The beauty of the aryan woman shall not perish from this world

>the beauty of the aryan woman shall not perish from this world.

Attached: lindsay-lohan-in-a-red-swimsuit-on-mykonos-island-greece-030917_3.jpg (1201x1800, 172K)

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is she taking test? she has the body of a skinnyfat guy, she might just be transitioning

What is this type of woman called? I love white women with dark hair + blue eyes. They’re not shitskins but they’re not demonic looking aryans either.

Attached: D734AE44-6C02-4745-A532-5B33C71268EB.jpg (1024x1024, 112K)

she's still a thing?

r1b and r1a are different races. r1a is aryan. r1b (your pic) is not

what's with the meme flaggots?

commie thread?

Holy fucking shit what a disgusting creature.

That's unironically a shittier body than that My Fat Fabulous Life woman

we taking over BITCH