Hitler was controlled opposition

So the title probably throws people and I know a lot of people here don't think the holocaust happened, but hear me out. It's a different kind of Jewish conspiracy.

In 1941 Rudolf Hess crash landed in the UK to try to make peace with Churchill and explain to the Allies that the Jews had gotten to Hitler. I thought, maybe, what if it was true.

Who was Hitler? He was a WW1 vet with PTSD. He also had a meth addiction. He also is strongly suspected of having syphilis, which if untreated can cause dementia. In short, he was someone with a litany of issues which could make him easily manipulable.

On top of this, the Jew which lived through the Holocaust called it the Shoah, which means catastrophe. The other jew called it the Holocaust, the burnt offering.

So here is my theory. The cabal of jew which make bids on world power manipulated Hitler into perpetrating the holocaust. This was a massive act of human sacrifice to their jew god- maybe satan, i don't know who they pray to. That is why they call it the holocaust. It was a burnt offering of their own people. They did this to gain the victim card which they could use as a shield as they subverted America and the rest of Europe. They also did it to gain the state of Israel, which they then use to further damage western nations by asking for defense and saying "Never again."

All this seems very possible. Thoughts?

Attached: Zen buddhist anti-jew.jpg (924x654, 144K)

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>Hitler was controlled opposition

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ok buddy retard.

The average NPC is saying that Hitler was an evil man who thought up the holocaust out of his own mind and anti-semitic rhetoric. NPC's also repeat what they are told.

I'm saying that the holocaust happened and that the jew orchestrated it by manipulating hitler as a massive act of human sacrifice to gain political power.

If you're calling me a brainlet npc, tell me one other person who has said what I just said above.

That's just a stupid thing to say, and bizarre lies about Hitler are everywhere

I think the whole war arranged to establish the UN and the eventual new world order. And maybe it also was the biggest satanic sacrifice of all time. Hitler probably knew he would lose.

you'll soon learn that most nazis are NPCs

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Sage and kill yourself.

The "Hitler was a psyop" trope is so unbelievably Jewish manufactured to make white people lose interest in hitler

>to make white people lose interest in hitler

why does everything have to hinge on Hitler?

Yeah and this isn't a lie I'm repeating. This is a theory I came up with by focusing on how it is called the holocaust- the burnt offering, by the Jew at large, and how it was called the Shoah- the catastrophe, by the jew who lived through it. Then I thought of how Hess said that the Jew had got to Hitler and that is why he left.

The UN thing sounds likely too. Maybe it was both. I think Hitler was trying to lose as well. Why would he divert men and resources from the front to kill more Jews? Why would he kill the people he could use as slaves in such an inefficient way as gas chambers? If he wasn't going to use them as slaves, he could have had them dig their own graves then use the shovel they used to dig the grave to kill them. Much less resource intensive. He could have focused more attention on winning the wars, then once he had absolute power in Europe gone back to killing the Jews and probably succeeded in it. Because he didn't do that, I kind of think a loss of the war was his goal.

Yeah, I think most nazis are shills for the jew. They give them a shield to hide behind by "creating" the hate that the jews say they fear. They give them something to point at to say "see the anti-semitism is real".

Yes and I'm also saying that the jew was at fault for the holocaust. Does that sound like a jew shill statement?

mind control
most people simply don't have the nuance to say elite jews are a large portion of the NWO but not all of it, everything has to be either black or white for them

I guess we will be learning the truth someday. I'd love to read a history book with the whole true history of humanity. I bet it's nuts.

This. They're trying to make redpilled people hate Hitler too. Bluepills obviously won't like him, so jews have to convince redpilled people to believe Hitler was wrong or something. It's so see through.

when you look into the royals involvement with the nazis, and the british elites role in the establishment of the UN everything starts to make sense

>mind control
maybe, also makes it real easy to keep possible troublemakers in one big controllable group.

i don't get whats so great about Hitler. Pinochet or Franco were way more successful in the long term.

Oh yeah, i probably should have mentioned that too. I don't think that the jews who were killed were in on it. I think it's more like a cabal.

I still don't hate hitler. I think his heart was in the right place but that he was manipulated by jews into doing something that greatly benefited them in the long run. I feel bad for him if anything.

>everything is a scheme against who i like
go back to sleep

Meth wasnt invented then. Amphetamines were. Very different

Killed a bunch of Jews whether intentional or not = failure?
Sorry buddy but there is no real progress as long Jews are in the way.
Also ancap flag so you are either 12 years old or trolling

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meth is an amphetamine, so it's not that different, but if you're right, fair enough, not meth, just a similar drug

>Killed a bunch of Jews whether intentional or not = failure?

Fucked up Germany big time, got millions of Germans killed, Germany lost independence for 80 years=failure

Wasn't worth it. At all.


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To be fair that is just the result of him losing.
If he won, the result obviously would have been much different.
The world was heading in the globohomo direction regardless. Hitler just tried to stop it before it was too late.

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>not an argument

>In 1941 Rudolf Hess crash landed in the UK to try to make peace with Churchill and explain to the Allies that the Jews had gotten to Hitler.
Ahaha, wow.

Dresden was a literal Holocaust.

They attempted many bolshevik revolutions in europe during/after WW1. Including Germany. Ganging up on Hitler was their plan B I guess, but Adi was the real deal. He felt like there was no other choice, which I agree with. It almost worked, too.

>Hitler just tried to stop it

Not really buying it. There was no winning. Not even close. Maybe he knew. Maybe he was just brainwashed or something, doesn't really matter in the end. Shit happened.
On the other side, I wouldn't have been born without the war and I'm pretty damn happy to be born in a first world country.

He tried to fight against time and only managed to accelerate time towards final degeneracy.

What is the alternative? WW2 not existing may have gave us about an extra 30-40 years without degeneracy?
If there is to be a white revolution in the coming years. It is undeniably going to have a lot of inspiration from National Socialism.

Attached: hitler youth.jpg (400x256, 44K)

This my friends is classic pilpul

>going to have a lot of inspiration from National Socialism.

I hope not. I would like to have some true freedom sometime. Sick of people telling me what to think what to do what not to do. National Socialism would be just as controlling as the other forms of government.

Sounds like disinfo. Should we forget that Hitler let the Brits escape at Dunkirk then?