Boys he did it

Boys he did it.
Destiny has made me go from far right to center right. Can anybody show me a video where he has lost a debate? (He is center left or far left from what ive seen)

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Has anyone pulled the "morality is subjective so killing niggers is only wrong depending on your persepective" card on him?

Never heard of him. What does he have to do with Irish politics?

wow congrats on being retarded

hes not in Irish politics, just a twitch streamer that does debates

HmmmmmmmMMMMMMMmmmmm thats not a bad way to refute him, I dont disagree that its morally wrong to kill anybody

Jesse Lee Peterson destroyed him within the first 5 minutes of the interview. Dismantled this faggot so fast it made his head spin with one simple question.

So you have no links or facts? Retard.

You gotta be trolling now, half of Jesses interview was "you cant be a GAMERRRR, so you half momma half daddeh?"

which one of his points "converted" you?

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so objective reality used to matter to you and now it doesn't? well done OP, you made it.

>Gets BTFO'd
>"D-do you have a source on that"
Destiny in a nut shell

Between Destiny and Contrapoints, I am now a liberal

Then why is he relevant to your personal politics? If you base your political positions on Yank politics and twitch streams then honestly you are a retard and your opinions are invalid.

he lost his debate on veganism


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Do you care about the negative effects of immigration on black people? Yes or no

Refusing to read the proof someone else provides is not debate, it's being a toddler demanding other people see things your way without being open to changing your mind.

search up alt hype and destiny and you'll find it

>Listening to this cuck

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If you can’t see how destiny refused to give simple answers to a simple black man, ur blind.

you can refute him by simply using his own arguments against veganism.
be an egoistic narcissist and use consequentialism as your normative ethic

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Go see his debate with Naked Ape or Mister Metekur they both demoloish him

His ethnostate debates made me realize how retarded people in our own group are, there has been more right wing terrorism than left wing terrorism in the last few years, incest isnt necessarily wrong
C o u n t D a n k u l a d e b a t e

I amnt very into his morality debates. In my opinion a natrual morality does not exist.

destiny is a retard he do not even believe in race differences how the fuck did he convert you and about a debate he lost look at the debate with red elephant

He went against Metokur. It didn't end well for Destiny.

Facts or GTFO

>center right

HOW IS THAT A GOOD THING? the center right has been responsible for all the evils in the world for the past 30 years. they're behind the invasions, the economic hitmen, the immigration, the looting our schools and social systems

at least the far right is seclusive

>Can anybody show me a video where he has lost a debate?
Look up his debate against naked ape

>who is metokur
>who is alt-hype
he gets completely and unironically BTFO'd by both of these people.

You are unironically worshiping a manlet gamer child who likes to argue and calls himself "destiny"
How cringey and pathetic is that?

While I do enjoy his debates on occasion. He isn't vehemently against pedophiles and he's godless. He just doesn't have anything new for me these days. As a christian classical libertarian I implore you all to read the bible and see for yourselves that these are our last days and we are being tested so fucking hard right now. Please wake up.

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He doesnt talk about yank politics, he talks about viewpoints that other people from around the world have spoken about

sage. dude looks like a faggot

Its not always about terrorist attacks you retard.

What about just chronic violent crime, theft, rapes and robberies? Come take a trip to inner city America some time and see how much you give a fuck about "Right Wing Terrorism" you fucking retard.

thanks man ive never seen this one, imma go check it out

Every time an alt-right person debates destiny they look retarded. It's not that destiny is some expert at debating, its that the alt-right is only championed by sub 70 iq retards.

why do people hype up destiny like hes some great debater of modern society?

dude only has a couple thousand followers lmfao, and does debates maybe a few times a year.

hes a nobody.
and his debate skills, more or less, just come down to yelling over people, throwing out strawmen left and right, and pretending his sources are the be all end all (as if there can never be another right source except for his).


he also got DESTROYED by mekotur and naked ape...only because they were the ONLY ONES to call him out on this.

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Facts don't CARE about your FEELINGS, libtard!

