>the beauty of the aryan woman shall not perish from this world.
The beauty of the aryan woman shall not perish from this world
Justin Jackson
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Jayden Martin
is she taking test? she has the body of a skinnyfat guy, she might just be transitioning
Lincoln White
What is this type of woman called? I love white women with dark hair + blue eyes. They’re not shitskins but they’re not demonic looking aryans either.
Logan Green
she's still a thing?
Blake Harris
r1b and r1a are different races. r1a is aryan. r1b (your pic) is not
Cameron Diaz
what's with the meme flaggots?
Liam Howard
commie thread?
Jack Adams
Holy fucking shit what a disgusting creature.
Juan Morales
That's unironically a shittier body than that My Fat Fabulous Life woman
Adam Young
we taking over BITCH