

They’re only as great as the men around them. This is a natural consequence of being raised by and growing up with low-T Kiwi gamma males.

They still think they can exert racial hegemony over other whites, but as others take charge of institutions and government they have less and less control. Whites are tribalizing into their own separate groups that the elites will have very little control over.

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>White women hate their own kind
>White men hate their own kind
[citation needed]


Why is the NZ prime minister pretending to be female?

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spend time on a university campus

Stop China and Israel from holocausting your mudslimes first :)

The least barbiaric society in history; the whole world participated in slavery; kill yourself.

These are socialist whites, they are part of the international socialist organizations to help make a one world socialist government, they appeal to degenerate prefigure for their ideal communist government, and lull youth in through vapid idealism. The rose and red are usually signs of their infiltration into public works.

Listen to Larry Mcdonald described the goals 40 years ago. youtube.com/watch?v=_BPhYEFGaGM

Most socialist leaders have ties with jews and jesuits. They are despotic and wish to utilize propaganda and NewSpeak to control democratic societies.

Mexican Mexicans are pretty fine. Cartel and illegal sub-south American trash are pretty shite.

Dare I say, based Mexicans?

It was born in 80......i thought that thing was 50 + fucking years old.

She is a crypto Jew. Of course she hates whites.

this is all orchestrated by the international Jewry

At the very least China and Russia wont bitch out.

shes smilin

Arabs/moors weren't muslim but i get your point. Muslims try to erase their pre muslim past.

The expression on her face is even more enraging than the hijab.

Those millions will be us because dumbasses like the Americans and British will fight against whoever becomes the fascists again.

Whites know the end state of humanity is a socialist technocratic utopia but don't understand what steps lie ahead of that end goal and, in their confusion, try to circumvent the necessary betterment of society and cultivation of IQ and attempt to go straight to the end state.
They put the cart before the horse, in other words.

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This is so true. And the world will be a better place if all white men were dead. The only acceleration that really need to happen is white male suicides. The rate needs to increase.

We became a race of people who's always afraid of something. Time to shrug it off and show the world that we can organize to defend ourselves!

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What's your endgame?

I too welcome the socialist technocratic utopia but I am not deluded enough to think society, as it presently stands, is ready to achieve it.

I sometimes wonder that too my friend. It's as if any thought of racial pride has been stripped away by these people because of the sins of their ancestors.

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The nazis killed millions of degenerate fucks.
It's a shame they didn't delete the mudslimes as well.

hey, she's not sad in this one
burn her for being a nazi in disguise

Spain and Portugal were partially invaded by the Caliphate of Córdoba until the Reconquista pushed them back into the Mediterranean.

Because they've been taught to associate self-hatred with humility or empathy and that's not how it works at all.

She loves the attention that vitue signalling brings.

think of white people as white blood cells
earth has an autoimmune disease where
the body attacks itself. get it now? all
those who are anti white with white skin
are infected in their minds with a virus.

Only leftists and we learned it isn't just mental illnes but a virus leading to brain damage.

>tfw there are white blood cells RIGHT NOW defending a shit-skin's immune system

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Phrenologist here. You can tell by the fucked up shape of Jacinda's jaw that she's another species. Also Jacinda is not a real name. NZ is a hoax, try harder globalists.

Dont lose hope user

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As a white man, both fuck you and thanks. You are actually doing us a favor by the way, only weak beta cucks aren't reproducing. Evolution favors the species that endures hardships. Whatever I and others like me produce will lack this cucked empathy that is currently holding our people back. We will endure.