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The negative effects? Yea, as well as the negatives for Europeans, Middle Eastern-ers, Asians.
The fartherst your going to get me to admit is that countries like the United States specifically should have a travel ban due to the amount of terrorism that happens in YOUR nation.

He is anti-white tho and open borders type of guy, could be a shill and he has lost a debate against Vince James

Yep. The way he does his debates is by debating people he knows can't debate well. He can't either, but he only needs to be better than the opposition. Whenever he underestimates his opponent, he just starts shouting and trying not to let them get a word in.

He never wins debates, he just evades answering questions, muddys the waters and insults people. Jesse Peterson of all people got to the heart of his hostility toward conservative Christians when he honed in on his relationship with his parents. Aside from that he just engages in dirty debate tactics, like making 10 points as fast as he can based on flimsy evidence, lets the other person respond to one then contradicts them and demands proof. He's skilled at LOOKING like he's winning when he's not.

Name a more cancerous human bean, ill wait

no but if somebody comes in with the viewpoint "the left does soooo much attacks at their rallys" and your source is "youtube videos and feminist compilations" then you have no actual facts, you basically just have propaganda

You'd think he would be on irish politics by him being so short and all.


>more right wing terrorism than left wing terrorism
that completely depends on what you group Islamic terrorism as.
Incest is wrong because it has a high chance to lead to genetically messed up children and has a general determent to society.
>people in the alt-right can be retarded
there are people in literally every single fucking political group are retarded man.
not alt-right

Metokur calls him short, other than that he struggle to say anything other than personal insults. During the first time they talked Jim could have crushed him with actual facts, instead he just tried to insult him so the chat would spam LOL. Stopped liking jim after that.

you know why there is more right wing terrorist attack it because right wing men are on average more masculine and more aggressive tho being more prone to do attacks and it not a bad thing if it was in my hand i would genocide the left

butthurt Jow Forumstard lol

wow, amazin'

Destiny is a pedophile.

>tiny manlet screams and uses a moral high ground to win.
If anything this faggot made me despise tiny little baby men and leftism.

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also nice flag

Destiny has never lost a debate. He moved me towards the center as well.

He got rekt by althype, Ryan Dawson, and JF and I haven't seen a lot of his stuff so there's probably more . From what I've gathered he prefers to debate random people he finds on the internet, but when he faces someone that knows his stuff it really shows.

absence of evidence is not evidence of absence

can you point us to a peer reviewed survey of violence during political rallies?

if not, then the basis of science is casual observation of the world around us. you cant just throw us the observation that the left is the main perpetrator of organized, political violence in the US. do you need a graph telling you the sky is blue?

Yes, or no, its a simple question.

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Naked ape and metokur were good shit shows.
It shows when destiny is pressed about his own views is essentially a retard.
He just likes to nitpick every one else.

Also I mean a literal nobody who plays video games in his socks.
Dont let this moron fool you

hi Jow Forumsdestiny, see this your manlet got a free 2 hour lecture

You can't, he's too smart.

Wrong, he is skilled at not debating people who are going to bring legit rhetoric to the subject. Destiny does win debates, not because his skill at it but because the people he debates are retarded. IE black retard JLP, Confused Latino Nick Fuentes etc.

I used to hate blacks for their violent and criminal behavior but then I watched who plays video games for a living argue with another guy who makes youtube videos for a living and I finally realized that it's ok that blacks do that and I am firmly in the center now.

>stopped liking jim after he let destiny hang himself
>complaining that people use personal insults
>against destiny

The far right isn't necessary for a completely pure enthnostate. It's more against Muslims, Mike's, blacks and spics.
Everybody understands that a nation with 100% pure Aryans is unrealistic until cheap and reliable gene editing is here and even then it's still difficult since genes are highly intertwined

Only time I ever saw him he was getting emotional at Sargon about trannies being real women because gender isn’t real or some stupid shit. How could this whiny little faggot possibly change your mind on anything.

