Anderson Cooper with Mother Diorama

What the fuck is that diorama?

Attached: e98.jpg (2980x4118, 1.14M)

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looks like something to do with a saint

Attached: cenk.jpg (576x465, 139K)


The Birthing of Jesus

Anyone else feeling sleepy?
Its getting nighttime in europe and siesta time in the US.
Be sure to get your 8 hours of sleep.

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Just satanist things.

Her ancestors worshipped a volcano demon. It fucked up the DNA of the whole bloodline. She sacrificed her son to that God because God said so. They can't help it.

Idk but this entire picture is creepy as fuck. It looks like something from a Kubrick film.

Fuck off kabbalah kike, burn in hell, it's only getting hotter for your kind.
It's clearly satanic/Mystery Babylon in origin. Note the sun/moon Jesus burning in a coffin, the evil eyes/demeanor of a symbol covered goddess figure, more than likely representative of Ishtar.
Even his mom is wearing shit loads if witch craft iconography. Poor kid is gonna grow up gay abused, have a stint in the glownigger agency, and then be an open faggot on TV serving in operation mockingbird

Its also a phoenix on the top

It's Templars

The headless divination of Baphemot (pre-Goat version)

Attached: templars gay mafia.jpg (615x740, 135K)

>Mystery Babylon in origin.
That's a Jew/Christcuck myth trying to sound more important and older than your faggy religions are.
It's Templar myth

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It’s the torturous murder of Jesus Christ. The head of John the Baptist. The rooster that crowded when Peter denied knowing Jesus three times. The center figure is Muloch.

It’s absolutely a Satanic depiction. Yet nobody important talks about this. Nobody asks Cooper about this. No controversy surrounding the Vanderbuilt family.

They rub their power in your face. A murder returning to the crime scene. Thrill of being caught by chance, but know they are fully in control, but never will be suspected. It’s a sick rush for them.

imagine IF this woman was a satanist, and you had an open shot to kick her right in the face as hard as you could

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I think this is the right answer. Pretty sick

I would truly like to hear a factual breakdown of this creepy artwork. Can someone confirm other anons' claims that it's satanic in origin? Is it Wicca shit?

Fuck off satanist nigger, I bet you imagine sickness is the real way to live because it came before the cure. Keep on with your black sun posting garbage. Paganism and it's roots in the old world heresies of following the fallen and sick rituals where humans are mere chattel wont become appealing in a mainstream setting ever again. Hell is waiting.

Why does moloch wear the cross on its head? Or why display the cross?

you should also note the human sacrifice pendant on her neck
I wonder what happened to Anderson "and her son" Cooper's little brother.

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Attached: COOPER VANDERBUILT.png (982x963, 2.09M)

Yeah it's exactly this. A luciferian inversion

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The dice with which the soldiers cast lots for Christ's seamless robe

The rooster (cock) that crowed after Peter's third denial of Jesus

The ladder used for the Deposition, i.e. the removal of Christ's body from the cross for burial

Attached: Arma_Christi.png (1698x881, 315K)

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He fell out of a window and died, exactly the kind of thing that happens all the time, user. Don't worry about it, it's all normal.

Anderson Cooper's brother killed "himself" at age 23.

>About 7:00 p.m. Carter, awake, entered his mother's room, looking dazed and asking several times, "What's going on?" (102) After a short conversation in which Mrs. Vanderbilt's attempts were to soothe and orient her son, Carter took off, running up the stairs to his bedroom. His mother arrived swiftly behind him. She found him sitting on the low wall of the terrace, one foot on the floor, the other on the wall. Another short conversation ensued, attempts on the part of his mother to get him away from the wall. He stopped her concerned approach with arm held in a military gesture for "stop!." He wondered, "Will I ever feel again?" (103) He stood, "with a terrible, rigid tenseness, staring past her, past the river as if he didn't see them." (103) Mrs. Vanderbilt suggested calling his new therapist but couldn't remember the number. Carter shouted out the number, then said, "Fuck you!" He stared down, as if mesmerized by the scene fourteen stories below. A helicopter passed overhead. Carter looked up, then back at his mother. He reached his hand out longingly to her. Then he moved "deftly as an athlete, over the wall, holding on to the edge as if it were a practice bar gym, holding firmly and confidently, then he let go." (pp. 104-105)

>Carter Cooper was not into alcohol or drugs. His autopsy confirmed none were in his system. He did, however, have a newly prescribed inhaler for his asthma. He was also seeing a therapist, but even his therapist was surprised by his suicide.


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>Carter was the sacrifice demanded to allow Anderson to become king of Fake News Media