User? Where were you, we saved you a seat komrade

user? Where were you, we saved you a seat komrade.

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>slowly and contentedly sinks into comfy chair, realizing his former reality was nothing more than a terrifying nightmare

Come on! Relax a little will you, it's christmas after all. Frohe Weihnachten, prost!

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...or was it?....

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>checks flag
SS! Arrest this american jew!

user, s-stop.
I can't flee reality, no matter how much it'd please me.

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>and then I woke up

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sorry I got lost

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user this is cruel.
The wrong side won.
I want off this ride.

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this is beautiful

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More threads like this please

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I think maybe the wrong side did win. I think in time the heavy handed regime would have possibly calmed to a more representative type of government, but with a strong sense of racial and national pride that just isn’t seen in Germany today.

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The big gov archetiype was needed to pull them out of their economic depression. I also think it would have become more representative because Hitler said "As I have taken office so will I leave it" meaning once the war was over there would be elections where he would not be running.

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Was ist los? Es ist nicht richtig?

>terrifying nightmare
No user, what you're experiencing is actually reincarnation and you're about to do everything all over again.
You're here forever.

What we need to do is to create a disease that all people who we want to survive (such as whites) can survive through medication. This disease will be quick spreading, not a virus (too easy to mutate thus rendering the cure unusable), and will kill those it infects. People will easily die from it, and then we can eradicate the disease, and re-colonize the land formerly belonging to those who died from this "plague". Whites will in effect have entire continents available to them that were never able to be successfully colonized before such as Africa. Medication will only be distributed in one dose portions to be taken on site, to ensure they are not taken and given to others by shitty cucks.

Now thats the kind of extremism I expect from a discord tranny hiding behind a meme flag. What did you expect us to agree with you?



Attached: German General Anton Dostler is tied to a stake before his execution by a firing squad, Italy, 1945 (1600x1312, 183K)

dead war criminal

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I own this book from having taken a class about Weimar Cinema. I wish I'd known then what I know now. Would have been as better class.

but that is what jews trying to do to the goyim

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Oh scheiss. Ich bedanke mich Sie.

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He's trying to get you to accept extreme views so that it spreads throughout Jow Forums like wildfire and they'll have ammunition to call us extremists bent on genocide.

What this?

Yeah he posted this in a few other threads

Ahhhhhh, yes, A seat with muh peeps!


"AND NOW. Ahem. A very warm happy birthday to our dear Comrade [user]. Happy birthday, [user]. Oh, uh, Hans! Bring out the special plates we prepared."


Oy vey this isn't my cousin's bar mitzvah!


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HAY-O sup home diddlys

Crongeworthy, Ahmed.

based and eternal recurrence pilled
embrace the struggle because it never ends