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I'm not 14 anymore, I need more than personal insults to be on someones side. I never said Destiny crushed him, but to say Jim won is far from the truth. How do you decide a winner in a shitshow?

get fucked kike , noone cares

What if my viewpoint is "Black people are on average more violent than white people" and my source is "FBI Crime Statistics from their official website"? Is that just propaganda too? Please refute.

thanks ill check it out. I know who Mister Metokur is dude

>destiny? Isn’t that a girls name?
Literally all credibility lost within those 5 seconds. Any faggot tier argument he tried or any wormy language he employed past that point was all for nothing. He exposed him so succinctly that morons like you didn’t even catch it. With that one question he was shown for the soft faggot he is, he might as well have been wearing his moms panties while he cried about how being a “gamer” is alright. Just lol @you and your fag role models.

>left wing terrorism in the last few years
What a shitty delimiter.
Only is right wing terrorism is bad in the last few years compared to left? Also the comparison should be Muslim terrorism which happens daily btw

nice pr faggit

imagine taking political advices from literal carpet cleaner from las vegas.

it's hilarious that the hardest stumping was given to Destiny by a low IQ nog with higher morals that doesn't care about destiny's dishonest debating

one of the most entertaining debates I've ever seen for being so basic

The guy that simultaneously argues that morality is subjective and that his political opponents are objectively immoral convinced you he's right? Lmao

you were never far right to begin with you green nigger slime


Mass tagging on this website should result in an immediate IP range ban for the next 48 hours.

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Half of Destiny's entire platform is built of the back of personal insults. What the fuck do you expect, and actual debate from that retard? He does blood sports man, he isn't in a debating society.
If you want something approximating a "debate" the alt-hype one is good.

>shows proof of claim
>no thats propaganda
>shows more proof
wew, you and your idol are too much of a hot property for Jow Forums to handle. Based and High IQ pilled

so as posting shill and slide threads.

Ryan Dawson made Destiny look like a kindergartner.

That’s enough samefagging for one day.

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probably it the low iq of the Irish ho can not see how dumb destiny is for exemple saying that because race change in continueme make race do not exist is like saying that because age is a continueme children do not exist

>talk fast
>have relatively high IQ
>debate only random 100 IQ nobodies with no college education
destiny is a medium sized fish in a tiny pond. he can't play with the big boys and never will because he finds computer games to be the best way to use his time.

the one time I've seen him in "debate" with someone educated he just shut down and was basically being lectured to for 2 hours. other times when debating other medium weights he has slips that reveal him as the radical leftist "dude relative lmao" faggot he is. it's easy to take that position on anything regardless of the facts because you can always claim there are undiscovered mysterious environmental factors at play that question any hard evidence that exists, even if you know nothing of that evidence

Ben Shapiro is what happens when destiny doesn't play video games

and we all know you're trying to use our tactics for you against us but it will not work, glowfag. Christ compels you.

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this is my normative ethic

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sloppy job mossad

center, right, whatever, you're all stuck in the
left pillar.

exactly just because that kike ben Shapiro is good at debating because of his high iq does not mean he is right the same applies to destiny

He is a self-hating white liberal. In one interview he yapped for 20 minutes straight about how minorities are treated abysmally then called JonTron a racist for not wanting white people to be a minority.

He is okay with guns being banned if it will "save one life" yet is a-ok with mass immigration regardless of how many it kills because the number killed is so low compared to the "economic benefit".

He's just another run-of-the-mill liberal social-study-quoting retard.

He knows literally nothing. LITERALLY nothing. But he has a hive of autistic 13 year olds who think he's a big brain because he talks real fast. Just like Ben Shapiro.

He got owned in the gun debate and so went on youtube and called the guy he debated a white supremacist and a racist.

Textbook SJW faggot and I hope his son gets raped by niggers.

>another person has seen the light

Logic and reason never fails

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Stop posting this autistic manlet here. Nobody cares.

Jesse asks simple questions expecting simple answers. His only weakness is his phobia towards women. He hasn't even gotten married a second time. He blames God. Somebody could BTFO him in this achilles heel of his. Otherwise he's a simple man asking simple questions which faggots fail to give simple answers to