Ban Pewdiepie? Why are Leftys so retarded?
What the fuck is wrong with these People?

Attached: Subscribe 2 Pewdiepie.png (1203x796, 189K)

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The NPC meme is real

What we need to do is to create a disease that all people who we want to survive (such as whites) can survive through medication. This disease will be quick spreading, not a virus (too easy to mutate thus rendering the cure unusable), and will kill those it infects. People will easily die from it, and then we can eradicate the disease, and re-colonize the land formerly belonging to those who died from this "plague". Whites will in effect have entire continents available to them that were never able to be successfully colonized before such as Africa. Medication will only be distributed in one dose portions to be taken on site, to ensure they are not taken and given to others by shitty cucks.

>all we need is genetic warfare that not even governments have access to yet
Any other genius ideas?

they are mentally ill , i´m not kidding

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They're mentally ill and can't cope with anyone who disagrees with their delusions.

>The NPC meme is real
Absolutly and desu i doubt that JewTube will take him down.

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not that hard to accomplish, all we need is someone to slightly mutate an already existing but curable illness and cause it to proliferate quickly, whilst adjusting the cure for the ailment to fit this new mutation. It could actually be done, and in secret. It could be done over, and over again.

exactly, this retards needs to be locked up ....

this reminds me of something shiiiiit

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>from our platforms
Subscribe to PewDiePie

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He's number 1 with subscribers, on a platform where basically ANYONE can start their own channel. They would never, he's too powerful.

why are you such a weaboo hans?

Sorry, didn't mean to sage you.

>Hates man
>loves plants and communism
Now it starts to make sense...

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Ah yes, the notorious white supremacist totally not a jew Felix Shillberg

Envy. It is the root of all leftist motivation.

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Subscribe to Pewdiepie

This is whats so great about post irony. Even though the media specifically said that the nz shooter was fucking around with stuff like 'subscribe to pewdiepie' there's probably a hard cutoff around 100IQ where people (especially women) just can't wrap their heads around it. To them he literally meant 'subscribe to pewdiepie' and there's no way that can mean anything else in their thick heads.

imagine actually believing what women say....theres some crazy fuckin people out there...they just believe women...its absurd.

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>Maria Ruiz
>Roberta Blanc
>Carlos Herrera
I hate spics.

And she is also a fucking Commie:

Once again, so much written in the manifesto is actually happening. In doing so they are going to get even more people to lean over towards the political right because so many others overreach in their retarded efforts to censor and gain control.