Doomer + yang + honkler memes are proof young people have given up

doomer = meaningless life with no way out

yang = no capabilities or opportunities, the government has to take care of me

honkler = the structure of society and it's institutions are a joke

what is to be done about this growing problem? How can we give people hope again?

Attached: doomer clown.png (831x799, 329K)

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they could vote for Yang to get $1000 a month.

Attached: 1553293019758.jpg (1228x1496, 282K)

>the structure of society and it's institutions are a joke
it really is tho

I'll buy $1000 of shares in Genie Energy plz.


Attached: 1553309652980.jpg (654x467, 41K)

If yang got elected and really did his ubi shit (lol), I would probably just quit my job and become an alcoholic again

Clown pepe sounds like a psyop to get zoomers to laugh at pedes

Trumpism was the fantasy that America could be saved. Yangism is the awareness that it can't.

Attached: chad yang.jpg (1280x580, 92K)

A chink commie lol

Attached: 1552163668647.png (497x568, 380K)

>what is to be done about this growing problem? How can we give people hope again?
Pic related

Attached: accelerationism.jpg (710x473, 160K)