What can a Greek raised Orthodox turn to as opposed to Christianity?

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Heresy or apostasy.

Fun fact God is in the mind. Literally. Take away the mind and God's dead.

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And from there?

The Imperial Truth is the one true path for humanity.

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Fedoraism > Spiritualism > Gnosticism > Nothing > Nothing.... etc

Horus did nothing wrong. It was that jew from the word bearers.

So, Atheism?

Hellenism is based, and it was the religion of your people at their height and for much longer than Christianity.

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No. Atheism is simple as dying or disabling your brain. Enlightened atheism that's justified by philosophy and the observation and acceptance of the cosmos leads to the veil of God being torn asunder and transcending beyond impossibility itself. Namely nothing.

As for Gnosticism 99% of it you can read or assume is bogus. It's actually ment to be learned via "tele-gnosis"


It might seem like it's doing a few extra steps but they DO make a huge difference when comparing a void-born to a pre-birther.

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pic is an example for instance

memes can be used to share this telegnosis ability you don't need to be a wizard or something

If you want to start spirituality do whatever says here


I am interested in Hellenistic religions. I guess i will have to research into that.

Will look into that as well, telegnosis

Satan or atheism (also Satan).

Of course.

Meh 300 years from now people would consider the state of the world as it is now to be akin to ancient greece. That's saying something.

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>I am interested in Hellenistic religions.
They're also extremely well documented compared to other pagan religions.
Many Greeks are also going back to their roots and worshiping the old gods, so you wouldn't be alone at all.

>I am interested in Hellenistic religions
Why? They're nothing special.


lol no hes just an ortholarp please ignore

>Many Greeks are also going back to their roots and worshiping the old gods
And people say devolution isn't real

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Your contribution will be taken into consideration.

I am aware of that video, watched it before. The girl attached to the post is also a Pagan who grew up in South Africa.

Fuck off, ancestral veneration is a good thing and he can worship the gods of his ancestors if he so chooses.
In my opinion it's a more interesting religion than Christianity anyway.

Based, pic related is mine.
I'm of Germanic heritage.

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Greece is a dumping ground for toxic chemicals by Chek in the future(hopefully i won't have children or genetic progeny for them to sue for slander for saying this). This is the future that waits for him and everyone of his people. Not like we're any better off being a dumping ground for the poor but still none of this shit you're seeing will remain. Like none of the older shit has. In fact recorded history is just a small dot of whatever went on just because tech is growing doesn't mean there won't be censorship or apathy.

satan is in the mind , might be your personal god, God is in the heart

stop believing in ancient comic books

Nobody even knows there used to be an America or a Russia or even a China. They don't care and if they do there's too little of it remaining. This is why reality is just not worth it. Take that last sentance however you'd like. I don't care.

Turn to God instead of homosexuality, you Arabic nigger.

If only your statements made sense in any possible context.

A person can live without a heart. God can't live without the mind of a person. Where will you be without your memory, senses or abstract thought? Nowhere. Nothing.

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They do to that pencil pusher that will get handed the recreated archive of this place to judge everyone's progeny. There's plenty like them really. They'll deduct wages, fire people or bribe rival companies to hand them over.

Heck this is one reason why I don't want kids. I don't even need a direct descendant it could be someone sharing even a little DNA getting fucked over thanks to me being here regardless what I do.

No wonder they say Bulgaria is one of the fastest shrinking Countries.

I mean I could but they'll probably be in the poor quarter and that's from here which is one end all the way to the other end where Sweden is now.

I'm talking about poverty the likes of which fucking Africa never experienced.

Let me brag to the pencil pusher at his comfy desk. Can you please look up the name of our capital and write it here?

turn to protestantism. learn the david vs goliath history of protestantism vs catholicism. read on the epic battles that took place to emerge from the catholic dark ages, the 30 years war, the spanish armada, learn of what the protestants had to endure at the hands of the inquisition, ie learn who the true followers of christ are

You're probably scared. I don't blame you.

Let me do it myself.



If they can trace everyone's DNA or history or even recreate Jow Forums they can easily recreate the rest of the net and many other things.

I have no regrets about anything. I'm simply a Nobody. No number, no name, nothing because I embrace nothing.

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They can't censor that which never was.

If I am to turn to a different branch of Christianity, I am not interested. It's either I remain where I am in the religious belief, or look on to another belief.

protestantism is not another branch of christianity.. it IS christianity. orthodoxy and catholicism is nothing more than state mandated systems of control. there is a reason why protestantism is the most hated and persecuted people in the world

Catholics are by far the most hated and ridiculed of all Christians.
Orthodoxy is also considered separate by the nation (Greek, Serbian, Russian, etc), allowing for more national identity to be included in it.

stop trying to replace your blood-ethnic identity with a universalist daydream about a (they swear, very soon) coming plane of existence.

ironically the only things we know about pre-Christianized Europe are thanks to the Catholics who mercilessly absorbed various appendages of paganism in order to cow the people into submission. Which while not as admirable as the open nationalism of Orthodoxy, still preserved some aspects of the national characters of the ethnic european races.

catholics are not christians. they are a continuation of the roman empire. they are thoroughly pagan and political. read about the jesuits, theres nothing christian about them, they are power hungry occultists who want world power which is why they hate protestants so much because they were the ones who dealt a major blow to the temporal power of the pope