Now that the "Russia Collusion" meme has been killed by reality, Leftist propagandists will be looking for a new angle to attack Trump to continue TDS
I hereby propose that we start to push a new conspiracy theory "Ziongate".
Trump already has a bunch of connections to Israel and Jews including Jared Kushner. We now have to meme this into a national discussion.
>The goal is to get the MSM talking about "Ziongate" with the end goal to put the JQ into the common awareness, or even another "Special Counsel" investigation
I am not good at social media, so other Anons will have to take the lead on this. This is a major opportunity, maybe once in a generation. The MSM is ready to pounce on ANYTHING Anti-Trump. This is our chance to make the JQ mainstream.
The (((media))) won't fall for this.
Good try though.
I think they wont have a choice if it gets pushed hard enough. The Democratic party is already basically on board with this. We all now how loud the TDSers can screech. Its just a matter of tying together Trump and Israel
well, the only reason why mueller agreed to let Russia gate go, was because Trump gave israel the golan heights.
I like this angle.
Trump traded Golan for end to Mueller probe.
Timing looks right, too.
>I hereby propose that we start to push a new conspiracy theory "Ziongate". just might have something here. I'm in.
good stuff lads, let get a meme started on this. This is exactly the kind of thing I was talking about whether it is true or not
Shills have literally already been doing this for months
Agreed, reps like Ohan Ilmar will eat this shit up.
She probably already believes it.
Kek. Bump
His former lawyer he appointed ambassador to Israel is an arch Zionist and big time supporter of the settler movement it's not like you have to make anything up
do your job lads
spread this out
make this as organic as possible to make it stick
Names, dates, details. Meme it up and post it in Twitter. The point is not to expose any real conspiracy that may exist but to inteoduce the JQ to normies
hmmm... this leaf may be into something, you know?
ah, what the hell; I'm in.
This should be good
expand on the MIGA meme too
I was just about to make this thread because I just came up with my very own theory that might very well be true.
What if Israel manipulated Mueller into ending the investigation with nothing because they got Golan Heights in a deal. The timing fits perfectly. What do you all think? Feasable or kooky conspiracy?
Israel is just another huwhite sumpremecy state oppressing muh brown people to your average Marxist pink haired self hating feminist jew though.
This is a once in a lifetime opportunity. Just saw a video Chomsky refuting the notion of Trump having a quid pro quo with Russia. There's no way he can do the same for Israel. The problem here is that the leftist media won't pick this up since they're all owned by jews. But it's worth a try.
Arrest those antisemites at once!
>arresting antisemites
This isn’t Russia
Fucking this.
OP is fucking scum.
it would be hard to prove something like that but it wouldn't hurt to throw it out there
Amazing. Bump.
do it
Ignore the nay sayers